What are computer viruses that wait for a specific date before executing their instructions?


A computer virus is a malicious application or authored code used to perform destructive activity on a device or local network. The code’s malicious activity could damage the local file system, steal data, interrupt services, download additional malware, or any other actions coded into the program by the malware author. Many viruses pretend to be legitimate programs to trick users into executing them on their device, delivering the computer virus payload.

Types of Computer Viruses

Every virus has a payload that performs an action. The threat actor can code any malicious activity into the virus payload, including simple, innocuous pranks that don’t do any harm. While a few viruses have harmless payloads, most of them cause damage to the system and its data. There are nine main virus types, some of which could be packaged with other malware to increase the chance of infection and damage. The nine major categories for viruses are:

What Causes Computer Viruses?

Computer viruses are standard programs; only instead of offering useful resources, these programs can damage your device. For a threat actor to execute a virus on your machine, you must initiate execution. In some cases, an attacker can execute malicious code through your browser or remotely from another network computer. Modern browsers have defenses against local machine code execution, but third-party software installed on the browser could have vulnerabilities that allow viruses to run locally.

The delivery of a computer virus can happen in several ways. One common method is via a phishing email. Another technique is hosting malware on a server that promises to provide a legitimate program. It can be delivered using macros or by injecting malicious code into legitimate software files.

How to Prevent Computer Viruses

Computer viruses can damage your PC, send sensitive data to attackers, and cause downtime until the system is repaired. You can avoid becoming the next computer virus victim by following a few best practices:

Experts and technology who use their knowledge to break into computers and computer networks, either for profit or just motivated by the challenge.

A computer attack where an attacker access is a wireless computer network, intercepts data, uses network services, and/or sends attack instructions without entering the office organization that owns the network.

What are some common types of hackers?

Black hat hackers
Script kiddies or script bunnies
White hat hackers

Break into other people's computer systems and may just look around or may steal and destroy information.

Have criminal intent when hacking

Seek to cause harm to people or to destroy critical systems or information and use the Internet as a weapon of mass destruction.

Have philosophical and political reasons for breaking into Systems and will often deface the website as a protest.

Script kitties or script bunnies

Find hacking code on the Internet and click Dash and Dash point to their way into systems to cause damage or spread viruses.

Work at the request of the system owners to find system vulnerabilities and plug the holes.

How does a computer virus spread?

First a hacker creates a virus and attach it to a program, document, or website.
Second thinking the file is legitimate, the user downloads it and the virus and sex other files and programs on the computer.
Finally the virus quickly spreads an email attachments and shared files to coworkers and friends.

Software written with malicious intent to cause annoyance or damage.

Software that, while purporting to serve some useful function and often fulfilling that function, also allows Internet advertisers to display advertisements without the consent of the computer user.

A special class of adware the collects data about the user and transmits it over the Internet without the user's knowledge or permission.

Spyware programs collect specific dad about the user, ranging from general demographic such as name, address, and browsing habits to credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, and usernames and passwords.

What are some common forms of viruses?

Backdoor programs
Denial – of – service attack
Distributed denial – of – service attack
Polymorphic viruses and worms
Trojan horse virus

Open a way into the network for future attacks.

Denial – of – service attack

Floods a website with so many request for service that it slows down or crashes the site.

Distributed denial – of –service attack

Attacks from multiple computers that flood a website with so many request for service that it slows down or crashes.

Polymorphic viruses and worms

Change their form as they propagate.

Hides inside other software, usually as an attachment or a downloadable file.

Spreads itself, not only from file to file, but also from computer to computer.
They do not need to attach anything to spread and can tunnel themselves into computers.

What are some examples of hacker weapons?

Elevation of privilege
Malicious code
Packet tampering
Splogs (spam blogs)

A process by which a user misleads a system into granting unauthorized rights, usually for the purpose of compromising or destroying the system.

Attack computer systems by transmitting a virus hoax, with a real virus attached.

Includes a variety of threats such as viruses, worms and Trojan horses.

Consist of altering the contents of packets as they travel over the Internet or altering data on computer desk after penetrating a network.

A program or device that can monitor data traveling over a network.

The forging of the return address on an email so that the message appears to come from someone other than the actual sender.

Fake blogs created solely to raise the search engine rank of affiliated websites.

Software that comes hidden in free downloadable software and tracks online movements, mines the information stored on a computer, or uses a computer's CPU and storage for some task the user knows nothing about.

Organizational information is intellectual capital therefore just as an organization protects their tangible assets such as money in a bank they must also protect their intellectual capital which includes everything from patents to transactional and analytical information.

Legitimate users who purposely or accidentally miss use their access to the environment and cause some kind of business affecting incident.

Hackers use their social skills to trick people into revealing access credentials or other valuable information.

Looking through people's trash to obtain someone's information.

Information security policies

Identify the rules required to maintain information security, such as requiring users to log off before leaving for lunch or meetings, never sharing password with anyone, and changing passwords every 30 days.

Information security plan

Details how an organization will implement the information security policies.

Malicious agents designed by spammers and other Internet attackers to farm email addresses off websites or deposit spyware on machines.

What are the three areas of information security?

Authentication and authorization
Prevention and resistance
Detection and response

The forging of someone's identity for the purpose of fraud.

With identity theft the fraud is often financial because thieves apply for and use credit cards or loans in the victim's name.

The category of computer security that addresses the protection of data from unauthorized disclosure and confirmation of data source authenticity.

A technique to gain personal information for the purpose of identity theft, usually by means of fraudulent emails that look as though they came from legitimate businesses.

A masquerading attack that combines spam with spoofing.
The perpetrator sends millions of spam emails that appear to be from a respectable company. The emails contain a link to a website that is designed to look exactly like the company's website. The victim is encouraged to enter his or Horry username, password, and sometimes credit card information.

A phishing expedition in which the emails are carefully designed to target a particular person or organization.

A phone scam that attempts to defraud people by asking them to call a bogus telephone number to "Confirm" their account information.

Reroutes requests for legitimate websites to false websites.

A program that secretly takes over another computer for the purpose of launching a attacks on other computers.

A group of computers on which a hacker has planted zombie programs.

Uses a zombie farm, often by an organize crime association, to launch a massive phishing attack.

A method for confirming user' identities.

The process of providing a user with permission including access levels and abilities such as file access, hours of access, and amount of allocated storage space.

What are the three categories that authentication and authorization techniques fall into?

Something the user knows, such as a user ID and password.
Something the user has, such as a smartcard or token.
Something that is part of the user, such as a fingerprint or voice signature.

Small electronic devices the change user password automatically.

A device about the size of a credit card, containing embedded technologies they can store information and small amounts of software to perform some limited processing.

The identification of a user based on the physical characteristics, such as the fingerprint, Iris, face, voice, or handwriting

Computer viruses that wait for a specific date before executing their instructions.

Occurs when organizations you software that filters content, such as emails, to prevent the accidental or malicious transmission of unauthorized information.

Scrambles information into an alternative form that requires a key or password to decrypt.

The science that studies encryption, which is the hiding of messages so that only the sender and receiver can read them.

Advanced encryption standard

Designed to keep government information secure.

Uses two keys: a public key that everyone can have an a private key for only the recipient.

A trusted third-party that validates user identities by means of digital certificates.

A data file that identifies individuals or organizations online and is comparable to a digital signature.

Hardware and/or software that guard a private network by analyzing incoming and outgoing information for the correct markings.

Scans and searches hard drives to prevent, detect, and remove known viruses, adware, and spyware.

And organized attempt by a country's military to disrupt or destroy information and communication systems for another country.

The use of computer and networking tech knowledge ease against persons or property to intimidate or coerce governments, individuals, or any segment of society to attain political, religious, or ideological goals.

Intrusion detection software

Features full-time monitoring tools that search for patterns and network traffic to identify intruders.

What is a phishing expedition quizlet?

Phishing Expedition. A masquerading attack that combines spam with spoofing. Spear Phishing. A phishing expedition in which the emails are carefully designed to target a particular person or organization. Vishing (Voice Phising)

What spreads itself not only from file to file but also from computer to computer?

What is a virus? A computer virus is a program that spreads by first infecting files or the system areas of a computer or network router's hard drive and then making copies of itself.
Adware is software that displays unwanted (and sometimes irritating) pop-up adverts which can appear on your computer or mobile device.

What is the act of conforming acquiescing or yielding?

This shows grade level based on the word's complexity. the act of conforming, acquiescing, or yielding. a tendency to yield readily to others, especially in a weak and subservient way.