What type of product is marketed to consumers who may not yet recognize a need for them quizlet?

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What type of product is marketed to consumers who may not yet recognize a need for them quizlet?

Politics in States and Communities

15th EditionSusan A. MacManus, Thomas R. Dye

177 solutions

What type of product is marketed to consumers who may not yet recognize a need for them quizlet?

Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, Being

13th EditionMichael R Solomon

449 solutions

What type of product is marketed to consumers who may not yet recognize a need for them quizlet?

Politics in States and Communities

15th EditionSusan A. MacManus, Thomas R. Dye

177 solutions

What type of product is marketed to consumers who may not yet recognize a need for them quizlet?

Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being, Global Edition

12th EditionMichael R Solomon

245 solutions

The function of informing, persuading, and influencing the consumer's purchase decision is known as _____.
Ineffective promotional appeals, inappropriate advertising media, or poor radio or television reception that interferes with the transmission of the message and reduce its effectiveness are examples of _____ in a communication channel.
Paid, nonpersonal communication through various media about a business firm, a not-for-profit organization, product, or idea by a sponsor identified in a message intended to inform or persuade members of a particular audience is called _____.
Marketing activity other than personal selling, advertising, guerrilla marketing, and public relations that stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer effectiveness is called _____.
-sales promotion
Nonpersonal stimulation of demand for a good, service, person, cause, or organization through the unpaid placement of significant news about it in a published or broadcast medium is called _____.
_____ is unconventional, innovative, and low-cost marketing techniques designed to get consumers' attention in unusual ways.
-guerrilla marketing
A relationship in which an organization provides funds or in-kind resources to an event or activity in exchange for a direct association with that event or activity is called a(n) _____.
Promotion of a concept, an idea, a philosophy, or the goodwill of an industry, company, organization, person, geographic location, or government agency is called _____.
-institutional marketing
The promotion that seeks to develop initial demand for a good, service, organization, person, place, idea, or cause is called _____.
-informative advertising
The promotion that attempts to increase demand for an existing good, service, organization, person, place, idea, or cause is called _____.
-persuasive advertising
Advertising by stores that sell goods or services directly to the consuming public is called _____.
-retail advertising
A strategy in which a retailer shares advertising costs with a manufacturer or wholesaler is known as _____.
-cooperative advertising
_____ involves two-way promotional messages transmitted through communication channels that induce message recipients to participate actively in the promotional effort.
-interactive advertising
Banners have evolved into a more target-specific technique for Internet advertising with the advent of _____ which are messages that appear on the screen at exactly the right moment.
Setting the timing and sequence for a series of advertisements is called _____.
-media scheduling
Focused public relations activities that directly support marketing goals are called _____.
-marketing public relations
The promotional technique in which marketing partners share the cost of a promotional campaign that meets their mutual needs is known as _____.
Research that evaluates an ad during its development stage is called _____.
Research that assesses advertising effectiveness after it has appeared in a print or broadcast medium is called _____.
_____ are methods of testing alternate ads by dividing a cable TV audience using two different ads and then evaluating the relative effectiveness of each.
-split runs

Sets with similar terms

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What type of product is marketed to consumers who may not yet recognize a need for them quizlet?

Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection

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What type of product is marketed to consumers who may not yet recognize a need for them quizlet?

Mathematics with Business Applications

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What type of product is marketed to consumers who may not yet recognize a need for them quizlet?

Business Math

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What type of product is marketed to consumers who may not yet recognize a need for them quizlet?

Mathematics with Business Applications

5th EditionMcGraw-Hill Education

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What are the categories of products that can be marketed give an example for at least three of the categories?

What are the categories of products that can be marketed? Give an example for at least three of the categories. The categories are goods (durable and nondurable), services, organizations, experiences/events, places, ideas, information, and people.

How a product gets to customers is known as?

Place (or distribution) This refers to how the product gets to the customer; the distribution channels and intermediaries such as wholesalers and retailers who enable customers to access products or services in a convenient manner.

Which product would generally be classified as a staple?

The term consumer staples refers to a set of essential products used by consumers. This category includes things like foods and beverages, household goods, and hygiene products as well as alcohol and tobacco.

Why do marketers classify goods and services quizlet?

Marketers classify goods and services by considering the purchase patterns of the majority of buyers. The seller's image is very important for those marketers who sell convenience products. Convenience of location is unimportant to a consumer who wants to buy a specialty product.