What is the strategy of increasing market share for present products in existing markets?

In recent years, a growing number of business practitioners and theorists have postulated that one way for a company to increase its return is by increasing its market share, and studies appear to have confirmed this relationship. But the authors of this article refuse to accept the blanket inference that “more” is necessarily always going to mean “better.” A large market share, they point out, can spell more trouble as well as more profit for a company; a given project promising higher returns than others will surely entail greater risks as well. Given this direct link between profit and risk, it behooves companies to manage their market shares with the same diligence as they would manage any other facet of their businesses. This concept of managing market shares leads to some intriguing possibilities. Although most companies can profit by attempting to increase their market shares, some may conclude that they are at (or possibly beyond) the point at which expected costs and risks outweigh expected gains. The authors suggest various strategies that these companies might consider in attempting to manage their market shares.

Capturing a dominant share of a market is likely to mean enjoying the highest profits of any of the companies serving that market.1 It can also mean winning the leadership, power, and glory that go with such dominance.

But high market share can also mean headaches. Companies possessing it are tempting targets for actual and potential competitors, consumer organizations, and government agencies. IBM, Gillette, Eastman Kodak, Procter & Gamble, Xerox, General Motors, Campbell’s, Coca-Cola, Kellogg, and Caterpillar are cases in point. Their market shares have been their blessing and their curse—their curse because they must make their decisions and manage their operations with much more care than do their competitors. These companies cannot aggressively seek larger shares because further gains may break the dam and let the waters of antitrust action pour in. In some cases, these companies may even have to give up some share in order to stem the tide.

The company that acquires a very high market share exposes itself to a number of risks that its smaller competitors do not encounter. Competitors, consumers, and governmental authorities are more likely to take certain actions against high-share companies than against small-share ones.

Smaller competitors, for example, can direct certain types of attack against larger organizations, attacks that would not work as well against companies of equal or smaller size. One type of attack has been to file private antitrust suits in an attempt to demonstrate that the larger competitor has violated antitrust laws while amassing its dominant share. In one of these suits, a court recently ordered IBM to pay Telex $259.5 million (this was later reversed by an appeals court). Eastman Kodak, Xerox, Anheuser-Busch, Gillette, and General Foods are currently involved in other private antitrust actions.2 Another type of attack involves the use of comparative advertising. Avis, B.F. Goodrich, Seven-Up, and others have found it profitable to mention or picture the products of their large competitors in their ads, and then to suggest the superiority of their own products.

Potential competitors also present problems because they may see the company with the largest share as the only competitor stopping them from capturing a portion of the profits being earned in a particular industry. Clearly, some large multiproduct companies have had considerable success in entering lucrative markets previously dominated by one or a few organizations. Procter & Gamble, for example, has recently entered several markets (potato chips, tampons, deodorant sprays, and toilet paper) with noteworthy results.

Yet another risk is posed by consumer or public-interest organizations. A larger market share usually means greater public visibility; consumer groups may choose the more visible companies as the targets of their complaints, demonstrations, and lawsuits. Campaign GM—the proxy battle to force General Motors to take a number of actions believed to be in the public interest—was conducted against the largest and most visible auto manufacturer. Similarly, SOUP—Students Opposed to Unfair Practices—was originally formed to fight the use of alleged deceptive practices in the advertising of Campbell Soup, the leader in the soup industry. Eastman Kodak, First National City Bank of New York, and DuPont are three other dominant market-share companies that have been singled out by consumer or public-interest organizations. Such attack by a consumer group can, of course, create ill will for the organization, as well as involve it in costly litigation.

The high market-share company also has to cope with antitrust initiatives taken by the government. The Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission are placing a renewed emphasis on the “structural” characteristics of markets. Rather than wait for conclusive evidence that the conduct within an industry has been anticompetitive (that is, predatory or collusive), these agencies have taken action primarily because noncompetitive market structures have allegedly existed.

Recent suits have been filed against IBM, Xerox, the eight major oil companies, the four major cereal manufacturers, and ReaLemon; in all of these suits the government has emphasized that these companies’ market shares are so large that their competition has virtually disappeared. One might say that these companies are now being penalized for their success. In any case, they are all involved in expensive legal battles, and they all face the prospect of being broken up or required to drastically alter their ways of doing business.

More high market-share companies can expect antitrust suits when the FTC begins to exercise its newly won authority to require line-of-business reporting from major corporations. With such attention focused on their daily operations, multiproduct companies will find it harder to disguise their dominance of a particular market, although they may be able to disguise its profitability through arbitrary allocations of fixed overhead. Congressional pressure to fight inflation through stepped-up enforcement of the existing antitrust laws will also cause severe headaches for many high market-share companies.

There are, however, two qualifications to these risks:

1. The degree of risk depends on how the company has obtained its high market share. To the extent that its success is based on continuous innovation and/or lowering of costs and prices to buyers, consumers and the government may feel less hostile to the company, and competitors may feel less able to attack it. To the extent that its success is based on using an expiring patent, on bundling services, or on tying up a particular channel of distribution, these parties may be more inclined to attack it.

2. The degree of risk depends on the resources of the other parties. For example, risk from competitors is not very great if they cannot afford to mount counteradvertising campaigns or private antitrust suits. The risk of consumer and government intervention is not very great if the social milieu has changed from one of widespread business criticism to one of more traditional acceptance of business practices.

Unfortunately, there has been little discussion of either the problems of market-share management facing the high market-share company or of the actions it should consider. Much has been written about how a company should go about attaining increases in its market share, but little about what it should do once it has attained a large share. That is the question we shall consider here, but first we shall discuss the way in which a business decides on its optimal market share.

Determining an Optimal Market Share

Most companies think and plan not only in terms of profit and sales volume but also in terms of market share. They see market-share gains as the key to long-run profitability. The Boston Consulting Group, for example, has proposed that, in product areas characterized by a strong learning curve, companies pursue market share maximization instead of current profit maximization.3

Despite this recommendation, we feel that an organization’s goal should not be to maximize market share, but rather to attain the optimal market share. A company has attained its optimal market share in a given product/market when a departure in either direction from the share would alter the company’s long-run profitability or risk (or both) in an unsatisfactory way. A company finding its current share below the optimal level should plan for market-share gains; a company that is at its optimal market share should fight to maintain it; and a company that has exceeded it should seek to reduce its current share.

How can a company determine where its optimal market share lies? It must go through the following three-step procedure:

1. Estimate the relationship between market share and profitability.

2. Estimate the amount of risk associated with each share level.

3. Determine the point at which an increase in market share can no longer be expected to bring enough profit to compensate for the added risks to which the company would expose itself.

Estimating profitability as a function of market share

Both economic theory and empirical evidence suggest that profitability increases with market share. Consider the case of a company with a fixed plant size. In this case, its sales volume breakeven point is determined by the slopes of the cost and revenue curves. Beyond the breakeven point, the company’s profits increase with its sales volume. This may continue until output levels reach a high percentage of capacity and thereby cause direct costs to increase dramatically.

Now consider the company that can expand its plant and market size. Usually this permits economies of scale in production, distribution, and marketing. A larger company can afford better equipment or more automation that lowers unit costs. It can obtain volume discounts in media advertising, purchasing, warehousing, and freight. It can attract the more lucrative customer accounts that want fuller services. And it can gain distributor acceptance and cooperation at a lower cost. Empirical studies bear this out. One of the best and most recent is the Marketing Science Institute’s “Profit Impact of Market Strategies” (PIMS) project. This study found that:

“The average ROI for businesses with under 10% market share was about 9%… On the average, a difference of 10 percentage points in market share is accompanied by a difference of about 5 points in pre-tax ROI.”4

The PIMS study shows that businesses with market shares above 40% earn an average ROI of 30%, or three times that of those with shares under 10%.

However, the PIMS study does not reveal whether profitability eventually turns down at very high market-share levels. The study lumps together all market shares above 40%; therefore, the behavior of ROI in response to still higher market shares is undisclosed. Consequently, a high market-share company must itself analyze whether profitability will fall with further gains in market share. For the following reasons, it could drop dramatically:

  • Holdout customers may be loyal to competitors, so the cost of attracting them might exceed their value as new customers.
  • The needs of these customers may be unique and not worth the cost of catering to.
  • Companies seeking to enlarge their share of market may have to carry extra costs of legal work, public relations, and lobbying to defend their larger market share against criticism and regulation.

When these factors begin to offset further gains in production and distribution efficiency, the optimal market share has been reached.

Estimating risk

At different levels of market share, a company’s risk also changes. Risk is high for low market-share companies, declines as market share increases, and then increases again at very high share levels. Risk is high at low market-share levels because a business is subject to competitive forays by stronger competitors, cannot afford adequate marketing research and promotional spending, and is vulnerable to sudden changes in consumer tastes or spending. Risk starts to fall with increased market share because an organization can engage in more market research, operate better information systems, recruit more experienced marketing personnel, and spend more on marketing. Risk reaches a low point at a high share level and then may begin to increase at higher levels because of the growing probability that the government, consumers, and competitors will single the business out for specific attack.

Finding the optimal level

This third step calls for top management to compare the changes in profitability and risk that it expects in seeking other levels of market share. Starting with its current share, management can analyze:

1. The expected cost of achieving a specified higher level of market share.

2. The expected profitability associated with that market share.

3. The expected increase in risk.

The increase in long-run profitability must compensate for the cost of achieving the higher share and the higher attendant risk. If not, the specified higher market share is not optimal.

Management should also examine a specified lower share level, taking into consideration the cost, profitability, and decrease in risk at each level. If a lower level of risk does not compensate for the reduced profitability (which may or may not exist, since prices may be higher or marketing costs lower and profitability unchanged) and for transitional costs, then the specified lower market share is not optimal. If the company uses this technique for a number of alternative market-share levels and cannot find one that offers a more satisfying balance of profitability and risk, then it is at its optimal level.

Market-Share Management Strategies

Thus far, we have shown how a high market-share company can locate its optimal market share. We shall now discuss the various strategies a company can use either to attain or maintain this optimal share or to shift it to a higher level.

Market-share management strategies fall into four broad categories: (1) share building, (2) share maintenance, (3) share reduction, and (4) risk reduction.

Share building

The majority of companies that analyze their market position conclude that they are operating below their optimal market share. They are not exploiting their plant fully or have not been able to build a plant at the most economical size; they are not quite large enough to achieve promotional and/or distributional economies; and they cannot attract the strongest talent. In sum, they see a higher market share as promising greater profitability without commensurately greater risk—indeed, often as reducing that risk.

Share-building strategies must be designed to meet several considerations—whether (1) the primary market is growing, stable, or declining, (2) the product is homogeneous or highly differentiable, (3) the company’s resources are high or low in relation to its competitors’ resources, and (4) there are one or several competitors and how effective they are.

The most effective strategy for market-share gain is product innovation. Its weak sister, product imitation, may be appropriate for growth in a growing market, but it will probably not alter existing market shares. Such companies as Xerox, Zenith, Control Data, and Polaroid made their mark because they found a better product. At the same time, innovation is an expensive and risk-laden strategy requiring a careful analysis of market needs and preferences, a large investment, and astute timing.

Market segmentation may also be used to build share. Many dominant companies concentrate on the mass market and neglect or undersatisfy various fringe markets. This mistake is illustrated by the big three American auto makers, who for years sought the majority market, concluding that the small-car market segment was too small to be profitable. The vacuum they created was first filled by Volkswagen and then later by other European and Japanese auto companies at a high profit.

A third strategy for building market share is distribution innovation. In this instance, the company finds a way to cover a market more effectively. Timex achieved its growth as a watch manufacturer by entering unconventional outlets like drugstores and discount stores. These outlets then refused to carry additional brands of low-priced watches, leaving Timex king of the mountain. Avon achieved its spectacular growth as a leader in cosmetics by resurrecting the old and neglected channel of door-to-door selling rather than by fighting bloody battles for space in conventional retail outlets.

A final strategy for share building is promotional innovation. Consider Philip Morris’s “Marlboro man” or Avis’s “We’re No. 2, We Try Harder.” A clever and distinctive campaign or promotion, once established, is hard to duplicate or offset. At the same time, however, too many organizations emphasize promotional innovation when they should be searching for real product, segment, or distributional innovations. Flashy promotion has a hollow ring when unsupported by improvements in consumer value.

Share maintenance

In evaluating their market positions, some companies will find that they are in fact operating at an optimal share level. The cost or risk of increasing their share would cancel out any gains. On the other hand, a decline in their current share would reduce their profitability. These companies are intent on maintaining market share.

Such organizations find, however, that stabilizing their share is almost as challenging as expanding it. Underdog competitors are constantly chipping away at the stable company’s share. They introduce new products, sniff out new segments, try out new forms of distribution, and launch new promotions. One of the most annoying and common forms of attack is price cutting. The high-share company is always wrestling with the question of whether to meet price cuts and maintain its share or give up a little share and maintain its margins. If the high-share company maintains its prices, it loses share. If it loses more than it expects, it may discover that rebuilding costs more than the gains from holding prices.

In general, the best defense for maintaining market share is a good offense—product innovation, the same strategy that works so well for the underdog. A dominant company must refuse to be content with the way things are. It has to anticipate its own obsolescence by developing new products, customer services, channels of distribution, and cost-cutting processes.

A second line of defense is market fortification. The dominant company plugs market holes to prevent competitors from moving in. This is the essence of the multibrand strategy perfected by P&G. P&G will introduce a number of brands competing with each other; the effect is to tie up scarce distribution space and lock out some of the competition.

A third and less attractive defense for share maintenance is a confrontation strategy. Here the dominant company defends its empire by initiating expensive promotional or price-cutting wars to discipline upstart competitors. It may even resort to harassment—pressuring dealers and suppliers into ignoring upstarts to avoid losing the dominant company’s goodwill. Confrontation may work, but it is undertaken at some risk and contributes less to social welfare than would more innovative responses. Furthermore, such tactics suggest a sene-scence in the dominant organization.

Share reduction

Some companies analyzing the profitability and risk associated with their current market share may come to the conclusion that they have overextended themselves in the overall market or in certain sub-markets. Their large share puts them on the “hot seat” too often or includes too many marginal customers. These factors can lead the company to think about how to reduce its presence in the market.

Share reduction calls for the application of general or selective demarketing principles.5Demarketing is the attempt to reduce, temporarily or permanently, the level of customer demand. It may be directed at the market or selected market segments. It calls for reversing the normal direction of marketing moves: raising price, cutting back advertising and promotion, reducing service. It may involve more extreme measures such as reducing product quality or convenience features. In a period of prolonged shortages, these steps may be especially necessary.

Several high market-share companies have apparently used demarketing to reduce their shares to less risky levels. Procter & Gamble, for example, has allowed its share of the shampoo market to slip from around 50% to just above 20% in the past few years—much to the surprise of its competitors. In this period, the company has delayed reformulating its old brands (Prell and Head & Shoulders), has tried to introduce only one new brand (which was withdrawn twice from test markets), and has not attempted to “buy” back its share with heavy spending on advertising and promotion.6 It seems fair to speculate that Procter & Gamble’s passive response to its decline in market share is deliberate; it may be motivated by a desire to avoid antitrust difficulties like those it has encountered with Clorox and, recently, with its detergent products.7

An example of a company that has used demarketing more selectively is Kellogg in its delay in entering the natural cereal market. The company may have decided to allow others to dominate this segment of the market to improve its chances of emerging from current antitrust difficulties without too many scars.8

In the auto industry, observers have long noted how General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler treat American Motors as a shield against antitrust attack. The big companies have apparently given AMC very little competition over lucrative contracts for government vehicles (postal and military jeeps, military trucks, and so on).9

Finally, the demarketing experience of ReaLemon Foods, a subsidiary of Borden, deserves comment. ReaLemon implemented a selective demarketing strategy to avoid antitrust problems, but it reversed its strategy too soon and paid a price. Until 1970, ReaLemon held about 90% of the reconstituted lemon juice market. According to industry sources, ReaLemon at that time began to allow companies on the West Coast and in the Chicago area to make inroads into its share through fear of antitrust attack. By 1972, however, a Chicago competitor, Golden Crown Citrus Corporation, had captured a share that ReaLemon considered too large. ReaLemon retaliated. As a result, the Federal Trade Commission filed a complaint in 1974 charging ReaLemon with predatory pricing and sales tactics.10 The lesson to be learned from ReaLemons experience is that once a high market-share company allows its share to fall, it must be careful if it decides to reverse itself.

It should be said parenthetically that demarketing can be both desirable and undesirable from a social point of view. To the extent that businesses selectively concentrate on those customer segments and product lines where they can market most efficiently and profitably, demarketing can lead to greater effectiveness, variety, and competition. However, where they demarket in ways that discriminate against the weaker or disadvantaged segments—such as when a big supermarket chain closes down its inner-city stores—the results can be unfortunate.

Risk reduction

Companies concluding that their high share is dangerous may want to adopt strategies reducing the risk rather than strategies reducing the share. We have stated that the optimal market share is a function of both profitability and risk, and that any success in reducing the risk surrounding a high share is tantamount to optimizing that share.

Companies can consider a number of measures to reduce the insecurity surrounding their high market share, including (1) public relations, (2) competitive pacification, (3) dependence, (4) legislation, (5) diversification, and (6) social responsiveness.

Public relations

It is becoming common for companies in dominant positions to spend large sums of money on advertising and other public relations efforts to improve their images. In many cases, such companies hope their efforts will undercut public support for legislative, government agency, or consumer group actions that would hurt their interests.

Public relations strategies are used with good cause to publicize genuine efforts that serve the public interest. But they are also used to cover up weak or nonexistent attempts—the case of a public utility that spent $50,000 to clean up the environment and $400,000 to publicize the action comes to mind. When a company spends more on good words than good deeds, it is giving its critics ammunition.

Organizations have also used public relations and advertising to publicize their position on a controversial issue. Major oil companies took out expensive newspaper ads during the oil and gas shortages to defend their high profits—arguing that they were needed either to finance future energy growth or to make up for depressed profits in the past. These ads probably did not convince a single skeptic and, if anything, made the public angrier at the thriftlessness of full-page spreads defending oil profits. Some critics have called this “ecopornography” and have complained that these ads reduce government tax revenues, since corporations, unlike private citizens, can treat the cost of political messages as a legitimate business expense.

Competitive pacification

The high-share company may attempt to reduce the risks associated with its position by cultivating better relations with its competitors. There are numerous ways in which this can be done. Organizations may help find supplies of raw materials, or even sell the material outright. They may conduct advertising campaigns that promote the product category rather than their specific brands. They may refrain from reacting strongly to the strategy changes of their rivals. They may supply valuable research data and other assistance to smaller competitors through trade association activities. They may provide price umbrellas. And they may hold back the rate of new product introduction. (Of course, the company that chooses to use competitive pacification strategies must be careful to avoid behaving in what could be considered a collusive manner.)

Pacified smaller competitors exist in many industries. General Motors and Ford have apparently recognized that it is in their best interests to keep Chrysler and American Motors friendly. Similarly, the smaller cereal companies are on good terms with giant Kellogg.

Because competitive pacification strategies permit weak competitors to survive and even to prosper, they provide a public service by giving consumers a wider variety of products to choose from. However, to the extent that these strategies lead to a misallocation of resources and higher prices, they may do a disservice to the American public. It should be remembered that consumers can also benefit from counteradvertising, antitrust suits, and other aggressive actions initiated by these same unpacified smaller competitors.

Dependence & legislation

Dependency strategies forge a link between the high market-share company and the government. By making government institutions and officials dependent on it for various products (particularly defense-related commodities), for help in keeping unemployment down, or for political campaign funds, a company can acquire considerable power over policy makers and lessen its chances of being the target of government legislation and lawsuits.

Both the Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission have been the butt of dependency strategies. In a chapter entitled “The Politics of Antitrust,” the authors of The Closed Enterprise System (a Ralph Nader venture) cite numerous cases in which the Justice Department has been subjected to and has sometimes succumbed to pressures by elected officials to curtail antitrust actions.11 The most noteworthy example, of course, is the ITT case. Similarly, the supposedly independent FTC has not found itself totally immune from pressures by elected officials, since Congress appropriates its budgets and the President appoints its commissioners. Many elected officials are willing to exert pressure on these and other enforcement agencies because they fear that they will lose campaign funds and other forms of political support, defense supplies, and employment opportunities for their constituencies if large, powerful companies are successfully prosecuted under antitrust or other laws.

It is unfortunate that our antitrust laws have encouraged the use of dependency strategies. The laws were originally designed to prevent this type of behavior. However, it is just as true that the procedures developed over the years for enforcing these laws have allowed dependency strategies some success. This success has resulted in a reduction of the political influence of individual citizens and a lessening of competition in many economic sectors.

Closely related to dependency strategies are legislative ones. A high market-share company can attempt to convince Congress to pass legislation giving it special treatment under the law. For example, labor unions, professional athletic leagues, banks, and newspapers have all received special treatment under the antitrust laws. Special legal treatment has also been offered to many companies in the form of subsidies, tax loopholes, and tariff reductions. Thus successful use of legislative strategies can practically eliminate a company’s risk of being the target of an antitrust attack and/or help stabilize earnings at high levels.

It is difficult to say a priori whether a company’s use of legislative strategies will or will not benefit society. The organization that lobbies for an antitrust exemption, special tariff treatment, or tax loopholes is acting in its own interest. Yet this does not mean that its interest will not ultimately coincide with that of the public. The biggest objection to the use of legislative strategies by high market-share companies is that it involves asking for special treatment rather than equality under the law, and it shelters the company or industry from the fresh winds of competition.


By diversifying successfully into markets that are different from the one it dominates, a company can ensure that a steady stream of profits will continue even after something as drastic as an antitrust divestiture has occurred.

Many high market-share companies have done just this. For example, the Brookings Institution’s classic examination of the pricing practices of 20 major corporations (including General Motors, General Electric, General Foods, and U.S. Steel) revealed that antitrust concerns seemed to motivate several high-share companies to diversify. The report states:

“A broader impact of the antitrust laws may be their effect on market-share policy. Many of the companies interviewed expressed a preference for making their way into new markets, wherein their share would be a minor fraction, to dominating the market in the established product.”12

In addition, fear of competition in established markets can lead companies to diversify. A more recent example of a high-share company that has diversified extensively is Gillette. It has expanded from shaving-related products to deodorants, pens, shampoos, hairdryers, and other product categories.

The adoption of diversification strategies by dominant organizations normally has positive social benefits. Their movement into new industries tends to create healthy competition throughout the entire economy.13

Social responsiveness

The most constructive way for a high market-share company to reduce its risk is to demonstrate a responsiveness to emerging consumer and social needs. Certain companies have gained the trust of the buying public because of their continuous efforts to respond to such social needs—one thinks immediately of Sears, Zenith, and Whirlpool. Trust is not the result of a sustained and clever public relations campaign, but rather of the satisfaction that customers and the public receive in dealing with a company.

A high market-share company that has successfully won the public trust is Giant Foods, a major food chain in the Washington, D.C., area.14 Giant Foods interpreted the various consumer criticisms of the late 1960s not as presenting unwelcome problems but as offering useful new opportunities. So it took the initiative and introduced such consumer-oriented programs as unit pricing, open dating, and some nutritional labeling. It also carried an extensive supply of less expensive private labels to enable consumers to hold down their costs. It publicized money-saving food buys and supported the meat boycott to bring down consumer costs. And it appointed Esther Peterson, former White House special assistant for consumer affairs, as a consumer affairs advisor. All of these steps made it a consumer champion and won it many friends and patrons.

Nonetheless, evidence is still needed to prove that a company assuming the role of consumer champion, with all the expense this entails, is compensated in terms of either market share or lower risk. It seems to be a part that only one company in each industry can play meaningfully, since others are typed as weak imitators. However, in an age of such formidable social problems as high prices, environmentalism, shortages, antibusiness sentiment, and changing life-styles, these problems should be regarded as disguised opportunities for the companies that have the courage and imagination to perceive them.

Filling Societal Needs

Because it is exposed to a large and unique set of risks, the high market-share company is confronted with difficult problems. It cannot seek an ever larger market share as freely as its smaller competitors. Instead, it must carefully analyze the relationship of its current share to its optimal market share, and it must plan how to make these two shares coincide.

More often than not, the high market-share organization will find that it must use share-reduction or risk-reduction strategies to align these two shares. Unfortunately, the use of many share- and risk-reduction strategies can have undesirable social consequences. Demarketing strategies of a highly discriminatory nature, certain public relations strategies, competitive pacification strategies, dependency strategies, and legislative strategies can all produce outcomes that are not in the best long-term interests of major portions of society. Therefore, the high market-share company should give serious consideration to those strategies that not only fill its coffers but also respond to consumer and social needs.

1. For a detailed discussion of the relationship between market share and profitability, see Robert D. Buzzell, Bradley T. Gale, and Ralph G.M. Sultan, “Market Share—A Key to Profitability,” HBR January–February 1975, p. 97.

2. Ernest Holsendolph, “New Challenges in Antitrust,” New York Times, January 21, 1973.

3. See Perspectives on Experience (Boston: The Boston Consulting Group, Inc., 1968).

4. Buzzell, Gale, and Sultan, “Market Share,” pp. 100 and 97; for further evidence, see Bradley T. Gale, “Market Share and Rate of Return,” Review of Economics & Statistics, November 1972, p. 412.

5. See Philip Kotler and Sidney J. Levy, “Demarketing, Yes, Demarketing,” HBR November–December 1971, p. 74.

6. Nancy Giges, “Shampoo Rivals Wonder When P&G Will Seek Old Dominance,” Advertising Age, September 23, 1974, p. 3.

7. “Investigation of Heavy-Duty Detergent Industry Announced,” Federal Trade Commission News Summary, June 20, 1975, p. 4.

8. For information on Kellogg’s antitrust difficulties, see “The Cereal Case,” Antitrust Law and Economics Review, Fall 1971, p. 71.

9. “The Mouse That Varoomed,” Time, November 20, 1972, p. 82.

10. Dennis D. Fisher, “ReaLemon Sales Tactics Hit,” Chicago Sun-Times, July 4, 1974.

11. See Mark J. Green, Beverly C. Moore, Jr., and Bruce Wasserstein, The Closed Enterprise System (New York: Grossman Publishers, 1972), pp. 30–62.

12. Abraham D.H. Kaplan, Joel B. Dirlam, and Robert F. Lanzillotti, Pricing in Big Business (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1958), p. 268.

13. See Bruce R. Scott, “The Industrial State: Old Myths and New Realities,” HBR March–April 1973, p. 133.

14. See Esther Peterson, “Consumerism As a Retailer’s Asset,” HBR May–June 1974, p. 91.

A version of this article appeared in the November 1975 issue of Harvard Business Review.

What is a strategy of increasing market share for present products in existing markets?

As a strategy, market penetration is used when the business seeks to increase sales growth of its existing products or services to its existing markets in order to gain a higher market share.

What is the best strategy for existing products in existing markets?

Market Penetration Strategy. A market penetration strategy is when a company works towards a higher market share by tapping into existing products in existing markets. It's how a company (that already exists in the market with a product) can grow business by increasing sales among people already in the market.

Which strategy seeks to increase market share of present products or services in present markets through greater marketing effects?

The correct answer is A) Market penetration.

What strategy is used to offer a new product to a new market?

Diversification – The concept of entering a new market with altogether new products.