What is the term used to describe the physical emotional cognitive and behavioral responses to events that are threatening or challenging?

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What is the term used to describe the physical emotional cognitive and behavioral responses to events that are threatening or challenging?

Psychology: Themes and Variations

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What is the term used to describe the physical emotional cognitive and behavioral responses to events that are threatening or challenging?

A Concise Introduction To Logic

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What is the term used to describe the physical emotional cognitive and behavioral responses to events that are threatening or challenging?

Cognitive Psychology

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What is the term used to describe the physical emotional cognitive and behavioral responses to events that are threatening or challenging?

Cognitive Psychology

5th EditionE Bruce Goldstein

What is a process by which we perceive and respond to certain events called stressors that we appraise as threatening or challenging?

stress the process by which we perceive and respond to certain events, called stressors, that we appraise as threatening or challenging. Thus, stress is the process of appraising an event as threatening or challenging, and responding to it (Lazarus, 1998).

Is the psychological experience produced by urgent demands or expectations for a person's behavior that come from an outside source?

Pressure is the psychological experience produced by urgent demands or expectations for a person's behavior, originating from an outside source.

What appraisal involves judging whether a stressor is either a threat or a challenge?

Primary appraisal involves determining whether the stressor poses a threat. Secondary appraisal involves the individual's evaluation of the resources or coping strategies at his or her disposal for addressing any perceived threats.

What refers to the effect of unpleasant and undesirable stressors?

Distress. The effect of unpleasant and undesirable stressors.