What are three characteristics of the Precontemplation stage for changing a specific behavior?

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Terms in this set (22)

According to the Stages of Change Model, what are three characteristics of the precontemplation stage for changing a specific behavior?

u do not see a reason to change the behavior.

You do not acknowledge that you have the behavior.

You have no motivation to change the behavior.

Which of the following statements best distinguishes health promotion from disease prevention?

Health promotion maintains or improves the current status of community health, whereas disease prevention tries to ward off specific illnesses.

In the Stages of Change Model, which of the following would not occur in the contemplation stage of behavior change, prior to proceeding onto the next stage of change?

avoiding environments that trigger unhealthy behavior

The preparation stage includes

building your skill set.

Which of the following is thought to have the most significant impact on population health outcomes?

socioeconomic status

Which of the following belong to the action stage of the Stages of Change Model?

changing your behavior
-beginning to avoid triggers for unhealthy behavior

Which of the following is a tip for moving forward from the precontemplation stage of the Stages of Change Model?

noting discrepancies between your behaviors and your goals

Which of the following are included in the maintenance stage of the Stages of Change Model?

engaging in the new behavior for at least six months
working to prevent yourself from falling into old habits

Which of the following occur during the contemplation stage of the Stages of Change Model?

weighing the pros and cons of making a change

recognizing you have a problem behavior

Which of the following are included in the termination stage of the Stages of Change Model?

You are no longer tempted to lapse back to old behavior.

You are confident in your ability to maintain the new behavior.

Which of the following are included in the preparation stage of the Stages of Change Model?

setting goals and a start date

looking for tools to help support the change

According to the stages of change model, which of the following would be the most appropriate way of viewing change?

as a series of steps going both up and down

Which of the following are policies that can reduce the negative effects of low socioeconomic status on health outcomes?

parental-leave legislation

minimum-wage requirements

Which of the following are elements of health literacy?

the ability to navigate the health care system

the ability to understand health information

the ability to understand medical instructions

Which of the following is a way in which you can improve your chances of success during the action stage of the Stages of Change model?

rewarding yourself for change

A(n) ______ is a unit of heredity that consists of a sequence of DNA on a chromosome.


In the Stages of Change Model, the stage that is held for at least six months but can sometimes last a lifetime is known as the ______ stage.


Sickle-cell disease is an example of a ______ that causes a person's red blood cells to be misshapen.

gene mutation

Your genogram, or family health tree, is which of the following?

a visual representation of your family's genetic and health history

Which of the following most closely represents the main idea of the Stages of Change Model of behavior change?

As you change your behavior, you move forward and backward through distinct stages.

Genes serve as a template and are transcribed into ______, a temporary message that can travel out of the nucleus.


Which of the following patterns of illness suggest a genetic link?

a family member with multiple cancers

This indicates a greater likelihood for a genetic cause.

multiple family members experiencing the same disease

a grandmother with an early onset of Alzheimer's disease

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What are the characteristics of the Precontemplation stage of change?

In the precontemplation stage, people are not thinking seriously about changing and are not interested in any kind of help. People in this stage tend to defend their current bad habit(s) and do not feel it is a problem. They may be defensive in the face of other people's efforts to pressure them to change.

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The Precontemplation stage occurs when the client has no intention, now, or in the future (typically seen as six months), to change their behavior. For example, “I have no intention of taking up a sport or going running.” Most likely, they are either under-informed or uninformed.

What strategy is needed in Precontemplation stage?

Motivational Strategies for the Precontemplation Stage Establish rapport and build trust. Raise concerns about a parent's substance-related risk behaviors to self and children. Elicit the parents' perceptions of their level of risk.

What are the stages of Behaviour change?

According to the transtheoretical model of change, there are six stages of behavior change..
Precontemplation stage. At this stage, people are not yet aware of the negative behavior they need to change. ... .
Contemplation stage. ... .
Preparation or determination stage. ... .
Action stage. ... .
Maintenance stage. ... .
Relapse stage..


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