What is the most common characteristic of students with learning disabilities?

Reading disability is an unexpected difficulty in learning to read despite normal intelligence and the opportunity to learn with competent instruction. It cannot be attributed to general health problems, emotional disturbances or sensory deficits. Generally accepted estimates of its prevalence in school age children range from 3% to 9% but may run as high as 20% to 25%. Reading disability accounts for nearly 75% of referrals for learning disability, which the United States department of Education has estimated that 5% of all school children are referred for learning disabilities.

Among children with reading disability, classroom teachers have reported a relatively high prevalence of the signs of vision disorders including, facial grimacing, squinting, head tilting, eye rubbing and unusually close working distance. If a level of reading success is not achieved, the quality of life for the individual as well as society as a whole is diminished. Self-esteem and peer relationships also are negatively influenced. Personal and financial strains are placed on parental resources and equanimity. It can have a profound and lasting impact on family functions and relationships. This makes reading disability a vital public health issue. The ability to read is crucial to function effectively to any degree in our society. All demographic groups - whether broken down by occupation, ethnic origin, race, gender, and educational level - read to varying degrees for information, political awareness, social development and entertainment. Children who have difficulty learning to read fall behind their peers and do not reach their full social and economic potential. Although reading for meaning may be considered a psycholinguistic achievement of multi-component and highly complex behaviors involving many cognitive processes, the initial phases of reading are visual. The ability to see clearly and comfortably is thus an essential component of the learning process.  Therefore the detection and treatment of uncorrected refractive error, accommodative and vergence dysfunction and ocular motor deficits is critical for successful learning.

Learning disabilities is a dysmelic condition in which the child’s learning process is hindered due to the difficulty they face while learning in their kindergartens.

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The difficulty may range from forgetting things, not being able to adapt the pattern of writing letters and figures, also it includes the ability to grasp things at the normal pace instead they are slower than other kids.

The parents in this should take care of the following points –

  1. Equal opportunities must be given to them to live their hobbies and ideas
  2. A room to explore new things with the help of teachers and parents should always be initiated.
  3. Right from a very early age, they should be critically assessed on their skills, which might be informed to the AT educators.
  4. They should be given counselling be it at home or clinics to make the best of it.
  5. Parents should let them do things on their own so as to attain self-reliance.
  6. Attainment of self-reliance provides the person with the confidence to build an empire.
  7. The parents should enlist the hobbies or things that their kids are following passionately.
  8. The enlisting of skills would help the parents to send their children to the skill centric volunteer centre so that they can easily live their passion.
  9. Instead of counting on the weaknesses, counting the strengths of the children who take up special education gives them moral support.
  10. Let your child interact freely with normal kids.
  11. Let your kid live a normal life, instead of hiding them in a room making them just lifeless creatures.

What are the learning disabilities that the kids face?

Dyslexia – children having difficulty in reading the texts written in the textbook clearly and fluently.

Few children face difficulty in remembering and repeating a short sentence.

  • Difficulty in phonological processing
  • Difficulty in orthographic processing
  • Difficulty in working memory means problems arise in solving mental arithmetic.
  • Dyscalculia is the hindrance faced while solving arithmetic problems and grasping mathematical concepts.
  • Dysgraphia is a disability faced while writing in which children of yours find it difficult to form letters.
  • Visual processing difficulties cause a time lag between seeing something and processing the information then and there.
  • Auditory processing issues.

What are the characteristics of learning-disabled children?

  1. They possess poor social skills.
  2. They have disruptive behaviour.
  3. They lack attention or too much attention with too much detail.
  4. They face trouble remembering things.
  5. They lack enthusiasm or interest in reading and writing.
  6. They usually work at a slower pace.
  7. They face trouble following instructions given to them.

What is something that we need to learn from the special kids?

  • The thought to live their life to the fullest is what usually we, being normal people, lack.
  • Stop complaining and start praising and working with what you have got.
  • Look at life with an optimistic mind.
  • Always stay calm and caring.
  • Happiness is the key to all.
  • Say no to criticism
  • Always praise things around you.
  • Never make people uncomfortable around you just because you are normal.
  • Teach and support such people.
  • Never give up attitude is the key to thriving in life.
  • Life is more than how you look.
  • Life is what you perceive and how you want to make it.
  • No disabilities can stop you from living life
  • Life values you when you start valuing it.

Why should learning disabilities be treated early?

Sending children to special teams with a learning disability on an early call itself helps them to heal faster. Various programs such as AT assisted technology which includes text to speech etc help the children with special demands cognitively.

IEP which stands for Individualised Education Program is designed programmed assistance provided in the U.S. It consists of a team that is knowledgeable about different children’s needs.

IEP provides persons related to the kid be it teachers, parents, school administrators or any related service personnel to work as a team to improve the educational goals of the children with disability.

IEP has proven to be a cornerstone in the pursuit of providing quality education to children with disabilities.

In 1975 IEP was introduced into the schools. The law passed says that it is the right of every student, be it with disabilities, to attend public schools (Education for all handicapped children act (EHA)).

The IEP plan could be served to the kids and youngsters till the K-12 segment only. The plan named –504 plan can serve the students at both K12 and college level.

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Is there any cure for learning disabilities?

No, there is no cure but the intervention is carried out to give an effective result. The improvement can make the child live a normal life.

Does the learning disability mean that the children suffering from it are less intelligent?

No, that is not the case. In such situations, it is found that their brain works differently and supplemental information might be required.

What can be the first help that I can provide my child with to heal him?

The primary care is to support them and take care of them. Positive reinforcement would be the best way to boost their self-esteem and self-confidence.

What is the the most common characteristic of students with learning disabilities?

Most frequently displayed symptoms: inability to discriminate between/among letters, numerals, or sounds, poor reading and/or writing ability, eye-hand coordination problems; poorly coordinated, difficulties with sequencing, and/or.

What are the characteristics of learners with learning disabilities?

Problems reading and/or writing. Problems with math. Poor memory. Problems paying attention.

What are some common characteristics of people with specific learning difficulties?

Some common characteristics of SpLDs: Visual processing difficulties. Reading difficulties. Auditory processing difficulties. Time management difficulties.

Which of these is a characteristic of a child with a learning disability?

Academic Learning Problems memory deficiencies. language difficulties that disrupt problem solving or following directions. lack of thinking and reasoning skills. poor generalization of learned concepts, and.