What is the responsibility of the nurse in the community based clinic quizlet?

15. Together with the family, you develop a caring partnership to recognize actual and potential health care needs and identify community resources.

16. The ability to establish an appropriate plan of care based on assessment of patients and families and to coordinate needed resources and services for the patient's well-being across a continuum of care

17. Acts to empower individuals and their families to creatively solve problems or become instrumental in creating change within a health care agency

18. Often is the one who presents the patient's point of view to obtain appropriate resources.

19. Mutual trust and respect for each professional's abilities and contributions, clarifying roles, and developing a plan of care

20. Assists patients in identifying and clarifying health problems and in choosing appropriate courses of action

21. Establishes relationships with community service organizations and assess patients' learning needs and readiness to learn within the context of the individual, the systems with which the individual interacts, and the resources available for support

22. May be involved in case finding, health teaching, and tracking incident rates

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1. A nurse is working as a public health nurse. What will be the nurse's primary focus?
The individual as one member of a group
Individuals and families
Needs of a population
Health promotion

Answer: c. Needs of a population

Rationale: Public health nursing primary focus is understanding the needs of a population. Community-based care focuses on health promotion. Community health nursing focuses on health care of individuals, families, and groups within the community.

2. A nurse wants to become a specialist in public health nursing. Which educational requirement will the nurse have to obtain?
A baccalaureate degree in nursing
Preparation at the basic entry level
The same level of education as the community health nurse
A graduate level education with a focus in public health science

Answer: d. A graduate level education with a focus in public health science

Rationale: A specialist in public health has a graduate level education with a focus in public health science. Public health nursing requires preparation at the basic entry level and sometimes requires a baccalaureate degree in nursing. A community health nurse is not the same thing as a public health nursing specialist.

3. A nurse is working as a community health nurse. Which action is a priority for this nurse?
Provide direct care to subpopulations.
Focus on the needs of the ill individual.
Provide first level of contact to health care systems.
Focus on providing care in various community settings.

Answer: a. Provide direct care to subpopulations.

Rationale: Community health nursing is nursing practice in the community, with the primary focus on the health care of individuals, families, and groups within the community. In addition, the community health nurse provides direct care services to subpopulations within a community. Community-based nursing centers function as the first level of contact between members of a community and the health care system. Community-based nursing focuses on providing care in various community settings, such as the home or a clinic and involves acute and chronic care.

4. A nurse is focusing on acute and chronic care of individuals and families within a community while enhancing patient autonomy. Which type of nursing care is the nurse providing?
Public health
Community health
Community assessment

Answer: c. Community-based

Rationale: Community-based nursing involves acute and chronic care of individuals and families and enhances their capacity for self-care while promoting autonomy in decision making. Public health nursing focuses on the needs of a population. Community health nursing cares for the community as a whole and considers the individual or the family as only one member of a group at risk. Community assessment is the systematic data collection on the population, monitoring the health status of the population, and making information available about the health of the community.

5. The community health nurse is administering flu shots to children at a local playground. What is the rationale for this nurse's action?
To prevent individual illness
To prevent community outbreak of illness
To prevent outbreak of illness in the family
To prevent needs of the local population groups

Answer: b. To prevent community outbreak of illness

Rationale: The nurse is trying to prevent a community outbreak of illness. By focusing on subpopulations (children), the community health nurse cares for the community as a whole and considers the individual or the family as only one member of a group at risk. Community-based nursing, as opposed to community health nursing, focuses on the needs of the individual or family. Public health nursing focuses on meeting the population groups' needs.

6. A nurse attended a seminar on community-based health care. Which information indicates the nurse has a good understanding of community-based health care?
It occurs in hospitals.
Its focus is on ill individuals.
Its priority is health promotion.
It provides services primarily to the poor.

Answer: c. Its priority is health promotion.

Rationale: Community-based health care is a model of care that reaches everyone in the community (including the poor and underinsured), focuses on primary rather than institutional or acute care, and provides knowledge about health and health promotion and models of care to the community. Community-based health care occurs outside traditional health care institutions such as hospitals.

7. A nurse is using the Healthy People 2020 to establish goals for the community. Which goal is priority?
Reduce health care costs.
Increase life expectancy.
Provide services close to where patients live.
Isolate patients to prevent the spread of disease.

Answer: b. Increase life expectancy.

Rationale: The overall goals of Healthy People 2020 are to increase life expectancy and quality of life and eliminate health disparities through an improved delivery of health care services. It does not focus on reducing health care costs, providing services close to where patients live, or isolating patients to prevent the spread of disease.

8. A nurse is working in community-based nursing. Which competency is priority for this nurse?
Change agent
Case manager

Answer: a. Caregiver

Rationale: First and foremost is the role of caregiver. While collaborator, change agent, and case manager are important, they are not the priority.

9. A nurse observes an outbreak of lice in a certain school district. The nurse collects data and identifies a common practice of sharing lockers, caps, and hair brushes. The nurse shares the information with the school. Which community-based nursing competency did the nurse use?
Case manager

Answer: d. Epidemiologist

Rationale: As an epidemiologist, you are involved in case finding, health teaching, and tracking incident rates of an illness (outbreak of lice). The nurse did not teach the students about lice. The nurse did not provide care for the lice. The nurse did not coordinate needed resources and services for a group of patient's well-being (case manager).

10. A nurse is providing screening at a health fair. Which finding indicates the person may be a vulnerable patient who is most likely to develop health problems?
One who is pregnant
One who has excessive risks
One who has unlimited access to health care
One who uses nontraditional healing practices

Answer: b. One who has excessive risks.

Rationale: Vulnerable populations are the patients who are more likely to develop health problems as a result of excess risks or limits in access to health care services or who are dependent on others for care. Pregnancy is not a cause of vulnerability, except in cases where the mother is an adolescent, is addicted to drugs, or is at high risk for other reasons. A person who has unlimited access to health care is not vulnerable. Frequently, the immigrant population practices nontraditional healing practices. Many of these healing practices are effective and complement traditional therapies.

11. The instructor is teaching student nurses about identifying members of vulnerable populations when the nursing student asks, "Why is it that not all poor people are considered members of vulnerable populations?" How should the nurse respond?
"All poor people are members of a vulnerable population."
"Poor people are members of a vulnerable population only if they take drugs."
"Poor people are members of a vulnerable population only if they are homeless."
"Members of vulnerable groups frequently have a combination of risk factors."

Answer: d. "Members of vulnerable groups frequently have a combination of risk factors."

Rationale: Members of vulnerable groups frequently have many risks or a combination of risk factors that make them more sensitive to the negative effects of individual risk factors. Individual risk factors are not always overwhelming, depending on the patient's beliefs and values and sources of social support.

12. The nurse is making a home visit to a Korean mother after the birth of girl. The spouse is pressing different parts of the patient's hand and lower arm to relieve a headache. What is the nurse's next action?
Tell the spouse to stop and give the mother acetaminophen.
Let the spouse finish and then give the mother medication.
Ask the mother and/or spouse to explain the procedure.
Explain to the spouse that it will not work.

Answer: c. Ask the mother and/or spouse to explain the procedure.

Rationale: The nurse should not judge the patient's/family's beliefs and values about health. The nurse needs to understand cultural beliefs, values, and practices to determine their specific needs. Acetaminophen may not be an acceptable alternative for this family. Criticizing the family's beliefs and practices or saying they will not work may only create a barrier to care.

13. A nurse is assessing the social system of a community. Which area should the nurse assess?
Economic status
Volunteer programs
Predominant ethnic groups

Answer: c. Volunteer programs

Rationale: Social systems include volunteer programs, education system, government, and health systems. Housing and economic status are included in the structure assessment. Predominant ethnic groups are a component of the population assessment.

14. The nurse is working with a 16-year-old pregnant female who tells the nurse that she needs an abortion. The nurse, acting as a counselor, provides the patient with information on alternatives to abortion, but after several sessions, the patient still insists on having the abortion. What should the nurse, in the counselor role, do next?
Encourage the patient to speak with a "Right-to-Life" advocate.
Refuse to provide a referral to an abortion service.
Provide referral to an abortion service.
Delay referral to an abortion service.

Answer: c. Provide referral to an abortion service.

Rationale: As a counselor, the nurse is responsible for providing information, listening objectively, and being supportive, caring, and trustworthy and providing a referral to an abortion service. The nurse does not make decisions, like going to a "Right-to-Life" advocate, but rather helps the patient reach decisions that are best for him or her. To refuse to provide a referral or to delay referral would not be supportive of the patient's decision.

15. Before a patient with beginning stage of Alzheimer's disease is discharged, the community-based nurse is making a visit to the patient's home. The patient's daughter and family live in the home with the patient. What is the major focus of this visit?
Teach the family how to monitor blood pressure.
Demonstrate techniques for providing care.
Stress to the family how difficult it will be to provide care at home.
Encourage the family to send the patient to an extended care facility.

Answer: b. Demonstrate techniques for providing care.

Rationale: The role of the community health nurse, when dealing with patients with Alzheimer's disease, is to maintain the best possible functioning, protection, and safety for the patient. The nurse should demonstrate to the primary family caregiver techniques for dressing, feeding, and toileting the patient while providing encouragement and emotional support to the caregiver. Monitoring blood pressure is not necessary for an Alzheimer's patient; blood pressure would be for a patient with hypertension. The nurse should protect the patient's rights and maintain family stability, not encourage placement in an extended care facility.

16. While conducting a community assessment, the nurse seeks data on the average household income and the number of residents on public assistance. In doing so, the nurse is evaluating which component of a community assessment?
Social system
Welfare system

Answer: a. Structure

Rationale: Economic status is part of the community structure. Population would involve age and gender distribution, growth trends, density, education level, and ethnic or religious groups. The welfare system is part of the social system that also includes the education, government, communication, and health systems.

17. The nurse uses statistics on increased incidence of communicable disease to influence legislatures to pass a bill for mandatory vaccinations to enroll in school. Which type of nursing will the nurse use in this process?
Public health nursing
Community-based nursing
Community health nursing
Vulnerable population nursing

Answer: a. Public health nursing

Rationale: A public health nurse understands factors that influence health promotion and health maintenance, the trends and patterns influencing the incidence of disease within populations, environmental factors contributing to health and illness, and the political processes used to affect public policy. Community health nursing is nursing practice in the community, with the primary focus on the health care of individuals, families, and groups within the community. Community-based nursing care takes place in community settings such as the home or a clinic, where the focus is on the needs of the individual or family. While there is no specific vulnerable population nursing, all types of nursing should care for these populations.

18. A community-based nursing is working with a family. For which key areas will the nurse need a strong knowledge base? (Select all that apply.)
Family theory
Group dynamics
Cultural diversity
Individual-centered care

Answer: A, B, C, D

Rationale: With the individual and family as the patients, the context of community-based nursing is family-centered care (not individual-centered care) within the community. This focus requires a strong knowledge base in family theory, principles of communication, group dynamics, and cultural diversity. The nurse leans to partner with patients and families, not just with individuals.

19. Which community-based nursing activities indicate the nurse is working in the role of educator? (Select all that apply.)
Offers prenatal classes
Offers a child safety program
Offers to defend patients' decisions
Offers creative solutions to local problems
Offers coordinate resources after discharge

Answer: A, B

Rationale: Prenatal classes, infant care, child safety, and cancer screening are just some of the health education programs provided in a community practice setting. Offers to defend patients' decisions is the role of patient advocate. Offers creative solutions to local problems indicates a change agent. Collaborator will offer to coordinate resources after discharge.

20. A nurse is caring for vulnerable populations in a local community. Which patients will the nurse care for in this community? (Select all that apply.)
A 47-year-old immigrant who speaks only Spanish
A 35-year-old living in own home
A 22-year-old pregnant woman
A 40-year-old schizophrenic
A 15-year-old rape victim

Answer: A, D, E

Rationale: Individuals living in poverty, older adults, people who are homeless, immigrant populations, individuals in abusive relationships (rape), substance abusers, and people with severe mental illnesses (schizophrenic) are examples of vulnerable populations. Middle-aged people living in their own home are not an example of a vulnerable population. Pregnancy is not an example of a vulnerable population.

What are the responsibilities of a community health nurse?

Community Health Nurse Responsibilities.
Medical treatment..
Health education..
Collaboration with other healthcare workers and with government agencies..

What is community

Definition. 1 / 9. COMMUNITY-BASED NURSING (CBN): the provision of acute care and care for chronic health problems to individuals and families in the community - "illness care" of individuals and families across the life span.

What is the role of the community health nurse quizlet?

These nurses work within a community to support population health and deliver preventative health services. These services can be provided to and individual, family, group, or population depending on role and work setting.

What is the role of the professional nurse in the community setting?

Nurses play an essential role in society today by being advocates for health promotion, educating the public and patients on preventing injury and illnesses, participating in rehabilitation, and providing care and support.