What is necessary to understand in the managerial approach to implementing and executing strategy?

The three components of building a capable organization are:

A. making periodic changes in the firm's internal organization to keep people from getting into a comfortable rut, instituting a decentralized approach to decision making, and developing the appropriate competencies and capabilities.
B. hiring a capable top management team, empowering employees, and establishing a strategy-supportive corporate culture.
C. putting a centralized decision-making structure in place, determining who should have responsibility for each value chain activity, and aligning the corporate culture with key policies, procedures, and operating practices.
D. staffing the organization, acquiring, developing, and strengthening key resources and competitive capabilities, and structuring the organization and work effort.
E. optimizing the number of core competencies and competitive capabilities, making sure that all managers and employees are empowered, and maximizing internal operating efficiency.

Building an organization capable of good strategy execution entails:

A. staffing the organization, acquiring, developing, and strengthening key resources and competitive capabilities, and structuring the organization and work effort.
B. decentralizing authority for performing strategy-critical value chain activities, establishing at least two distinctive competencies, and hiring talented employees.
C. investing heavily in employee training, using an empowered organization design and organization structure in order to maximize labor productivity, and employing effective incentive compensation systems.
D. centralizing authority in the hands of a chief strategy implementer so as to create the leadership authority for driving implementation forward at a rapid pace.
E. empowering employees, maximizing internal operating efficiency, and optimizing core competencies.

Which of the following is TRUE of the capability building process?

A. It requires two things: (1) developing the ability to do something, however imperfectly or inefficiently, and (2) molding these efforts into an organizational ability and as experience grows and personnel perform the activity consistently well and at an acceptable cost, it is transformed into a tried-and-true competence and as they continue to polish and refine their know-how into further improvements, they then create a real competitive capability.
B. It entails (1) deciding which value chain activities to perform internally and which ones to outsource; and (2) deciding how much authority to centralize at the top and how much to delegate to down-the-line managers and employees.
C. It is essential (1) when the company does not have the ability to create the needed capability internally (perhaps because it is too far afield from its existing capabilities), and (2) when industry conditions, technology, or competitors are moving at such a rapid clip that time is of the essence.
D. It involves (1) staffing the organization with people capable of executing the strategy well, (2) developing the resources and building the organizational capabilities needed for successful strategy execution, and (3) creating an organizational structure supportive of the strategy execution process.
E. It must (1) supplement the design with appropriate coordinating mechanisms, and (2) institute whatever networking and communications arrangements are necessary to support effective execution of the firm's strategy.

What are the principal managerial components of the strategy execution process?

The six steps are:.
Clarify strategy. Clarify high-level strategy statements, separating and organizing goals, objectives, initiatives, aspirations, and strategies. ... .
Identify the organization's capabilities. ... .
Assess capabilities. ... .
Determine gaps. ... .
Choose investments. ... .
Monitor strategy progress..

What does a good strategy execution require?

Good strategy execution requires a team effort. All managers have strategy-executing responsibility in their areas of authority, and all employees are active participants in the strategy execution process.

What three key actions are required to build an organization capable of good strategy execution?

creating a culture within the organization that promotes effective strategy execution. linking incentives to achieving the financial goals of the strategy. installing systems that allow personnel to carry out their roles in the strategy execution process.

How would you implement a new strategy without disrupting your organization?

1. Break the new strategy into smaller phases. For example, instead of implementing a new company-wide software platform to the entire company at once, start with smaller departments, maintaining a dual platform as employees transition into the new program.