What is a multiuser operating system that organizes and coordinates how multiple users access and share resources on a network?











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What is a multiuser operating system that organizes and coordinates how multiple users access and share resources on a network?


What is a multiuser operating system that organizes and coordinates how multiple users access and share resources on a network?

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โˆ™ 11y ago

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A server operating system

What is a multiuser operating system that organizes and coordinates how multiple users access and share resources on a network?

Wiki User

โˆ™ 11y ago

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What is a multiuser operating system that organizes and coordinates how multiple users access and share resources on a network?

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What is a multiuser operating system that organizes and coordinates how multiple users access and share resources on a network?

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What is a multiuser operating system that organizes and coordinates how multiple users access and share resources on a network?

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What is multiuser operating system?

Multi-user operating system is a computer operating system(OS) that allows multiple users on different computers or terminals to access a single system with one OS on it. Examples of multi-user operating system are : Linux, Ubuntu, Unix, Mac OS X, Windows 1010 etc. Was this answer helpful?

What type of operating system that allows multiple users to access a computer system at the same time?

Some examples of a multi-user OS are Unix, Ubuntu, MacOS, Windows and all Linux based OS. Multi-user operating systems were originally used for time-sharing and batch processing on mainframe computers.

What is multiuser multitasking operating system?

Multiuser/Multitasking OS It is an operating system that permits several users to utilize the programs that are concurrently running on a single network server. The single network server is termed as "Terminal server". "Terminal client" is a software that supports user sessions. Examples include UNIX, MVS, etc.

What is operating system explain multi

Multi-user software is software that allows access by multiple users of a computer. Time sharing operating system : It uses CPU scheduling and multiprogramming to provide each user with a small portion of time - shared computer. Each user has a separate program in memory.