What are the 3 elements that need to be documented by the provider to support their current procedural terminology CPT code?

  • Journal List
  • Clin Colon Rectal Surg
  • v.18(4); 2005 Nov
  • PMC2780083

Clin Colon Rectal Surg. 2005 Nov; 18(4): 279–283.

Office Management

Guest Editors David E. Beck M.D. Dennis E. Choat M.D.


Accurate coding of diagnoses and procedures is the key to managing your reimbursement, limiting your write-offs, and avoiding fraudulent activity that could bring havoc to your practice. Proper ICD-9-CM coding (International Classifications of Disease, Clinical Modifications) and CPT coding (Current Procedural Terminology) should be documented for each patient encounter. This article provides basic information to aid physicians in expanding their knowledge of this critical component of a successful practice.

Keywords: ICD-9-CM (International Classifications of Disease, Clinical Modifications), CPT (Current Procedural Terminology), encounter form

Accurate coding of diagnoses and procedures is the key to managing your reimbursement, limiting your write-offs, and avoiding fraudulent activity that could bring havoc to your practice. In this article we will analyze proper ICD-9-CM coding (International Classifications of Disease, Clinical Modifications) as well as CPT coding (Current Procedural Terminology). An encounter form (paper or electronic) should be completed for each patient at each office visit. Information on this form should include patient demographics (with a unique patient identifier number), a diagnostic code (ICD-9-CM) and a procedure code (CPT) for the visit. The encounter form should be checked by the physician for accuracy and correlation between the diagnosis and procedure performed prior to being submitted to the office personnel or electronically filed.


The International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) has its basis in the World Health Organization's (WHO) official classification of diseases. The diagnosis codes are owned and updated by the WHO. There are hundreds of thousands of codes available which can be found in a book titled ICD-9 Codes, but fortunately as a colorectal specialist you can limit the ones you need for your practice to essentially 50 or 60. These should be included in your encounter form and checked for each patient visit.

ICD-9 codes are used to describe conditions, diseases, and symptoms. Because these codes cover symptoms as well as diagnoses, an individual patient can have one or more ICD-9 codes associated with his or her encounter. Let's consider several common scenarios as examples. A 28-year-old male presents with painful anal bleeding. After your history and examination, you determine that he has an anal fissure. You would select a diagnostic code of 565.0 (fissure-in-ano), 569.42 (anal pain), and/or 569.3 (anal bleeding). If this patient were also diabetic you could also include a code 250.03 (diabetes).

A second example is a 48-year-old female referred to you for colon cancer screening. She is otherwise healthy but has an uncle who has had colon cancer. She has no symptoms. You would then code “V76.51” which is a special screening for malignant neoplasms. The “V” prescript signifies a history of a problem. Next, you consider a patient who has a personal history of polyps or cancer, and the code is “V12.72” or “V10.05,” respectively.

There are numerous codes to use as your diagnosis code and they are all virtually self-explanatory. For instance, abdominal pain is coded 789.00, and other types of abdominal pain are subtyped according to location. The code for “left lower quadrant pain” is 789.04. Table 1 provides the more common ICD-9-CM codes for colorectal diagnoses. The codes you select should be supported by documentation in your encounter note.

Table 1

Office Diagnosis ICD-9-CM

789.06 Abdominal Pain, Epigastric
789.07 Abdominal Pain, Generalized
789.04 Abdominal Pain, Left Lower Quad
789.02 Abdominal Pain, Left Upper Quad
789.09 Abdominal Pain, Other Spec Site
789.05 Abdominal Pain, Periumbilic
789.03 Abdominal Pain, Rt Lower Quad
789.01 Abdominal Pain, Rt Upper Quad
789.00 Abdominal Pain, Unspecified
569.81 Abdominal Wall Fistula
998.59 Abdominal Wound Infection
569.5 Abscess, Intestinal
566 Abscess, Ischiorectal
566 Abscess, Perianal
787.6 Anal Incontinence
569.2 Anal Stenosis
285.9 Anemia
578.1 Blood in Stool (Melena)
555.1 Colitis, Crohn's
008.45 Colitis, Fulminant
009.0 Colitis, Infectious
557.9 Colitis, Ischemic
008.45 Colitis, Pseudomembraneous
556.0 Colitis, Ulcerative, Enterocolitis
556.1 Colitis, Ulcerative, Ileocolitis
556.5 Colitis, Ulcerative, Left Sided
556.8 Colitis, Ulcerative, Other
556.2 Colitis, Ulcerative, Proctitis
556.3 Colitis, Ulcerative, Protosig
556.6 Colitis, Ulcerative, Universal
569.83 Colon Perforation
596.6 Colostomy, Enterostomy Mal
078.11 Condyloma Acuminata
564.00 Constipation, Functional
555.9 Crohn's Disease
564.5 Diarrhea, Functional
564.4 Diarrhea, Post Op
562.11 Diverticulitis
562.10 Diverticulosis
617.9 Endometriosis
617.5 Endometriosis, Rectum/Colon
V16.0 Family History of Colon Neoplasm
565.0 Fissure in Ano
565.1 Fistula in Ano (Simple, Complex)
619.1 Fistula, Recto Vaginal
455.4 Hemorrhoids, Thrombosed, Exter.
455.1 Hemorrhoids, Thrombosed, Inter.
455.2 Hemorrhoids, Intern. (Bleeding or Ulcerated)
455.5 Hemorrhoids, Exter. (Bleeding or Ulcerated)
455.0 Hemorrhoids, Internal
569.3 Hemorrhage of Rectum/Anus
553.21 Hernia, Incisional
569.69 Hernia, Parastomal
553.20 Hernia, Ventral
705.83 Hidradenitis Suppurative
751.3 Hirschsprung's Disease
569.49 Hypertrophied Anal Papilla
560.39 Impaction, Fecal
560.9 Obstruction, Small Bowel
706.2 Sebaceous Cyst
564.1 Irritable Bowel Syndrome
564.6 Levator Spasm/Proctalgia Fugax
564.7 Mega Colon
154.0 Neoplasm, Colorectal
V10.05 Neoplasm, Colon, History
V10.06 Neoplasm, Rectal, History
V76.51 Screen for Colon Cancer
879.9 Open Anal Wound
569.49 Perianal Irritation
685.0 Pilonidal Cyst/Sinus, Abscess
685.1 Pilonidal Cyst/Sinus, Infected
211.3 Polyps, Colon
V12.72 Polyps, Colon, History
211.3 Polyps, Familial Polyposis
569.0 Polyps, Rectal
556.4 Polyps, Pseudopolyposis
569.49 Pouchitis
569.49 Proctitis
698.0 Pruritis Ani
569.42 Rectal Pain
569.1 Rectal Procidentia
787.9 Rectal Swelling
569.41 Rectal Ulcer
618.0 Rectocele
455.9 Skin Tags, External
788.20 Urine, Retention of
569.82 Ulceration, Colon
958.3 Wound Infection


For the office, CPT codes will be limited to two categories: evaluation and management (E&M) and minor office procedures. Procedures performed in the operating room or ambulatory surgery center also have CPT codes and some of these are similar to the office codes. CPT codes have been developed by the American Medical Association and groups associated with the federal government. New codes are developed and older codes are updated by these groups. The E&M codes (Table 2) are those beginning with “99,” and these codes are based on three types of visits: (1) new patient, (2) consultation, and (3) established patient. A new patient is an individual who has not received any professional service from you within the past 3 years. A consultation is defined by a patient seeking your opinion or advice at the request of another physician and is documented in the patient record as such. Established patients have received professional services from you or your group in the past 3 years. Once a category of E&M coding has been determined, you must then determine the level of service.

Table 2

Office Evaluation and Management Codes (CPT)

 Problem Focused 99201
 Expanded Problem Focused 99202
 Detailed 99203
 Comprehensive—Moderate 99204
 Comprehensive—High 99205
 Problem Focused 99212
 Expanded Problem Focused 99213
 Detailed 99214
 Comprehensive 99215
 Post Op Exam 99024
 Problem Focused 99241
 Expanded Problem Focused 99242
 Detailed 99243
 Comprehensive–Moderate 99244
 Comprehensive–High 99275
 Limited Confirmatory Consultation 99271
 Intermediate Confirmatory Consultation 99272
 Extended Confirmatory Consultation 99273
 Comprehensive Confirmatory Consultation 99274
 Complex Confirmatory Consultation 99275

The level of service depends on three documented components: (1) history, (2) physical examination, and (3) medical decision-making. History is defined by three areas which are the chief complaint, the history of present illness, and the past, family, and social history. The chief complaint should be a brief concise statement that explains the symptom, problem, condition, or current diagnosis. Next, the history of present illness (HPI) will consist of a description of the signs/symptoms of the patient. The number of signs and symptoms documented in the patient record determines the level of service you will be able to code. The following are the elements of an HPI:

  • Location

  • Quality

  • Severity

  • Context

  • Modifying factors

  • Associated signs and symptoms

  • Timing

  • Duration

The past, family, and social history is the third part of the history. Most practices develop a history form that the patient fills out at the initial visit and that can be incorporated into the office note. It is important to sign and date the history form every time a patient comes into the office to document that this review of the past, family, and social history was covered. Also, during the history portion, the number of reviews of systems (ROS) documented will also help in determining the level of service for which you will be able to charge. There are 14 ROS groups as described below:

  • Constitutional symptoms

  • Eyes

  • Ears, nose, mouth, throat

  • Cardiovascular

  • Respiratory

  • Gastrointestinal

  • Genitourinary

  • Musculoskeletal

  • Integumentary

  • Neurological

  • Psychiatric

  • Endocrine

  • Hematologic/lymphatic

  • Allergic/immunologic

In general, by including a review of systems, you can increase your level of E&M coding to increase your reimbursement. This does not apply, however, to a preoperative history and physical (99999) for established patients. These are coded and reimbursed as part of the global surgical fee which includes the history and physical visit and subsequent postoperative visits for the 90-day global period after surgery for procedures performed in the operating room, and for 30 days following office procedures (i.e., incision and drainage of an abscess). The actual global period can be confirmed by contacting your local Medicare chapter or referring to the Health Care Finance Act (HCFA).

The level of exam is defined by the elements identified by each system, according to the following guidelines.

Problem Focused

Evaluate one to five elements within a system (i.e., rectal bleeding).

Expanded Problem Focus

Evaluate at least six elements within a system or six systems (i.e., rectal pain, rectal bleeding, weight loss, diarrhea, pruritis, fever).


Evaluate at least two elements within six systems or at least 12 elements within two or more systems.


Evaluate the entire ROS and identify one or two elements per system.

The last component of the level of service is “medical decision-making.” This refers to the complexity of the diagnosis or management option and is measured by three areas: (1) the amount and complexity of data reviewed which include referring physician's notes, laboratory data, x-rays, etc.; (2) the number of diagnoses or management options; and (3) the level of risk. The levels of decision-making are low, moderate, and high complexity based on the three areas of medical decision-making. The guidelines for the levels can be found in the HCFA/CPT documentation guidelines, and you should document these levels in your office notes or dictation to justify the level of complexity of the visit.

Office procedures should be coded as described in the CPT handbook A yearly updated copy of this handbook can be purchased from the American Medical Association. Please refer to Table 3 for the most common office procedure in a colon and rectal practice. Remember that the CPT code should correlate with the ICD-9-CM code. For instance, if you see a patient with a diagnosis of perianal abscess (566) and you drain the abscess in the office, you should code for an incision and drainage of a perianal abscess (46050), not a sphincterotomy (46080).

Table 3

Office Procedures-CPT

Anoscopy 46600
Anoscopy/Dilation 46604
Anoscopy/Biopsy 46606
Anoscopy Removal of Foreign Body 46608
Anoscopy/Removal of Single (Polyp-Lesion, Hot Biopsy) 46610
Anoscopy/Removal of Single (Polyp-Lesion, Snare) 46611
Anoscopy/Removal of Multi (Polyps-Lesions) 46612
Anoscopy/Control of Bleeding 44614
Cauterization of Anal Fissure 17250
Destruction of Lesion, simple, chemical 46900
Destruction of Lesion, simple, electrodesiccation 46910
Destruction of Lesion, extensive, any method 46924
Excision, Pilonidal Cyst 11772
Excision of Thrombosed Hemorrhoid 46320
Flex Sig Diagnostic 45330
Flex PS with Biopsy 45531
Flex PS w/Polypectomy, Hot Biopsy 45333
Flex PS, Rem. Polyp or Lesion, Snare 45338
Flex PS, Control of Bleeding 45334
Ileoscopy, via Stoma 44380
Flex Sig of SB Pouch, Diag. 44385
Flex Sig of SB Pouch w/Biopsy 44386
Ileoscopy via Stoma w/Biopsy 44388
I&D of Perianal Abscess, Superficial 46050
I&D of Perirectal/Ischiorectal Abscess 46040
I&D of Pilonidal Cyst 10081
Injection of Internal Hemorrhoids 46500
Ligation of Internal Hemorrhoids (Single or Multi) 46221
Mult. Ligation of Hemorrhoids 46946
Ultrasound Intrepretation 76872
PS 45300
PS with Hot Biopsy 45308
PS with Biopsy 45305
PS with Rem. of Foreign Body 45307
PS with Rem. of Polyp, Snare 45309
PS with Rem. of Polyp, Snare, Multiple 45315
PS to Control Bleeding 45317
PS with Dilitation 45303
PS Cauterization of Polyps 45320
Removal of Fecal Impaction or Foreign Body 45915
Removal of Seton 46030
Skin Tag/Papillectomy 46220
Sphincterotomy 46080
Skin Tag/Papillectomy, Multiple 46230
Wound Care 11000

An important thing to consider when performing an office procedure is whether it is performed on the same day as an E&M visit. If an E&M service and an office procedure are performed on the same day, a modifier must be used to be reimbursed for both services. For example, if a new patient is seen in consultation for constipation (564.00), and in your workup you find that he or she has also had rectal bleeding (569.3), and you perform a flexible sigmoidoscopy with a biopsy (45331) to evaluate the rectal bleeding on the same day, a number 25 modifier must be used with the E&M service (99242). The following are two modifiers that are commonly used in office settings:


Unrelated E&M visit during postoperative period by the same physician/group.


Significant, separate, identifiable E&M service on the same day of a procedure.

Unfortunately, some procedures that are performed on the same day along with an E&M visit may not be reimbursed by your carrier. However, you should document what you have done and attempt to be compensated for your time. You should check with your insurance contracts to see what is considered inclusive and regularly review your collections to identify whether your carrier has changed its policy.

Accurate documentation and coding are critical to a successful practice. This process can be complex and many of the “rules” can have various interpretations. Unfortunately, several organizations have input into those rules (federal government, insurance carriers, American Medical Association, etc.) and the rules can be changed. Therefore, physicians must constantly expand their knowledge and review the process on a regular basis to strive for accuracy and appropriate reimbursement.

Articles from Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery are provided here courtesy of Thieme Medical Publishers

What are the 3 main components of the evaluation and management codes?

3 Key Components of E/M Coding: History, Exam, Medical Decision Making.

What are the 3 categories of CPT codes?

Types of CPT.
Category I: These codes have descriptors that correspond to a procedure or service. ... .
Category II: These alphanumeric tracking codes are supplemental codes used for performance measurement. ... .
Category III: These are temporary alphanumeric codes for new and developing technology, procedures and services..

What are the 3 contributing factors that determine the level of EM Service?

The first three of these components (History, Examination, Medical Decision Making) are considered the "key" components in selecting a level of E&M service. The extent of these services are major factors in defining the level of the service performed.

What are the three key elements required when assigning a Problem Oriented E M service?

The three key components (history, examination, and medical decision making) are required for most E/M codes.