What do the psychoanalytic and behavioral social learning approaches to personality have in common?

Why would a psychologist from the trait model want to know about a person's general emotional state when considering an individual with depression?

Because they believe that personality traits are generally consistent, so a person's emotions at one time can predict his or her emotions at another time.

Because this helps to identify underlying, unconscious conflicts that contribute to depression.

Because knowing how a person feels on a regular basis gives information about how his or her environment reinforces them.

Because this information speaks to a person's striving toward self-actualization and addresses whether or not his or her basic needs are being met.

What are two main learning theories that explain personality development?

Trait theories of personality imply personality is biologically based, whereas state theories such as Bandura's (1977) Social Learning Theory emphasize the role of nurture and environmental influence.

What do you humanistic and psychoanalytic theories have in common?

What do humanistic and psychoanalytic theories have in common? They both base much of their theory on early stressful events. They are both testable.

What are the main ideas of the learning theories on personality?

Observational Learning. Bandura's key contribution to learning theory was the idea that much learning is vicarious. We learn by observing someone else's behavior and its consequences, which Bandura called observational learning. He felt that this type of learning also plays a part in the development of our personality.

What are the three approaches used to describe personality?

The three main approaches are trait theory, situationism, and interactionism.