What is the term for the tendency once a response has been conditioned for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit similar responses?

Learning: An adaptive process in which the tendency to perform a particular behaviour is changed by experience. Orienting response: Any response by which an organism directs appropriate sensory organs (eyes, ears, nose) toward the source of a novel stimulus.

Habituation: The simplest form of learning; learning not to respond to an unimportant event that occurs repeatedly. Classical conditioning: The process by which the response normally elicited by one stimulus (the UCS) comes to be controlled by another stimulus (the CS) as well.

Classical Conditioning: The process by which a response normally elicited by one stimulus (the UCS) comes to be controlled by another stimulus (the CS) as well.

Unconditional stimulus (UCS): In classical conditioning, a stimulus, such as food, that naturally elicits a reflective response, such as salivation.

Unconditional response (UCR): In classical conditioning, a response, such as salivation, that is naturally elicited by the USC.

Conditional stimulus (CS): In classical conditioning, a stimulus which, because of its repeated association with the UCS, eventually elicits a conditional response (CR).

Conditional response (CR): In classical conditioning, the response elicited by the CS.

Acquisition: In classical conditioning, the time during which a CR first appears and increases in frequency.

Extinction:In classical conditioning, the elimination of a response that occurs when the CS is repeatedly presented without being followed by the UCS.

Spontaneous recovery: After an interval of time, the reappearance of a response that had previously been extinguished.

Generalization: In classical conditioning, CRs elicited by stimuli that resemble the CS used in training.

Discrimination: In classical conditioning, the appearance of a CR when one stimulus is presented (the CS+) but not another (the CS-).

Phobia: Unreasonable fear of specific objects or situations, such as insects, animals. Or enclosed spaces, learned through classical conditioning.

Fetish: Unusual sexual attachment to objects such as articles of clothing, learned through classical conditioning.

Operant conditioning: A form of learning in which behaviour is affected by its consequences. Favorable consequences strengthen the behaviour and unfavorable consequences weaken the behaviour.

Law of effect: Thorndike�s idea that the consequences of a behaviour determine whether that behaviour is likely to be repeated. Operant chamber: An apparatus in which an animal�s behaviour can be easily observed, manipulated and automatically recorded.

Cumulative recorder: A mechanical device connected to an operant chamber for the purpose of recording operant responses as they occur in time.

Discriminative stimulus: In operant conditioning, the stimulus that sets the occasion for responding because, in the past, a behaviour has produced certain consequences in the presence of that stimulus.

Three-term contingency: The relation among discriminative stimuli, behaviour, and the consequences of that behaviour. A motivated organism emits a specific response in the presence of a discriminative stimulus because, in the past, that response has been reinforced only when the discrimination stimulus is present.

Positive reinforcement: An increase in the frequency of a response that is regularly and reliably followed by an appetitive stimulus.

Negative reinforcement: An increase in the frequency of a response that is regularly and reliably followed by the termination of an aversive stimulus.

Punishment: A decrease in the frequency of a response that is regularly and reliably followed by an aversive stimulus. Response cost: A decrease in the frequency of a response that is regularly and reliably followed by the termination of an appetitive stimulus.

Extinction: A decrease in the frequency of a previously reinforced response because it is no longer followed by a reinforcer. Shaping: The reinforcement of behaviour that successively approximates the desired response until that response is fully acquired.

Intermittent reinforcement: The occasional reinforcement of a particular behaviour; produces responding that is more resistant to extinction. Fixed-ratio schedule: A schedule of reinforcement in which reinforcement occurs only after a fixed number of responses have been made since the previous reinforcement (or the start of the session).

Variable-ratio schedule: A schedule of reinforcement similar to a fixed-ratio schedule but characterized by a variable response requirement having a particular mean.

Fixed-interval schedule: A schedule of reinforcement in which the first response that is made after a fixed interval of time since the previous reinforcement (or the start if the session) is reinforced.

Variable-interval schedule: A schedule of reinforcement similar to a fixed-interval schedule but characterized by a variable time requirement having a particular mean.

Generalization: In operant conditioning, the occurrence of responding when a stimulus similar (but not identical) to the discriminative is present.

Discrimination: In operant conditioning, responding only when a specific discriminative stimulus is present but not when similar stimuli are present.

Primary reinforcer: A biologically significant appetitive stimulus, such as food or water.

Primary punisher: A biologically significant appetitive stimuli, such as pain.

Conditioned (or secondary) reinforcer (or punisher): A stimulus that acquires its reinforcing (or punishing) properties through association with a primary reinforcer (or punisher). Sometimes referred to as a secondary reinforcer (or punisher).

Superstitious behaviour: A behaviour that in response to the noncontingent occurrence of an appetitive stimulus; appears to cause a certain event but in reality does not.

Escape response: An operant response acquired through negative reinforcement that terminates an aversive stimulus.

Avoidance response: An operant response acquired through negative reinforcement that prevents an aversive stimulus from occurring.

Conditioned flavor-aversion learning: A type of learning in which a substance is avoided because its flavor has been associated with illness.

Stimulus equivalence: A type of learning in which stimuli become equivalent even though the organism has never observed a relation between them; may be involved in learning how to read and manipulate symbols.

Behaviour pharmacology: The study of how drugs influence behaviour; combines the principle of operant conditioning with the principles of drug action.

Carlson, N. C., & Buskst, W. (1997). Psychology: The science of behaviour (5th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

What is the tendency to respond in a similar manner to stimuli?

This tendency to respond to a similar conditioned stimuli is known as generalization.

What is it called when one conditioned stimulus is used to create another?

Classical conditioning (also known as Pavlovian or respondent conditioning) is learning through association and was discovered by Pavlov, a Russian physiologist. In simple terms, two stimuli are linked together to produce a new learned response in a person or animal.

What do you call the tendency to respond to a stimulus that is similar but not identical to a conditioned stimulus?

Stimulus generalization. The tendency to respond to stimuli similar to, but not identical to, a conditioned stimulus. Stimulus Discrimination. The learned ability to respond differently to similar stimuli. Conditioned Emotional Response (CER)

What is it called when a conditioned response returns?

Spontaneous recovery is the reappearance of an extinguished conditioned response when the conditioned stimulus returns after a period of absence.


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