When descent derives from both mothers and fathers lines equally it is called quizlet?

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When descent derives from both mothers and fathers lines equally it is called quizlet?

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When descent derives from both mothers and fathers lines equally it is called quizlet?

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When descent derives from both mothers and fathers lines equally it is called quizlet?

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When descent derives from both mothers and fathers lines equally it is called quizlet?

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When descent derives from both mothers and fathers lines equally it is called quizlet?

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When descent derives from both mothers and fathers lines equally it is called quizlet?

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When descent derives from both mothers and fathers lines equally it is called quizlet?

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When descent derives from both mothers and fathers lines equally it is called quizlet?

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When descent derives from both mothers and fathers lines equally it is called quizlet?

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When descent derives from both mothers and fathers lines equally it is called quizlet?

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When descent derives from both mothers and fathers lines equally it is called quizlet?

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When descent derives from both mothers and fathers lines equally it is called quizlet?

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What is the main cause of the differences between patrilineal and matrilineal societies in terms of the kinds of bonds people maintain with their own kinship group after marriage?

In societies with matrilineal descent system, women bear children who are members of their husband's descent group, whereas in patrilineal systems, their children are members of their own descent group.

In societies with matrilineal descent systems, a woman becomes a member of her husband's descent group when they get married, whereas in patrilineal systems, a man becomes a member of his wife's descent group when he marries.

In societies with patrilineal descent systems, a woman becomes a member of her husband's descent group when they get married, whereas in matrilineal systems, a man becomes a member of his wife's descent group when he marries.

In societies with patrilineal descent system, women bear children who are members of their husband's descent group, whereas in matrilineal systems, their children are members of their own descent group.

When descent derives from both the mother and the father's lines it called?

Bilateral descent is a system of family lineage in which the relatives on the mother's side and father's side are equally important for emotional ties or for transfer of property or wealth. It is a family arrangement where descent and inheritance are passed equally through both parents.

When descent derives from both mother's and father's lines equally it is called quizlet?

Cognatic Descent: a system of bilateral kinship where relations are traced through both a father and mother.

What is patrilineal and Bilineal?

A bilineal system is one in which two lines of descent, matrilineal and patrilineal, are both socially sig- nificant. Succession, inheritance, and so forth, is for some things patrilineal, and for others matrilineal. A person is a member of two unilineal descent groups, and residence generally follows one of them.

What is matrilineal descent quizlet?

matrilineal descent - descent traced exclusively through the female line to establish group membership. in matrilineal societies, the responsibility of continuing group existence falls on the female members of the group, whose importance is thus enhanced.