When an infant seeks out information from others to clarify a situation and then use that information to act on is called what?

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Terms in this set (124)

Grasping an object using the hand and fingers, but not the thumb, is called the:

Palmer grasp

In the Strange Situation, a child with an ambivalent attachment will typically:

Cling to the caregiver, be upset when the caregiver leaves, but remain upset when the caregiver returns

Rates of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome began to decline significantly in the mid-1990s after the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that:

Babies be put to bed on their backs

Piaget's sensorimotor period has six substages. In which substage does the infant begin to interact with objects in the environment, first accidentally and then deliberately?

Secondary circular reactions

The average American baby will _________ their birth weight by the time they turn 1 year old.


Which typically develops first in infants, the palmer grasp or the pincer grasp?


Which term refers to our ability to move our bodies and manipulate objects?

Motor skills

The _________ reflex involves turning the head when the cheek is touched.


In the United States, the most common attachment style appears to be:


Hiromi sees a toy car under the kitchen table and then crawls, reaches, and grabs the toy. Which of Piaget's substages is she illustrating here?

Coordination of secondary circular reactions

Newborns prefer to hear ______ voice over other voices.

Their their mother's

The realization that you are separate from others is called:


According to Erikson, if a caregiver is overly anxious about the toddler's actions for fear that the child will get hurt or violate others' expectations, the toddler may fail to successfully achieve:


Early malnutrition is associated with:

Attention problems
Behavioral issues at school
Lower IQ scores
>>>All of the above<<<

The set of rules we use to obtain meaning from morphemes is called:


The set of rules of a language by which we construct sentencesis called:


The average newborn in the United States weighs about _______ pounds.


In Chess and Thomas' system for classifying infant temperaments, a(n) __________ infant is described as being one who reacts negatively to new situations, has trouble adapting to routine, is usually negative in mood, and cries frequently.


The process whereby infants seek out information from others to clarify a situation and then use that information to act is called:

Social referencing

________ are branching extensions that collect information from other neurons.


________ believed we learn language through association and reinforcement.


A string of one or more phonemes that makes up the smallest units of meaning in a language is called a:


The _________ lobe is responsible primarily for thinking, planning, memory, and judgment.


Thinking that a label applies to all objects that are similar to the original object, such as thinking that "Mama" applies to every woman regardless of her relation to you, is called:


The process of fitting new information into an existing schema is called:


The _________ lobe processes visual information.


Newborns can distinguish between sour, bitter, sweet, and salty flavors and show a preference for_________ flavors.


The _________ lobe is responsible for hearing and language.


According to your textbook, which of the following is NOT a sign that an infant is ready for solid foods?

Has developed at least four teeth

A newborns' visual acuity is about:


Infants begin to smile at other people who engage their positive attention at around:

Two months of age

According to your textbook, holophrasic speech is defined as:

One-word expressions

In the Strange Situation, a child with an avoidant attachment will typically:

Avoid or ignore the mother and show little reaction when separated or reunited

The formation of connections between neurons is called:


Infants are innately ready to respond to the sounds of any language, but some of this ability will be lost by 7 or 8 months as the infant becomes familiar with the sounds of a particular language and less sensitive to sounds that are part of an unfamiliar language. This is consistent with the concept of:

Synaptic pruning

The term _________ refers to how well the interaction styles and communication patterns between infants and their parents match.

Goodness of fit

________ believed we learn language through observation and imitation.


In the Strange Situation, a child with a disorganized attachment will typically:

Behave in inconsistent ways, such as approaching the mother and then freezing

A(n) _________ attachment develops when there is consistent contact from one or more caregivers who meet the physical and emotional needs of the child in a responsive and appropriate manner.


Babies learn to hold their heads up before they learn to walk. This is an example of _________ development.


Which term refers to the brain's ability to change, both physically and chemically, to enhance its adaptability to environmental change and compensate for injury?


_________ is the surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis.


In Piaget's theory of cognitive development, a framework for organizing information is referred to as a(n):

NOT Schema

A measurement technique in which a large number of behaviors are recorded on cards and the observer sorts the cards in a way that reflects the type of behavior that occurs within the situation is called:

not analysis of covartation

In general, women who breastfeed have:

Lower rates of breast and ovarian cancer
Uterine contractions that help the uterus regain its normal size
Reduced risk of developing Type 2 diabetes
>>>All of the above<<<

The term __________ refers to the innate characteristics of the infant, including mood, activity level, and emotional reactivity, noticeable soon after birth.


The process through which neural connections are reduced, thereby making those that are used much stronger, is called:

Synaptic pruning

___________ is a parental presence that gives the child a sense of safety as the child explores the surroundings.

Secure base

_______ motor skills focus on large muscle groups that control our head, torso, arms and legs and involve larger movements.


During the Strange Situation, Nnenne clings to her mother, is upset when her mother leaves, but does not calm down her mother returns. Her attachment style can best be described as:


Fear in response to the presence of a stranger is called:

Stranger wariness

When we refer to infant sleep as "polyphasic", we mean that:

Infants sleep in several periods throughout the day instead of just one long time period at night

The process whereby we use strategies to control our emotional states so that we can attain goals is called:

Emotional self-regulation

According to your textbook, babbling is defined as:

Intentional vocalizations that lack specific meaning and comprise a consonant-vowel repeated sequence

Children are at risk for developing reactive attachment disorder if they:

Repeatedly change primary caregivers
Experience social neglect or deprivation
Are reared in institutional settings
>>>All of the above<<<

Fear in response to the departure of significant others is called:

Separation anxiety

Myelin is:

A coating of fatty tissues around the axon of the neuron

The "little scientist" substage of Piaget's sensorimotor period is also called:

Tertiary circular reactions

Piaget's sensorimotor period has six substages. In which substage does the infant begin to actively involve their own body in some form of repeated activity?

NOT Secondary circular reactions

Typically, infants can perceive depth in both real life and pictures by:

6 months of age

Carmen has a dog at home and so is familiar with what a dog is. She sees a bear for the first time and says "Doggie!" Her sister says "No, that's a bear", and Carmen now has separate schemas for dogs and bears. What process is being described here?


The electrical signal traveling down the axon is called the:

Action potential

The first word of English-speaking children tend to be:


__________ development occurs from head to tail.


We use contextual information, the information surrounding language, to help us interpret it. Examples of contextual information include:

Our own knowledge
Facial expressions
>>>All of the above<<<

Freud believed that infants became attached to their mothers because:

He believed that infants gained pleasure from sucking and mouthing objects, so the person who fed them would become their source of security and comfort

infant-directed speech involves:

Using a high-pitched voice
Exaggerating the vowel and consonant sounds
Using facial expressions
>>>All of the above<<<

Approximately how much time does a newborn sleep during a 24-hour period?

16 hours

Malik has a dog at home and so is familiar with what a dog is. He sees a bear for the first time and says "Doggie!" What process is he using?


Children with _________ have diets deficient in protein, usually because another baby has been born and taken over breastfeeding.


____________ is the process in which different functions become localized primarily on one side of the brain.


Infant-directed speech is also called:

NOT Telegraphic speech

In general, babies who are fed breast milk have:

Fewer instances of diarrhea and upset stomachs
Lower rates of asthma, diabetes, and SIDS
Lower rates of ear and respiratory infections
>>>All of the above<<<

In Chomsky's terms, how an idea is represented in the fundamental universal grammar that is common to all languages is called the:

Deep structure

According to Erikson, which of the following is required in order for infants to successfully resolve the crisis of Trust vs. Mistrust?

Not all of the above

During the Strange Situation, Chaska explores the environment, is upset when his mother leaves, and is comforted when she returns. His attachment style can best be described as:


Running and jumping are examples of _________ motor skills.


__________ are involuntary movements in response to stimulation.


____________, an area of the brain next to the auditory cortex, is responsible for language comprehension.

Wernicke's area

The infant's need for physical closeness and touching is referred to as

Contact comfort

The cortex is:

The thin outer covering of the brain involved in voluntary activity and thinking

In Chess and Thomas' system for classifying infant temperaments, a(n) __________ infant is described as being able to quickly adapt to routine and new situations, remains calm, is easy to soothe, and usually is in a positive mood.


The smallest unit of sound that makes a meaningful difference in a language is called a:


The _________ reflex involves the toes fanning out and curling when the sole of the foot is stroked from heel to toe.


Using a spoon is an example of a ________ motor skill.


reflexes are useful because they:

Offer pediatricians insight into the maturation and health of the nervous system
Are important to feeding (such as the rooting and sucking reflexes)
Are primitive forms of voluntary behaviors (such as grasping and stepping)
All of the above

Deferred imitation is:

Imitation of actions after a time delay

Infants typically prefer to look at:

Faces instead of other patterns
Patterns instead of solid colors
Unusual images instead of familiar ones
All of the above

According to your textbook, cooing is defined as:

A one-syllable combination of a consonant and a vowel sound

Infants will best be able to see things that:

Are close to their faces (instead of far away)
Have big patterns (instead of small ones)
Contain high contrast colors like black and white (instead of pastels)
>>>All of the above<<<

The term "synaptic blooming" refers to:

The improvement in cognitive an motor skills as a result of synapse formation

In Chess and Thomas' system for classifying infant temperaments, which type is most common?


Utterances such as "Mommy go" or "Daddy shoe" are examples of:

NOT Jargon or babbling

The _________ lobe is responsible primarily for processing information about touch.


Being able to overcome challenges and successfully adapt is called:


In the Strange Situation, a child with a secure attachment will typically:

Explore the environment, be upset when the caregiver leaves, and calm down when the caregiver returns

Thinking that a word can be used for only that particular object, such as thinking that "Mama" refers only to your own mother and no one else, is called:


During the Strange Situation, Mei pays little attention to her mother and doesn't seem to care whether or not she's present. Her attachment style can best be described as:


The inability to recall memories from the first few years of life is called:

Infantile amnesia

Your book defines "language" as:

A system of communication that uses symbols in a regular way to create meaning

A(n) _________ attachment is often seen in children who have been abused.


How we communicate effectively and appropriately with others is called:


Decreased responsiveness to a stimulus after repeated presentations is called:


The diagnosis for an infant who does not grow, develop, or gain weight on schedule is:

Non-organic failure to thrive

________ believed we learn language due to a hardwired knowledge of the rules of language that is part of our biological makeup.


In Chomsky's terms, how an idea is expressed in any one language is called the:

Surface structure

The process of expanding the framework of knowledge to accommodate the new situation is called:


___________ is the close bond with a caregiver from which the infant derives a sense of security.


Grasping an object using the forefinger and thumb is called the:

Pincer grasp

As we progress from infancy into adulthood, our head makes up ________ of our body length.


A(n) _________ attachment occurs when the caregiver does not provide care and cannot be relied upon for comfort.


Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is identified when:

The death of a healthy infant occurs suddenly and unexpectedly, and medical and forensic investigation findings (including an autopsy) are inconclusive

____________, an area in front of the left hemisphere near the motor cortex, is responsible for language production.

Broca's area

The term __________ refers to an individual's consistent pattern of feeling, thinking, and behaving.


The first stage of cognitive development in Piaget's theory is the:

Sensorimotor period

During the Strange Situation, Iyad seems disoriented in the environment, is upset when his mother leaves, but ignores her when she returns. His attachment style can best be described as:


_______ motor skills focus on the muscles in our fingers, toes, and eyes, and enable coordination of small actions.


According to your textbook, receptive language is defined as:

The infant understanding more than they can say



__________ is the understanding that even if something is out of sight, it still exists.

Object permanence

A(n) ___________ attachment occurs when the parent is insensitive and responds inconsistently to the child's needs.

Disorganized NOT

_________ refers to starvation due to a lack of calories and protein.

Infantile marasmus

The ability to experience emotions such as shame and pride requires the development of:

A self-concept



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What is social referencing in child development?

Definition Social referencing refers to the process wherein infants use the affective displays of an adult to regulate their behaviors toward environmental objects, persons, and situations. Social referencing represents one of the major mecha- nisms by which infants come to understand the world around them.

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Babies express their emotions through their posture, voice and facial expressions from birth. These attitudes help their carers adapt their behaviour to the baby's emotional state. A baby's tears, for example, may be an expression of his or her distress and primary needs (to be fed or changed or to lie down).

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Social referencing is when infants read facial expressions to help them make decisions. Social referencing starts between eight and ten months of age, while infants use visual information obtained from their parents' or caregivers' faces to help them understand different situations.

What occurs when the caregiver and the infant focus on the same object or event?

Joint attention: Situations in which caregivers and infants and toddlers share the same focus and interest on an object or topic are referred to as episodes of joint attention.