When preparing a patient for an ecg, what should you tell the patient? quizlet

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When preparing a patient for an ecg, what should you tell the patient? quizlet

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When preparing a patient for an ecg, what should you tell the patient? quizlet

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Choose a flat, nonmuscular area
Use the forearms and ankles for the limb leads if at all possible
Alternate sites include the upperarms near the shoulders (deltoids) and upper legs
prep the skin with an electrolyte pad, if available
when necessary, cleanse the electrode sites with an alcohol pad, mild soap and water, or electrolyte pad
dry the skin completely before applying the electrodes
if the patient is diaphoretic (sweaty), consider using antiperspirant, tincture of benzoin, or mastisol to help pads remain adhered to the patient's skin
clip hair, instead of shaving, use tape to remove cut hairs
shave the hair from the site only if necessary such as during an emergency

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When preparing a patient for an ECG The procedure includes the following except?

Proper preparation of the patient includes the following EXCEPT: Place the electrodes or sensors over bony prominences of the arms and legs where the electrical activity is more easily conducted.

Which action would the nurse take when preparing a patient for electrocardiography electrode placement?

Before placing your electrodes, it is very important to prepare the subject's skin by wiping the chest area thoroughly with skin cleansing (alcohol) swabs. This removes any oil that may be on the skin and which can cause drift in your ECG/EKG signals.

What information must be included on the ECG requisition quizlet?

What information must be included on the ECG requisition? Name, birth date, identification number or medical record number, age, sex, race, current cardiac medication being taken, weight and height, special condition or position of the patient.

What should be done to prepare the room and equipment prior to an ECG?

Make sure the temperature in the exam room is comfortable for the patient. If the room is too cold, the patient may shiver causing artifact or muscle tremors on the ECG. Identify the electrode sites and thoroughly shave all body hair from the electrode sites, refer to the diagram below.