What is the first aid management for a conscious patient who has swallowed a poisonous substance?

What is the first aid management for a conscious patient who has swallowed a poisonous substance?

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    What is the first aid management for a conscious patient who has swallowed a poisonous substance?
    What is the first aid management for a conscious patient who has swallowed a poisonous substance?

    First Aid for Poisonings in a Child

    In some cases, accidental poisoning of a child can be treated at home. You will need to follow the directions of a poison control center or your child's healthcare provider. In other cases, a child will need emergency medical care.

    Poison that is swallowed

    If you find your child with an open or empty container of a toxic substance, your child may have been poisoned. Stay calm and act quickly:

    • Get the poison away from the child.

    • If the substance is still in the child's mouth, make him or her spit it out or remove it with your fingers. Keep this along with any other evidence of what the child has swallowed.

    • Don't make the child vomit.

    • Don't follow instructions on packaging about poisoning. These are often outdated. Instead, call your child's healthcare provider or poison control center right away for instructions.

    Call Poison Control at 800-222-1222, your child's healthcare provider, or go to the closest emergency room if your child has any of these symptoms:

    • Sore throat

    • Trouble breathing

    • Drowsiness, irritability, or jumpiness

    • Nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain without fever

    • Lip or mouth burns or blisters

    • Unusual drooling

    • Strange odors on your child's breath

    • Unusual stains on your child's clothing

    Take or send the poison container with your child. This is to let the healthcare provider know what your child swallowed. Both the poison control center and your child's healthcare provider will need this information:

    • Your name and phone number

    • Your child's name, age, and weight

    • Any health conditions your child has

    • Any medicines your child is taking

    • The name of the substance your child swallowed. Read it from the container and spell it out.

    • The time your child swallowed the poison (or when you found your child), and the amount you think was swallowed

    • Any symptoms your child is having

    • If the substance was a prescription medicine, give all the information on the label, including the name of the medicine:

      • If the name of the medicine is not on the label, give the name and phone number of the pharmacy, and the date of the prescription.

      • What the pill looked like (if you can tell) and if it had any printed numbers or letters on it.

    • If your child swallowed another substance, such as a part of a plant, describe it as much as you can to help identify it.

    Poison on the skin

    If your child spills a chemical on his or her body, remove any contaminated clothes. Rinse the skin well with lukewarm—not hot—water. If the area shows signs of being burned or irritated, continue rinsing for at least 15 minutes, no matter how much your child may protest. Then call the poison control center for more instructions. Do not put ointments, butter, or grease on the area.

    Poison in the eyes

    Flush your child's eye by holding the eyelid open and pouring a small, steady stream of lukewarm—not hot—water into the inner corner near the nose. Let the water run across the eye to the outside corner to flush the area well. You may need help from another adult to hold your child while you rinse the eye. Or wrap your child tightly in a towel and hold your child under one arm. Continue flushing the eye for 15 minutes, and call the poison center for more instructions. Do not use an eyecup, eye drops, or ointment unless the poison center tells you to do so.

    Poison breathed in

    In the home, poisonous fumes or gases can be breathed in from sources such as:

    • A car running in a closed garage

    • Leaky gas vents

    • Wood, coal, or kerosene stoves that are not working as they should

    • Mixing bleach and ammonia together, which makes chloramine gas

    • Strong fumes from other cleaners and solvents

    If your child breathes in fumes or gases, get him or her into fresh air right away. If your child is breathing without problem, call the poison control center for more instructions.

    When to call 911

    Call 911 or your local emergency service if your child has any of the below:

    • Seizures

    • Loss of consciousness

    • Trouble breathing

    If your child has stopped breathing, start CPR. Do not stop until your child breathes on his or her own or someone else can take over. If you can, have someone call 911 right away. If you are alone, do CPR for 2 minutes and then call 911.

    What is the first action you should take if someone has swallowed a poisonous substance?

    Call Poison Help at 800-222-1222 in the United States or your regional poison control for additional instructions. Have somebody gather pill bottles, packages or containers with labels, and any other information about the poison to send along with the ambulance team.

    What is the first step to treat a patient who has ingested a poison?

    First steps If the person inhaled poison, get him or her fresh air right away. If the person has poison on the skin, take off any clothing the poison touched. Rinse skin with running water for 15 to 20 minutes. If the person has poison in the eyes, rinse eyes with running water for 15 to 20 minutes.

    What is the first aid management for a conscious person who has swallowed a corrosive substance?

    Get medical help immediately. If the person is showing signs of being seriously ill, such as vomiting, loss of consciousness, drowsiness or seizures (fits), call triple zero (000) for an ambulance, or take the person to the closest emergency department.

    What should be your first action when assisting a victim who has swallowed a poisonous substance quizlet?

    Call the Poison Control Center or EMS. Emergency medical services (EMS) should be contacted for any victim who is suffering from chest pain, even if it is believed to be indigestion.