What structure is in profile on the lateral side of the proximal humerus on the AP projection of the humerus?

Citation, DOI & article data


Shetty, A., Murphy, A. Humerus (AP view). Reference article, Radiopaedia.org. (accessed on 08 Sep 2022) https://doi.org/10.53347/rID-35282

The AP view of the humerus is part of the humerus series and is usually taken in a standing position. However, it can also be obtained in a supine position.

The projection demonstrates the humerus in its natural anatomical position allowing for adequate radiographic examination of the entire humerus and its respected articulations. 

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Humerus views are often done to exclude large humeral shaft fractures or suspected symptomatic metastatic lesions 1. If an occult fracture is suspected at either the proximal or distal end, it is best to do a separate elbow or shoulder series. 

  • the patient is preferably erect
  • the patient's back is against the image receptor
  • the affected arm is abducted and centered to the upright detector, if possible, the arm is slight externally rotated to mimic the true anatomical position
  • anteroposterior projection
  • centering point
    • mid humerus shaft
  • collimation
    • superior to the skin margins above the glenohumeral joint
    • inferior to include the distal humerus including the elbow joint
    • lateral to include the skin margin 
    • medial to include skin margin 
  • orientation  
    • portrait
  • detector size
    • 35 cm x 43 cm
  • exposure
    • 60-70 kVp
    • 7-15 mAs
  • SID
    • 100 cm
  • grid
    • yes (this can vary departmentally)

The humerus is positioned AP, evidenced by the medial and lateral epicondyles seen in profile and the greater tuberosity being seen on the lateral aspect of the humerus. The shaft is abducted away from the patient's body, minimizing superimposition

It is best to show the patient how you want their arm to rest for the projection. Often, you will have to rotate the light beam diaphragm to be aligned with the long axis of the humerus.


What anatomic structure is shown in profile on an lateral projection of the humerus?

Upper Extremeties.

What structure is found on the lateral aspect of the proximal end of the humerus?

The greater tuberosity it is located lateral to the head at the proximal end. The lesser tuberosity is located inferior to the head, on the anterior part of the humerus, Its very prominent and palpable.

What structure is in profile on the medial surface of the proximal humerus when positioning a lateral humerus?

Lesser tubercle is superimposed over humeral head. Internal rotation is evident by lesser tubercle visualized in full profile on the medial aspect of humerus.

What is the structure of the humerus on the proximal epiphysis of the humerus?

The proximal humerus is composed of four distinct anatomic segments: 1) the shaft of the humerus, 2) the greater tuberosity, 3) the lesser tuberosity, and 4) the articular or head segment. These segments correspond to the four ossification centers of the proximal humerus.