What were the causes and effects of the conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union quizlet?

-English colonists ran out of land, wanted to move west
-French & English both claim Ohio River Valley
-Native Americans & French are upset that the English colonists moved onto their land

- French & Native Americans vs. England, English & some Natives

-War costs a lot of money. The country must pay for soldiers, supplies, weapons
-Britain gains control of the Ohio Valley and other land the French claimed
-The new British land in the West is full of unhappy Native Americans who just lost a war and some of their land

Leads to American Revolution Eventually

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Terms in this set (91)

Soviet Union

After World War ll, the Allies temporarily divided Germany into 4 zones of occupation, with about one-third of the country controlled by _______________

Nuremburg Trials

Former Nazi and military leaders were brought to justice at the _______________________________ for crimes committed during the war

Potsdam Conference

At the _________________________________ in the summer of 1945, the major Allied powers argued over what to do with Eastern Europe

Cold War

Soon after World War ll, the United States and the Soviet Union entered an era of hostility and tension, which became known as the ___________

Iron Curtain

In a speech in the US, Winston Churchill used the image of an ______________________ tp describe the division of Europe die to Soviet actions

Marshall Plan

In 1947, President Truman announced that the US would provide economic and military aid to oppose the spread of communism. This pledge became known as the _____________________________

Truman Doctrine

The _____________________ provided $13 billion for rebuilding Europe after World War ll

Warsaw Pact

Soviet Union and the Communist nations of Eastern Europe formed their own alliance, known as _______________________

Berlin Airlift

In June 1948, Western leaders organized the ____________________________ to provide supplies to West Berlin, which was cut off by the Soviets


Communist Chinese troops fought on the side of __________ Korea in the Korean War

hydrogen bomb

Destructive weapon powered by fusion

arms race

Struggle between nations to gain an advantage in weapons


History's first artificial satellite

Berlin Wall

Barrier built to stop East Germans from fleeing to the West

Bay of pigs invasion

Failed event in which US officials trained Cuban forces to invade Cuba and start an uprising against Castro

Test Ban Treaty

Confrontation between the US and the Soviet Union over the installation of Soviet nuclear missiles near Florida

nonaligned nations

countries who refused to support either side during the Cold War


reduce tension between the superpowers

Open skies treaty

United States proposal that would allow the United States and the Soviet Union to fly over each other's territory and gather information about it's weapons

intermediate range nuclear forces treaty

agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union call me for the elimination of certain types of missiles

Tehran Conference

1943; USSR was guaranteed to be the only power to liberate Eastern Europe

Yalta Conference

1945; Stalin pledged to allow democratic elections in Eastern Europe - Germany would be divided into four zones controlled by the US, France, Britain, and the USSR - after the war, the Soviets dominated there zone and did not allow the reunification of Germany

Potsdamn Conference

United States President Harry Truman demanded free elections in Eastern Europe but Stalin refused - Stalin wanted a buffer zone between Germany in the USSR for protection against a future war

Northern Iran

in 1946 tension screw with the Soviet failure to remove trips from ____________

East = _______
West = ________



The Berlin airlift was a _______, and the Soviets called off the blockade of Berlin in May 1949

Douglas MacArthur

United Nations forces led by American general ___________ carried out a daring invasion at Inchon behind enemy lines


a strategy based on ____________ , the development of or maintenance of military power to deter or prevent an attack

Symbolizes the brutality

The berlin wall _____________________ of the communists systems


after a two-week standoff Soviet leaders remove the missiles when the United States agreed to remove US missiles from

missile defense system

Ronald Ragan took an aggressive position against the Soviet union and spoke of developing a

intermediate range nuclear forces treaty

in 1988 the two countries ratified the ____________________________ called for the elimination of certain types of missiles

Nikita Krushchev

In 1958, ____________________ became the leader of the Soviet Union and made an effort to "de-Stalinize" the Soviet Union but still committed to communism

basic industries

the command economy system had worked when the country was establishing its ______ but as these expanded, central planning proved inefficient

Mikhail Gorbachev

when _______________ came to power in the soviet union in 1985 he saw the need for change




a willingness to discuss openly the soviet union's problems




referred to the reform of the soviet economic and political system

List things Gorbachev did

- he pursued arms control agreements with the US
- reduced central planning of the Soviet economy and introduced some free market mechanisms
- pulled troops out of Eastern Europe region and urged local leaders to adopt reforms

Velvet Revolution

In Czechoslovakia the ________________________ pushed the Communists out of power


When did the Berlin Wall fall?

Berlin Wall

In 1989 the strongest symbol of Soviet repression and of the cold war itself---- the ________________ had finally fallen

Solidarity Movement

In Poland the ______________________________ forced free elections, and in 1990 Lech Walesa was elected president

Ronald Reagan

Who said, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" ?

Boris Yeltsin

In December, __________________ became the first popularly elected leader of the country


the formation of ___________________ in 1949 helped unify many European nations in a strong military alliance with the United States and Canada

European Economic Community

in 1956

European Free Trade Association


Common Wealth of Independent States

Republics remained economically connected for a few years via the _____________________________ (CIS)


who assumed the soviet union's seat in the united nations security council

December 25, 1991

when did the USSR dissolve into 15 separate republics

it wanted a buffer zone of friendly governments to protect against attack

The Soviet Union wanted to control Eastern Europe after World War ll because

to contain communist expansion

what was the goal of the united states when it went to war in Korea

to slow the development of new, more deadly weapons

why did President Kennedy favor the test ban treaty

consumer spending

what helped drive the tremendous growth of the US economy after World War ll

the united states provided massive economic aid

one reason western Europe made a rapid recovery from world war ll was because

ethnic tensions coupled with a weakening government

what caused the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s

was that Gorbachev loosened soviet control

one reason revolution spread across eastern Europe in 1989

warsaw pact

the soviet union and the communist nations of eastern Europe formed the _______________________- in response to the formation of NATO

arms race

an _______________ is a struggle between nations to gain an advantage in weapons


Fidel Castro alarmed the US government when he installed a _________________ government in Cuba

M L King

______________ used techniques of nonviolence and civil disobedience to expose racial injustice in the United States


in the 1960's, young people in the ______________________ adopted new styles of clothing and behavior and questioned US actions in the Vietnam War


Under communism, the Soviet Union had a ___________ economy, a system in which the government makes all economic decisions

Al Qaeda

Osama bin Laden led an Islamist terrorist organization called ____________


the united states used the Truman doctrine and the marshal plan as part of a policy of containment


the success of the berlin airlift was followed by the formation of the federal republic of Germany


at the close of the 1950's Americans thought they had a technological edge over the soviets


the people of eastern Europe all benefited immediately from the end of communism and the introduction of market reforms

soviet expansion in eastern europe

after 1945, a source of continuing conflict among the world war ll allies was

to help western Europe make a rapid recovery and maintain political stability

what was the purpose of the marshal plan?

organizing the berlin airlift

western leaders responded to the soviet union's blockade of west berlin by

unite Korea under communism

what was North Korea's goal in the Korean War

a stalemate

the Korean War resulted in

the US government

during the Red Scare, Senator Joseph McCarthy wanted to expose communists in

the united states

the first nation to test a hydrogen bomb was


up until world war ll, Vietnam was under colonial rule of

trigger an uprising against Fidel Castro

the Bay of Pigs invasion aimed to

stop the exodus of people from east to west Germany

the Berlin Wall was build to

limits on nuclear weapons

the SALT l and ll talks led to

higher energy costs

In the 1970s, the US economy was affected by

the civil rights movement

a series of actions and events meant to end injustice toward African Americans was called

the separation of Quebec from Canada

In Canada during the 1960s, growing nationalism among French-speaking residents of Quebec brought calls for

a shift to a command economy across Europe

Which contributed to a decline in longstanding rivalries among the nations of western Europe

it stressed heavy industry at the expense of consumer goods

the Soviet economy faltered in the 1980s because

was an anti-communist movement

The Polish organization Solidarity

the soviet union collapsed

the cold war ended when

ethnic unrest

after the cold war ended, East European nations experienced unstable economies and ___________

the failure of many dot-coms

which contributed to a slowdown in the US economy at the end of the 1990s

Cause and Effect of the Cold War

During World War ll, the US and the Soviet Union had many disagreements. They had different political and economic systems. Different goals for postwar Germany and Eastern Europe. These different things helped cause the Cold War. During the Cold War, the Soviet tried to expand communism to Eastern Europe which caused tension between them and the US because the US was a democracy and didn't want communism to spread even more than it already had. All of this ended up causing many political and military struggles around the would. Countries needed economic aid and more weapons for protection. It also caused an increase to military spending which ended up leading to an arms race between the US and the Soviet Union to try to have the best weapons before the other, and ended up presenting danger of a nuclear war.

Recommended textbook solutions

What were the causes and effects of the conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union quizlet?

Impact California Social Studies World History, Culture, and Geography The Modern World

Jackson J. Spielvogel

1,440 solutions

What were the causes and effects of the conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union quizlet?

World History

Savvas Learning Co

971 solutions

What were the causes and effects of the conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union quizlet?

World History: Connections to Today

1st EditionAnthony Esler, Elisabeth Gaynor Ellis

2,064 solutions

What were the causes and effects of the conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union quizlet?

World History: Connections to Today, Volume 1

1st EditionPrentice Hall

955 solutions

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2 answers

What were the causes and effects of the conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union?

Historians have identified several causes that led to the outbreak of the Cold War, including: tensions between the two nations at the end of World War II, the ideological conflict between both the United States and the Soviet Union, the emergence of nuclear weapons, and the fear of communism in the United States.

What was the conflict between the US and Soviet Union?

What was the Cold War? The Cold War was an ongoing political rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies that developed after World War II. This hostility between the two superpowers was first given its name by George Orwell in an article published in 1945.

What were some of the effects of the rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union?

The Cold War led to the emergence of capitalist U.S. and communist USSR as the two world superpowers with profound political and economic differences (Northrup, 2011). Their different economic systems have had enormous impacts to themselves and the rest of the world during the Cold War.

What events caused tension between US and Soviet Union?

The feuding began after World War II, mostly regarding political and economic power. After the destruction that World War II caused, the United States and the Soviet Union were left standing. Gaining control of countries was sought after, even if the countries weren't benefiting them in any way.