What factors caused an increase in the Indian Ocean trade networks from 1200 to 1450?


THEMATIC FOCUS Economics Systems ECN

As societies develop, they affect and are affected by the ways that they produce, exchange, and consume goods and services.

Unit 2: Learning Objective A

Explain the causes and effects of growth of networks of exchange after 1200.

KC-3.1.I.A.i Improved commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade and expanded the geographical range of existing trade routes— including the Silk Roads—promoting the growth of powerful new trading cities.

KC-3.1.I.C.i The growth of interregional trade in luxury goods was encouraged by innovations in previously existing transportation and commercial technologies, including the caravanserai, forms of credit, and the development of money economies.

KC-3.3.I.B Demand for luxury goods increased in AfroEurasia. Chinese, Persian, and Indian artisans and merchants expanded their production of textiles and porcelains for export; manufacture of iron and steel expanded in China.

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Trading cities: § Kashgar § Samarkand New forms of credit and money economies: § Bills of exchange § Banking houses § Use of paper money



A variety of internal and external factors contribute to state formation, expansion, and decline. Governments maintain order through a variety of administrative institutions, policies, and procedures, and governments obtain, retain, and exercise power in different ways and for different purposes.

Unit 2: Learning Objective B

Explain the process of state building and decline in Eurasia over time.

KC-3.2.I.B.iii Empires collapsed in different regions of the world and in some areas were replaced by new imperial states, including the Mongol khanates.


As societies develop, they affect and are affected by the ways that they produce, exchange, and consume goods and services.

Unit 2: Learning Objective C

Explain how the expansion of empires influenced trade and communication over time.

KC-3.1.I.E.i The expansion of empires—including the Mongols—facilitated Afro-Eurasian trade and communication as new people were drawn into their conquerors’ economies and trade networks.

THEMATIC FOCUS III Cultural Developments and Interactions CDI

The development of ideas, beliefs, and religions illustrates how groups in society view themselves, and the interactions of societies and their beliefs often have political, social, and cultural implications.

Unit 2: Learning Objective D

Explain the significance of the Mongol Empire in larger patterns of continuity and change.

KC-3.2.II.A.ii Interregional contacts and conflicts between states and empires, including the Mongols, encouraged significant technological and cultural transfers.

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Technological and cultural transfers: § Transfer of Greco– Islamic medical knowledge to western Europe § Transfer of numbering systems to Europe § Adoption of Uyghur script


THEMATIC FOCUS I Economics Systems ECN

As societies develop, they affect and are affected by the ways that they produce, exchange, and consume goods and services.

Unit 2: Learning Objective E

Explain the causes of the growth of networks of exchange after 1200.

KC-3.1.I.A.ii Improved transportation technologies and commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade and expanded the geographical range of existing trade routes, including the Indian Ocean, promoting the growth of powerful new trading cities.

KC-3.1.I.C.ii The growth of interregional trade in luxury goods was encouraged by significant innovations in previously existing transportation and commercial technologies, including the use of the compass, the astrolabe, and larger ship designs.

KC-3.1.I.A.iii The Indian Ocean trading network fostered the growth of states.

THEMATIC FOCUS II Cultural Developments and Interactions CDI

The development of ideas, beliefs, and religions illustrates how groups in society view themselves, and the interactions of societies and their beliefs often have political, social, and cultural implications.

Unit 2: Learning Objective F

Explain the effects of the growth of networks of exchange after 1200.

KC-3.1.III.B In key places along important trade routes, merchants set up diasporic communities where they introduced their own cultural traditions into the indigenous cultures and, in turn, indigenous cultures influenced merchant cultures.

KC-3.2.II.A.iii Interregional contacts and conflicts between states and empires encouraged significant technological and cultural transfers, including during Chinese maritime activity led by Ming Admiral Zheng He.

THEMATIC FOCUS III Humans and the Environments ENV

The environment shapes human societies, and as populations grow and change, these populations in turn shape their environments.

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Unit 2: Learning Objective G

Explain the role of environmental factors in the development of networks of exchange in the period from c.1200 to c. 1450.

KC-3.1.II.A.i The expansion and intensification of longdistance trade routes often depended on environmental knowledge, including advanced knowledge of the monsoon winds.

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Growth of states: § City-states of the Swahili Coast § Gujarat § Sultanate of Malacca; Diasporic communities: § Arab and Persian communities in East Africa § Chinese merchant communities in Southeast Asia § Malay communities in the Indian Ocean basin


THEMATIC FOCUS I Technology and Innovation TEC

Human adaptation and innovation have resulted in increased efficiency, comfort, and security, and technological advances have shaped human development and interactions with both intended and unintended consequences.

Unit 2: Learning Objective H

Explain the causes and effects of the growth of trans-Saharan trade.

KC-3.1.II.A.ii The growth of interregional trade was encouraged by innovations in existing transportation technologies.

KC-3.1.I.A.iv Improved transportation technologies and commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade and expanded the geographical range of existing trade routes, including the trans-Saharan trade network.


A variety of internal and external factors contribute to state formation, expansion, and decline. Governments maintain order through a variety of administrative institutions, policies, and procedures, and governments obtain, retain, and exercise power in different ways and for different purposes.

Unit 2: Learning Objective I

Explain how the expansion of empires influenced trade and communication over time.

KC-3.1.I.E.ii The expansion of empires—including Mali in West Africa–facilitated Afro-Eurasian trade and communication as new people were drawn into the economies and trade networks.

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Technologies encouraging interregional trade: § Camel saddle § Caravans


THEMATIC FOCUS Cultural Developments and Interactions CDI

The development of ideas, beliefs, and religions illustrates how groups in society view themselves, and the interactions of societies and their beliefs often have political, social, and cultural implications.

Unit 2: Learning Objective J

Explain the intellectual and cultural effects of the various networks of exchange in Afro-Eurasia from c. 1200 to c.1450.

KC-3.1.III.D Increased cross-cultural interactions resulted in the diffusion of literary, artistic, and cultural traditions, as well as scientific and technological innovations.

KC-3.3.II The fate of cities varied greatly, with periods of significant decline and periods of increased urbanization, buoyed by rising productivity and expanding trade networks.

KC-3.1.III.C As exchange networks intensified, an increasing number of travelers within AfroEurasia wrote about their travels.

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Diffusion of cultural traditions: § The influence of Buddhism in East Asia § The spread of Hinduism and Buddhism into Southeast Asia § The spread of Islam in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia Diffusion of scientific or technological innovations: § Gunpowder from China § Paper from China Travelers: § Ibn Battuta § Margery Kempe § Marco Polo


THEMATIC FOCUS Humans and the Environments ENV

The environment shapes human societies, and as populations grow and change, these populations in turn shape their environments.

Unit 2: Learning Objective K

Explain the environmental effects of the various networks of exchange in Afro-Eurasia from c. 1200 to c.1450.

KC-3.1.IV There was continued diffusion of crops and pathogens, with epidemic diseases, including the bubonic plague, along trade routes.

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Diffusion of crops: § Bananas in Africa § New rice varieties in East Asia § Spread of citrus in the Mediterranean


Unit 2: Learning Objective L

Explain the similarities and differences among the various networks of exchange in the period from c. 1200 to c. 1450.

KC-3.1 A deepening and widening of networks of human interaction within and across regions contributed to cultural, technological, and biological diffusion within and between various societies.

KC-3.1.I.A.i Improved commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade and expanded the geographical range of existing trade routes—including the Silk Roads—promoting the growth of powerful new trading cities.

KC-3.1.I.C.i The growth of interregional trade in luxury goods was encouraged by innovations in previously existing transportation and commercial technologies, including the caravanserai, forms of credit, and the development of money economies.

KC-3.3 Changes in trade networks resulted from and stimulated increasing productive capacity, with important implications for social and gender structures and environmental processes.

KC-3.3.I.B Demand for luxury goods increased in Afro-Eurasia. Chinese, Persian, and Indian artisans and merchants expanded their production of textiles and porcelains for export; manufacture of iron and steel expanded in China.

What factors led to the growth in Indian Ocean trade in the period up to 1450?

Improved commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade and expanded the geographical range of existing trade routes—including the Silk Roads, trans-Saharan trade network, and Indian Ocean—promoting the growth of powerful new trading cities. The Indian Ocean trading network fostered the growth of states.

What factors led to the growth of the Indian Ocean trade?

Factors that led to the growth of the Indian Ocean trade networks include developments in luxury goods, innovations in technology for travel/transport, and new forms of credit/monetization. As well, the reliability of the monsoon winds was another factor that led to the growth of this market.

What factors led to the growth of the Silk Road trade networks 1200 1450?

During the period of 1200 to 1450, the trade routes were expanding as a result of the demand for goods throughout Afro-Eurasia. For example the demand for spices increased trade on the Indian Ocean Trade route and the demand for luxury items increased trade on the Silk Road.

When did Indian Ocean trade increase?

Indian Ocean Trade in the Medieval Era During the medieval era (400–1450 CE), trade flourished in the Indian Ocean basin.