What do most small businesses fail to estimate correctly, often resulting in the business failing?

Which of the following types of leaders has the primary role of helping a less experienced person learn how to function and to advance within an​ organization?

What type of rating system incorporates feedback from​ customers, subordinates and​ peers, among​ others?

​360-degree feedback
One interesting innovation in performance appraisal used in some organizations today is called 360-degree feedback in which managers are evaluated by everyone around them—their boss, their peers, and their subordinates.

What can marketers use to attempt to separate consumers based on identifying traits such as age or​ income?

Demographic segmentation
Demographic segmentation is a strategy used to separate consumers by demographic variables.

According to the situational approach to​ leadership, the extent to which a leader or subordinate is involved in decision making depends on characteristics of which aspects of an​ organization?

The​ leader, the​ followers, and the situation

What is the advantage of promoting from within when filling an opening within the​ organization?

Increased employee morale

What is the advantage for a firm who works to hire from a diverse​ workforce?

A higher quality labor force
Today, organizations are recognizing that diversity can be a competitive advantage. By hiring the best people available from every single group rather than hiring from just one or a few groups, a firm can develop a higher-quality labor force.

Some employers provide employees with a fixed dollar amount for​ benefits, allowing employees to choose between various health​ insurance, life​ insurance, disability​ insurance, and educational benefits. What is the name of this​ plan?

Cafeteria benefits
This is a plan where it is being offered to employees which have a variety of offers that they could chose from that could be of help and to be fitting of the employees' needs. It is seen at the statement above as it has different benefits to chose from of which a cafeteria benefit offers.

How do companies offer​ one-time direct inducements to buyers when tempting buyers to buy goods or​ services?

Which of the following types of training occurs while the employee is at his or her place of​ work?

Which of the following Acts helps to ensure the financial security of pension​ funds?

Employee Retirement Income Security Act
Employers who provide a pension plan for their employees are regulated by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974. The purpose of this act is to help ensure the financial security of pension funds by regulating how they can be invested.

Which of the following represents a feature or image that makes one product different from its​ competitors?

Which of the following may describe charismatic​ leadership?

A form of interpersonal attraction that inspires support and acceptance

Which of the following is greatly influenced by nonobjective factors such as​ sociability, imitation and​ aesthetics?

Emotional motives
Emotional motives involve nonobjective factors and include sociability, imitation of others, and aesthetics.

In addition to understanding the​ organization's history and​ culture, what must a leader understand in order to be effective at strategic​ leadership?

Which of the following organizational aspects allows employees to perform capably without the direction of a​ leader?

How can marketers best develop product promotion in a​ new, international​ market?

Centered on cultural values and local customs
To promote a product in new,international market , best strategy is to understand the cultural value of the new country and use strategies which could be familiar to their cultures.
Home country customs and cultures are not beneficial in new markets and neither are Hard sell strategies.

When a domestic marketer competes against foreign firms to sell products of a similar​ nature, what type of sales competition is​ created?

International competition matches the products of domestic marketers against those of foreign competitors. The intensity of international competition has been heightened by the formation of alliances, such as the European Union and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

What is the definition of a​ coalition?

An informal group formed to achieve a common goal
All of the other answers are possible specific examples of a coalition, but not its overall definition.

  • An institution incorporated in order to achieve a common goal
  • The network of management within a firm
  • The network of employees within a firm
  • A​ pro-business political party

Marketing managers often support the activities of political action committees​ (PACs). In doing​ this, which environment are they attempting to​ influence?

What type of segmentation is more effective because of the greater number of variables and has consequently become the most common segmentation​ tool?

​Geo-demographic segmentation

When there is little ambiguity in the​ decision-making process, what​ decision-making condition​ exists?

A state of certainty
When the decision maker knows with reasonable certainty what the alternatives are and what conditions are associated with each alternative, a state of certainty exists. There is little ambiguity and relatively little chance of making a bad decision.

Which type of plan allows employers to intentionally seek out employees from underrepresented groups within the​ organization?

What do most small businesses fail to estimate​ correctly, often resulting in the business​ failing?

Haphazard pricing can sink a firm with a good product. Small business pricing errors usually result from a failure to estimate operating expenses accurately.

What is another name given to human resource​ managers?

Which approach to leadership focuses only on subordinate participation in decision​ making, yet does not address other aspects of​ leadership?

Which of the following statements BEST describes the assumptions made by researchers of the behavioral approach to​ leadership?

Behaviors of effective leaders are the same in all situations.

Which type of market research involves watching consumers and recording their behavior using tools such as camera feeds and computer​ recordings?

When someone is able to act as both a leader and a​ manager, what type of power do they possess that others often do​ not?

What is the systematic study of jobs within an​ organization?

When does the collective bargaining process​ begin?

When the union is recognized as the official bargaining agent for members
When a union has been legally certified, it assumes the role of official bargaining agent for workers, and collective bargaining then begins. It only begins when a union is formed and there is a negotiation going on.

What do many small businesses fail to estimate correctly often resulting in the business failing?

What do most small businesses fail to estimate​ correctly, often resulting in the business​ failing? Haphazard pricing can sink a firm with a good product. Small business pricing errors usually result from a failure to estimate operating expenses accurately.

Which of the following is greatly influenced by non objective factors such as sociability imitation and aesthetics?

Rational motives involve nonobjective factors and include sociability, imitation of others, and aesthetics.

Which consumer influence includes perceptions ability to learn and attitudes quizlet?

Which consumer influence includes perceptions, ability to learn, and attitudes? Explanation: A) Psychological influences include an individual's motivations, perceptions, ability to learn, and attitudes.

Why do new products fail quizlet?

The reason that a new product fails that states that for a new product to defeat competitive ones, the product must have superior characteristics that deliver unique benefits to the user. The reason that a new product fails that states that stores have to determine their shelf layout based on previous sales.