What is the appropriate collimated field size for the AP projection of the foot

Projectional X-ray of the chest

1. Radiographic technique

Mobile chest radiography can be undertaken with the patient in multiple positions.  Patient position will largely be determined by the physical condition of the patient. An erect postero-anterior (PA) projection is universally considered to be the gold standard. This is often not practically possible when undertaking mobile examinations and the most frequent projection would be an erect antero-posterior (AP) projection. Such a projection can be performed with the patient sat in a chair or in bed. Due to the options available resultant images should be correctly annotated in order to accurately describe the acquired projection. Whichever position is selected it is important that the image receptor is carefully fixed into position and that the relevant image receptor surface is facing towards the X-ray tube.  Both of these can be difficult to achieve with an agitated patient and with the receptor placed inside an opaque protective cover.  In many instances ward staff can be consulted regarding the most appropriate imaging position for the patient.  In some instances, it will not be possible to acquire a fully erect image and the radiographer / RT will need to opt for a semi-erect or supine image.  Consideration should also be given to undertaking mobile chest radiography with the patient in the prone position (PA supine).  Recent reports have documented the use of prone patient positioning to help support ventilation in the severest of COVID-19 cases12,13.      A study in 201314 reported that pronation helped lower mortality rates for patients with severe acute respiratory disease syndrome (SARS), a type of respiratory failure caused by inflammation in the lungs, not unlike some patients with severe COVID-19.  Further specific issues for prone positioning will include insuring that the patient is not rotated, no injuries result from positioning the imaging receptor and making a judgement regarding full inspiration.   Ideally, prone positioning should only be undertaken when it is not possible to delay the examination until a later time, when the patient is positioned supine.  Early experience of imaging severe COVID-19 patients in Italy has lead to the Italian Federation of Scientific Radiographers' Societies (FASTeR) recommending that all radiographers have an understand of mobile prone radiography.  It may be beneficial for radiographers to have an understanding of how to safely move a patient from a supine to prone position and vice versa (see Youtube Videos 1 to 4 at the foot of this page).

Space is a consideration when undertaking mobile chest radiography. Where possible the radiographer / RT should aim to achieve a source-to-image distance (SID) of 180 cm.  This is likely to be practically unachievable when undertaking supine examinations or when confined to a small side-room or cubicle.  In any case the radiographer / RT should attempt to achieve a SID as close to 180 cm as possible.  Both the image receptor and X-ray tube should be perpendicular to each other. This is more easily achievable when a patient is in a true erect or supine position and more difficult when the patient is recumbent.  The radiographer / RT should align the X-ray tube with the angulation of the image receptor or use a skin landmark such as the angle of the sternum. For some aspects of radiographic practice there is a tendency to provide additional caudal angulation of the X-ray tube. The effect of this is to reduce the radiation exposure to the head and neck regions.  This is a viable option for some mobile radiographic examinations and angulation of between 5 to 10 degrees can be applied.  Positioning of the central ray is controlled by the light beam diaphragm (LBD) and together with the collimator will ensure an adequate field size.  Visualisation of the LBD can be difficult in areas of high intensity lighting, for example close to a window and the radiographer / RT should take steps to ensure adequate visualisation. Centring points and field of views are described for both AP and PA projections in Table 4.  Erect techniques are largely transferable to supine / prone patient positions, but will generally require a reduced SID.  

Table 4. Procedural requirements for mobile chest radiography.
ProjectionPA erectAP erect
Patient position Patient upright
Chin raised outside of FOV
Shoulders relaxed
Anterior surface against IR Posterior surface against IR
Arms by sides, shoulders rotated anterior
to remove scapulae from lung fields
Arms by sides or if possible, elbows bent,
backs of hands on hips and arms moved forward
Technical factors 2nd Arrested (full) inspiration
- Centring point 7th thoracic vertebra 7 cm below sternal notch
- Central ray 5 – 10 degrees caudal angulation
- Collimation Superiorly – 1 cm above upper skin border of shoulder
Inferiorly – inferior to 12th rib
Laterally – lateral skin borders
- Detector size / orientation 35 cm by 43 cm (portrait or landscape)
- Antiscatter grid Depending on local protocol / patient size.
Consider the option of using a virtual grid (if available)
- SID 180 cm
FOV, field of view; IR, image receptor; SID, source-to-image distance.
NB- collimation and orientation of the image receptor should consider body habitus.

Above a Youtube video from Barts Health NHS Trust (Coronavirus: Proning) Video demonstrating the positioning a patient from supine to prone. Video courtesy of Deborah Harrison (A1 Risk Solutions) and the University of Salford. Video demonstrating how to position the image receptor for a patient lying prone. Video courtesy of Deborah Harrison (A1 Risk Solutions) and the University of Salford. Video demonstrating the removal of the image receptor for a patient lying prone. Video courtesy of Deborah Harrison (A1 Risk Solutions) and the University of Salford.

What projection refers to the AP projection of the foot?

AP oblique projection (medial rotation) Which projection of the foot best demonstrates most of the tarsals with the least amount of superimposition? AP oblique projection (medial rotation)

How far should the IR or collimated field extend beyond the ankle or knee joint for an AP projection of the leg?

It should be between 19 and 24 cm for a 0-degree angle (i.e., central ray parallel). Collimation should be to the distal femur superiorly, proximal tibia and fibula inferiorly, and skin margins laterally and medially.

How much is the foot rotated for the AP oblique medial rotation?

The anterior-posterior medial oblique view requires the foot to be obliquely positioned 30 to 40 degrees. Lateral radiograph requires the patient to be recumbent on the affected side with the knee flexed.

Where is the superior margin of the IR or collimated field placed for an AP projection of the proximal femur?

Where is the superior margin of the IR or collimated field placed for an AP projection of the proximal femur? Superior margin of IR is placed at level of ASIS.