What is defined as raw facts and figures because without this computer will have nothing to process?

a) DataData is defined as a collection of raw facts (figures, letters, special symbols or a combinationof both) that convey little meaning by themselves. example: in a statement likeJames, Johnand Carowhat about them?whyhowWe actually don't know anything about these three people thus it does not have much meaning to usuntil its fully processed for us to understandb) InformationInformation is defined as data has undergone processing and is meaningful to the user when he/sheneeds it. The statement simply indicates that information is not just a by-product of data processing,but it must have certain qualities for it to qualify to be a resource to the organization. Thus thequalities of timeliness, correctness and relevancy must be observed for it to be good information.example:James, John and Caro were awarded certificates for being the cleanest students inour school.this statement now satisfies our curiosity because it has been attached much more meaning useful tous but we need also to when. This statement can therefore be regarded as informationc) Data ProcessingData processing can be regarded as the act of collecting data, manipulating it to get informationthrough (input, Processing and output) and finally distributing it to the relevant organs for use.Data Processing Platform- Sample notes

INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTINGContact: 0707 737 890Page 83Organizations undertake data processing activities to obtain information with which to controland support the following;Production/operations e.g. manufacturing resource planning, manufacturing executionsystems, process controlMarketing activities e.g. customer relationship management, interactive marketing, salesforce automation etc.Human Resource Management e.g. compensation analysis, employee skills inventory,personnel requirements forecastingFinancial activities e.g. cash management, credit management, investment management,capital budgetingAccounting activities: order processing, inventory control, accounts receivable, accountspayable, payroll, general ledgerDATA PROCESSING CYCLEData-processing cycle refers to the process of transforming raw data into useful information.Thecycle entails a process of sequential steps, including input, processing, output and interpretation.Preparation, feedback and storage often are included steps of the cycle.Stages of the Data Processing Cycle1) Collectionis the first stage of the cycle, and is very crucial, since the quality of data collectedwill impact heavily on the output. The collection process needs to ensure that the data gathered areboth defined and accurate, so that subsequent decisions based on the findings are valid. This stageprovides both the baseline from which to measure, and a target on what to improve.

Presentation on theme: "What is data? DATA is raw facts and figures."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is data? DATA is raw facts and figures.
These have very little meaning until they are sorted or they are used to make calculations. The process of sorting or calculating data is called DATA PROCESSING. The result of data processing is INFORMATION.

2 Data Processing Data is processed Data Information

3 Information INFORMATION is the meaning that we attach to data.
Without processing or additional information, data is often meaningless.

4 Information For example: What does the number 29061996 mean? Is it:
A birthday? (29th June 1996) A bank account number? A club membership number? A telephone number? Without processing or more information this data is meaningless.

5 The three stages of doing tasks
Input Process Output Data is put into the information system. (INPUT) The data is processed. (PROCESS) Information comes out of the information system. (OUTPUT)

6 Manual information systems
We are all used to using manual information systems. An example of a manual information system is a telephone directory.

7 Manual information systems
All we need to know to find a person’s telephone number in the telephone book is their name and address. (INPUT) We look up the name and the address (PROCESS), and we find their telephone number. (OUTPUT)

8 Manual information systems
Input Process Output Have the name and address. (INPUT) Look up the name and address. (PROCESS) Find the telephone number. (OUTPUT)

9 Manual information systems
However, if the name is a common one or the address is incomplete, the process of finding the telephone number becomes more difficult. This is because the telephone directory is organised alphabetically by surname, first name, and address.

10 Manual information systems
If you have just the name and telephone number, can the telephone directory be used to find someone’s address? If you have just a telephone number, can the telephone directory be used to find someone’s name and address? Manual information systems do have disadvantages.

What is raw facts and figures in computer?

The Raw Facts and Figures are Called Data. The word raw means that the facts have not yet been processed to get their exact meaning. Data is collected from different sources. It is collected for different purposes. Data may consist of numbers, characters, symbols or pictures etc.

Is raw facts figures given to the computer?

1 Answer. Unorganized raw facts and figures given to a computer are collectively called Data.