When measuring a clients axillary temperature the nurse would position the thermometer at which location?

  • School Northwest Arkansas Community College
  • Course Title NURS 9108
  • Pages 20
  • Ratings 100% (5) 5 out of 5 people found this document helpful

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Quiz Answers1When taking a tympanic temperature on a client, the nurse should place the thermometerinto the client's ear at what angle?

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Remediation:For further review, watch "Measuring a Tympanic Temperature."2The nurse is providing care to a client who has a low platelet and white blood cell count.When assessing the client's temperature, which method would method would becontraindicated?

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Remediation:For further review, watch "Measuring an Axillary Temperature."3The nurse is preparing to measure a client's rectal temperature. Which supplies andequipment should the nurse have available before beginning the procedure? Select all thatapply.

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Remediation:For further review, read "Skill 2-1: Assessing Body Temperature."

4The nurse has taken a client's temperature using a tympanic thermometer. What shouldthe nurse do?

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Remediation:For further review, watch "Measuring a Tympanic Temperature."5The nurse is preparing to assess a client's oral temperature. The nurse should plan toplace the thermometer probe in which areas of the client's mouth?

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How do you measure a client's axillary temperature?

Place the thermometer in the client's armpit (OER #1), on bare skin, as high up into the axilla as possible, with the point facing behind the client. Ask the client to lower his/her arm and leave the device in place for as long as is indicated by the device manufacturer (OER #1).

When taking a tympanic temperature on a client the nurse should place the thermometer?

When taking a tympanic temperature on a client, the nurse should place the thermometer into the client's ear at what angle? Toward the jawline. The nurse has taken a client's temperature using a tympanic thermometer.

Which action should the nurse perform when taking an axillary temperature?

Place thermometer tip in the centre of the armpit over the axillary artery, ensuring skin is dry and intact prior to probe placement. Place the patient's arm securely against their body. Turn thermometer on. For a more accurate reading, wait >3 minutes with thermometer in situ before obtaining a measurement.