Using the three-step writing process helps you be more efficient in creating a message because

CHAPTER 4:UNDERSTANDING THE 3 STEP WRITING PROCESS:By following the process introduced in this chapter, you can learn to createsuccessful messages that meet audience needs and highlight your skills as aperceptive business professional.The three-step writing process helps ensure that your messages are botheffective(meeting your audience’s needs and getting your points across) andefficient(making the best use of your time and your audience’s time).THREE STEP PROCESS: (PLANNINGWRITINGCOMPLETING)Planning business messages.To plan any message, firstanalyze the situationby defining your purpose and developing a profile of your audience. With that inmind, you cangather informationthat will meet your audience’s needs. Next,select the right medium(oral, written, visual, or electronic) to deliver yourmessage. Then,organize the informationby defining your main idea, limitingyour scope, selecting an approach, and outlining your content. Planningmessages is the focus this chapter.Writing business messages.Once you’ve planned your message,adapt toyour audiencewith sensitivity, relationship skills, and style. Then you’re ready tocompose your messageby choosing strong words, creating effective sentences,and developing coherent paragraphs. Writing business messages is discussed inChapter 5.Completing business messages.After writing your first draft,revise yourmessageto make sure it is clear, concise, and correct. Nextproduce yourmessage,giving it an attractive, professional appearance.Proofreadthe finalproduct for typos, spelling errors, and other mechanical problems. Finally,distribute your messageusing the best combination of personal andtechnological tools. Completing business messages is discussed in Chapter 6.OPTIMIZE WRITING TIME:The more you use the three-step writing process, the easier and faster it willbecome. You will also get better at allotting your time for each task during awriting project.Start by adding up how much time you have to spend on a given project. Then,as a rule, try using roughly half your time for planning, one-quarter of your timefor writing, and the remaining quarter for completing the project. Devoting only aquarter of your time to writing might sound odd, but it makes sense for severalreasons. First, with careful planning, the actual writing is faster, easier, and lessstressful. Second, it is always wise to set aside plenty of time for the completingstep. If you rush through the completion phase, you run the risk of spoiling allyour hard work by delivering poor quality messages.Of course, the 50-25-25 time allotment can vary significantly from project toproject. Start with the “50-25-25 split” as a guideline and use your best judgmentfor each project.

The modern business world is driven by fast-paced communication, so accurate and precise writing has never been more important.  When composing any form of business writing, it is crucial to understand the basic three-step writing process.  Taking the time to learn how to properly (1) plan, (2) write, and (3) complete each piece of business writing you compose can drastically improve your writing skill and accurately prepare you for future business writing.*All information regarding the three-step writing process comes from the book Excellence in Business Communication*

As mentioned above, the first part of the three-step writing process is PLANNING.  A writer must analyze the writing situation, collect relevant information to include, determining the appropriate target audience, and finally organize and lay out all the collected information.

Because the planning stage involves creating an outline for the actual piece of writing, it may be the most important and longest step of the three.  Using the three-step writing process properly will ensure that your message is both effective and efficient.

The second part of the three-step writing process is the actual WRITING itself.  When composing your message, focus on connecting with your audience by using a "you" attitude, which requires looking at the situation from your reader's perspective.  Ideally, this will yield better understanding and generally sounds more polite and understanding.  Choose words that most effectively get your point across, and will do so in a clear manner. 

The final step of the three-step writing process involves COMPLETING your message.  After you have composed your writing, revise its content by checking its readability.  Then focus on using design elements like bullet points or bold/italicized words to make it look professional.

Once you have finished editing its layout, check for any spelling or grammatical errors.  It is always a good idea to have someone else proofread your work as well.  Finally, when you are ready to distribute your message, deliver it through the appropriate medium, and make sure any necessary attachments are grouped with your message.

Citation: Thill, John V., and Courtland L. Bovée. "Planning Business Messages." Excellence in Business Communication. 10th ed. Boston: Pearson, 2013. N. pag. Print.

To give you a better understanding of how to apply the three-step writing process to a real-world situation, I have attached three documents in which I used this process to complete.  I have also provided a short summary of the requirements for each document.  You can read each of the requirements as though they have been given to your from a manager.  Underneath each requirement summary will be the link to the document I completed for that assignment.

Email Assignment: Your employer, Ford Motor Company, has received many complaints from employees regarding the quality and content of employee e-mail messages. These complaints are growing, with consequences ranging from lost productivity due to unclear messages, to strained business relationships due to inappropriate tone. Since e-mail is an “information technology” and you are Director of IT, it is your responsibility to address this issue.

Click here for the email assignment.

Negative News Memo: First, through your own informal research, locate a business that is experiencing some type of problem which needs to be communicated to employees – such as mass layoff, closing a location, product quality issues, etc. Then create a memo directed toward all employees that communicates this information and reassures all readers that the company has their best interests at heart.

Click here for the negative news memo.

Direct Reply Letter: As a customer service representative at, you have received a letter from a customer interested in some specific products your company may have to offer. You usually receive online requests for information, so this is a bit different. Respond to Mrs. Jane Doe by answering her questions while at the same time promoting your products and goodwill towards your company. Use to gather information.

Click here for the direct reply letter.

The focus of my writing for each of these assignments was to complete them using the three-step writing method.  For each piece of writing, I focused on planning appropriately beforehand, composing the necessary information in a clear and concise manner, using professional formatting techniques, and writing directly to my target audience.  After reading through my responses, you can gain a better understanding of how to apply the three-step writing process to your own writing.

Why is the three step writing process important?

The three-step writing process entails planning, writing and completing a message so it has a clear purpose, will reach the receiver effectively and meet their needs. This process is used to communicate both routine and persuasive messages in the work place.

What is the three step writing process for effective written communication?

Writing is a process that can be divided into three stages: Pre-writing, drafting and the final revising stage which includes editing and proofreading.

Why planning should be done as the biggest concentration in 3 step of business writing process?

By planning your messages, you can write or communicate effectively. Planning helps you: Deliver the right message to the right audience. Streamline your writing process while eliminating unnecessary time and stress.

What are the planning steps in written communication?

Steps to Communication Planning.
Step 1 – Perform a Situation Analysis. ... .
Step 2 – Identify and Define Objectives / Goals. ... .
Step 3 – Understand and Profile Your Key Audience. ... .
Step 4 – Decide the Media Channels and Create a Strategy. ... .
Step 5 – Create a Timetable for Publishing. ... .
Step 6 – Monitor and Evaluate the Results..


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