What is the process of influencing the activities of a person or a group to achieve a goal in a given situation?

Perceiving emotion. The most basic dimension of EI involves accurately perceiving other's emotions through verbal and nonverbal forms of communication. This is the starting point from which one can process the other dimensions.

Using emotions to facilitate thought. The second dimension is the capacity of the emotions to initiate thinking. When an individual responds emotionally to something, he or she is then cognitively focused. In addition, emotions facilitate as well as sometimes hinder creativity and innovation.

Understanding emotions. "Emotions convey information: Happiness usually indicates a desire to join with other people; anger indicates a desire to attack or harm others; fear indicates a desire to escape, and so forth. Each emotion conveys its own pattern of possible messages, and actions associated with those messages."22

Managing emotions. The last dimension deals with managing emotions. If the information provided by the emotion is understood, then one can manage one's own emotions as well as those of other to achieve personal, interpersonal, and social goals.

What is the process of influencing individuals or groups to achieve goals?

Peter Northouse (2010) defines leadership as “a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal” (p. 3). These definitions suggest several compo- nents central to the phenomenon of leadership.

Is a process of influencing the activities of an Organised group for any goal achievement?

Leadership involves leader, followers, and situation. Taking a deep further the definition, we can consider Leadership as 'the process of influencing an organized group', engaging them to maximize group effectiveness, 'towards the accomplishment of a goal'.

What is the influencing process?

We can define influence as interpersonal processes that change group members' initial thoughts, feelings, and behavior, typically in the direction of group goals. Alternatively, group influence can create inertia in members' thoughts, feelings and behavior when outside forces might argue for change in these.

Is a ability to influence others toward the achievement of a goal?

Leadership Power. Power is the ability to influence the behavior of others with or without resistance by using a variety of tactics to push or prompt action. Power is the ability to get things done. People with power are able to influence others behavior to achieve a goal or objective.


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