What interventions related to sleep should the nurse suggest to the parent of a pediatric patient

Give a warm bath
Giving the child a warm bath will help increase relaxation before sleep.

Read a bedtime story
Reading a bedtime story is often a normal bedtime routine for a child. Normal bedtime routines help a child develop regular sleep patterns.

Provide a favorite toy
Providing the child with a favorite blanket, stuffed animal, or toy will help them feel safe and comfortable, which promotes sleep.

Play soft, soothing music
Playing soft, soothing music will help a child relax and fall asleep, as music therapy is often used to promote sleep.

Which nursing interventions would the nurse implement to promote sleep for a client in a health care setting?

Taking a warm bath and consuming milk or a light snack before bedtime promote sleep. If the patient is unable to sleep after 15 to 30 minutes in bed, he should get out of bed and do some quiet activity until he feels sleepy. The nurse should instruct the patient to listen to soft music at bedtime.

Which components will the nurse instruct a patient to include in a sleep journal?

The time it takes to fall asleep is information the nurse instructs the patient to include in a sleep diary. The foods consumed within 2 hours of bedtime is information the nurse instructs the patient to include in a sleep diary.

Which action to promote sleep would the nurse recommend to a client?

Some of these sleep promotion interventions and schedules include: Establishing and adhering to a regular sleep time and wake time for the client based on their patterns and needs. Limiting the duration and frequency of day time naps. The promotion of daily exercise.

Which instruction would the nurse provide to older adults to enhance the quality of their sleep?

Instructions for stimulus control include: minimize napping; go to bed only when sleepy; get out of bed if unable to sleep; use the bed/bedroom only for sleep and sex; and wake up at the same time each day. Sleep restriction is used to increase homeostatic drive for sleep in order to improve sleep quality.