What are two disadvantages of distributing handouts during a business presentation choose every correct answer quizlet?

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Three types of business buying situations are​ ________.
A.straight​ rebuy, new-task​ buy, and modified rebuy
B.volume discount​ buy, group​ rebuy, and institutional buy
C.initial corporate​ buy, group​ buy, and institutional buy
D.initial single​ buy, volume purchase​ buy, and institutional buy
E.volume discount​ buy, rebuy, and new rebuy

Three types of consumer buying decisions are​ ________.
A.habitual buying​ decisions, variety-seeking buying​ decisions, and complex buying decisions
B.new product buying​ decisions, variety-buying​ decisions, and complex buying decisions
C.habitual buying​ decisions, new product buying​ decisions, and complex buying decisions
D.restock buying​ decisions, variety-seeking​ decisions, and complex buying decisions
E.early adopter buying​ decisions, replenish rebuy buying​ decisions, and complex buying decisions

Each buyer uses buying decisions applied to his or her unique​ circumstances; however, the typical stages in the buying decision process are needs​ awareness, ________.
A.evaluation of​ solutions, resolution of​ problems, purchase, and implementation
B.vendor​ evaluation, purchase order​ issuance, and delivery
C.evaluation of​ solutions, proposal​ process, purchase, and delivery
D.vendor​ evaluation, request for​ proposals, contract​ issuance, and delivery
E.vendor​ evaluation, resolution of​ problems, purchase, and distribution

Although buying behavior is influenced in part by individual​ needs, people around us influence our buying decisions. These group influences are in four major​ areas: ________.
A.demographic​ influences, economic reference​ groups, social​ class, and culture
B.role​ influences, reference​ groups, economic​ influences, and culture and subculture
C.role​ influences, reference​ groups, social​ class, and culture and subculture
D.role​ influences, referring​ groups, socioeconomic​ influences, and culture
E.demographic​ influences, socioeconomic​ influences, role​ influences, and cultural and subculture

Several of the most common causes of customer attrition include the​ following: ________.
A.the purchase was a​ one-time need, customer has issues with the sales​ team, and customer moves or is acquired
B.the purchase was a​ one-time need, customer moves or is​ acquired, and a loyal buyer goes to new company or leaves
C.the customer moves or is​ acquired, customer is unhappy with the​ after-the-sale services, and a loyal buyer goes to new company or leaves
D.the purchase was a​ one-time need, product​ dissatisfaction, and customer moves or is acquired
E.product​ dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction with​ after-the-sale service, and the customer moves or is acquired

The basic lead qualifying criteria includes​ ________.
A.prospect​ need, authority to issue an​ RFP, and ability to​ "buy now"
B.financially able to​ buy, willing to​ buy, and authority to buy
C.prospect​ need, financially unable to​ buy, and willing to buy
D.prospect​ need, authority to approve purchase​ order, and ability to​ "buy now"
E.prospect​ need, authority to​ buy, financial resources to​ buy, and willingness to buy

The sales process​ (or sales​ funnel) model includes the following​ steps: ________.
A.qualify, needs​ analysis, presentation,​ negotiations, and closed
B.​prospect, needs​ analysis, presentation,​ negotiations, and​ closed/service
C.​prospect, needs​ analysis, presentation,​ negotiations, and closed
D.​prospect, qualify,​ presentation, negotiations, and​ closed/service
E.​prospect, qualified, needs​ analysis, presentation,​ negotiations, and​ closed/service

The three prescriptions of a presentation strategy are​ ________.
A.establish​ objectives, develop a presale presentation plan to meet the​ objectives, and have each team member review and approve
B.establish​ objectives, develop a presale presentation plan to meet the​ objectives, and have the inside sales team review and approve
C.establish​ objectives, develop a presale presentation plan to meet the​ objectives, and rehearse the presentation
D.establish​ objectives, develop a presale presentation plan to meet the​ objectives, and renew​ everyone's commitment to provide outstanding customer service
E.double-check with your sales manager on​ objectives, develop a presale presentation plan to meet the​ objectives, and have inside sales team review

Salespeople skilled in adaptive selling consider how​ ________ may enhance the sales presentation.
A.the​ relationship, product, and customer strategies
B.the​ team, the​ product, and customer strategies
C.the​ team, the​ product, and presentation strategy
D.the​ product, product​ price, and customer strategies
E.the​ relationship, the​ team, and presentation strategy

The six main parts of the presentation plan include​ ________.
A.​preapproach, approach, need​ discovery, presentation,​ negotiation, and close
B.​approach, need​ discovery, rehearse,​ presentation, close, and servicing the sale
C.​preapproach, approach, need​ discovery, presentation,​ pricing, and close
D.​approach, need​ discovery, presentation,​ negotiation, close, and servicing the sale
E.​approach, need​ discovery, presentation,​ pricing, contract, and close

Some of the most common approaches to arouse prospect interest in the presentation include​ ________.
A.agenda, product​ demo, referral, delivery​ options, price, customer​ benefit, and premium
B.product​ demo, referral, customer​ benefit, price, customer​ service, and premium
C.​agenda, product​ demo, referral, customer​ benefit, price, product​ requirements, and question
D.​agenda, product​ demo, customer​ benefit, question,​ quotation, customer​ service, and premium
E.​agenda, product​ demo, referral, customer​ benefit, question,​ survey, and premium

The​ four-part need-satisfaction model includes​ ________.
A.need​ agreement, solution​ selection, contracting​ agreement, and servicing the sale
B.need​ exploration, solution​ selection, need​ satisfaction, and servicing the sale
C.need​ discovery, solution​ options, satisfaction​ exploration, and servicing the sale
D.need​ discovery, solution​ selection, need​ satisfaction, and servicing the sale
E.need​ discovery, solution​ options, need​ satisfaction, and servicing the sale

The​ pace, scope, and time allocated to need discovery might depend on a variety of​ factors, but there are generally several major factors. The major factors include​ ________.
A.product​ sophistication, price,​ customer's product​ knowledge, and time available for discussion between salesperson and prospect
B.product​ sophistication, price,​ customer's contracting​ requirements, and time available for discussion between salesperson and prospect
C.product​ sophistication, price, engineering design​ deadlines, and time available for discussion between salesperson and prospect
D.product​ sophistication, manufacturing​ requirements, and time available for discussion between salesperson and prospect
E.​price, customer's product​ knowledge, and time available for discussion between salesperson and prospect

Preparation for the close involves​ ________.
predetermining customer​ needs, suggesting preselected​ solutions, and planning appropriate closing methods
predetermining customer​ needs, custom-fitting​ solutions, and planning appropriate closing methods
understanding customer​ needs, custom-fitting​ solutions, and doing little preparation for the closing
understanding customer​ needs, custom-fitting​ solutions, and planning appropriate closing methods
This is the correct answer.
understanding customer​ needs, suggesting preselected​ solutions, and planning appropriate closing methods

Three things a​ high-performance salesperson can do after a lost sale are​ ________.
make sure the deal is​ dead, review the chain of​ events, and interview the client
reexamine your​ proposal, review the chain of​ events, and attempt to renegotiate
reopen the​ negotiations, review the chain of​ events, and interview the client
make sure the deal is​ dead, review the chain of​ events, and discuss with your senior sales management team
reopen the​ negotiations, review the chain of​ events, and discuss with your senior sales management team

The great majority of buyer concerns fall into five categories. Those categories are​ ________.
​need, product,​ price, vendor​ qualifications, and source
​need, product, vendor​ qualifications, price, and contracting requirements
​need, product,​ source, time, and price
​need, product,​ price, shipping, and distribution
​need, product,​ price, contracting​ obstacles, and shipping

There are several key methods for using a persuasive presentation strategy. These​ include: emphasize the​ relationship, ________.
target emotional​ links, sell specific​ benefits, use​ attention-getting showmanship, exaggerate negative change​ impact, place strongest appeal at the beginning or​ end, and use power of association
target emotional​ links, sell specific​ benefits/get reactions, appropriate use of​ showmanship, minimize negative change​ impact, place strongest appeal at the beginning or​ end, and use power of association
remain​ unemotional, do not sell specific​ benefits/get reactions, appropriate use of​ showmanship, minimize negative change​ impact, place strongest appeal at the beginning or end and use power of association
target emotional​ links, sell specific​ benefits/get reactions, appropriate use of​ showmanship, exaggerate negative change​ impact, place strongest appeal at the beginning or​ end, and avoid power of association
target emotional​ links, sell specific​ benefits/get reactions,​ attention-getting showmanship, exaggerate negative change​ impact, place strongest appeal at the beginning or​ end, and use power of association

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