True or false: cognitive treatment works to change behavior or feelings by changing thoughts.

Which of the following reflect the American Psychiatric Association's definition of abnormality? (Select all that apply.)

It manifests itself as affecting the way that a person thinks, behaves, and interacts with others. It is a mental illness.

Abnormal behavior is considered _____ when it deviates from what is acceptable in a culture.

_____ establishes the norms by which people evaluate their own behaviors.

When we use terms such as symptoms, mental illness, and mental hospitals, we are reflecting the terminology used in the ____ model or approach.

Which of the following statements are true regarding the DSM-5? (Select all that apply.)

It is published by the American Psychiatric Association.
It is the product of a 14-year revision process.

A mental illness that affects or is manifested in a person's brain and can affect the way the individual thinks, behaves, and interacts with others is known by the the American Psychiatric Association as _____.

_____ is the simultaneous presence of two or more disorders in one person.

Behavior is considered deviant if it _____.

differs from what is acceptable in a culture

Down Syndrome is an example of a _____ disorder.

Cultural ____ provide guidance about how people should behave and what behavior is healthy.

Someone who shows persistent deficits in social communication and social interactions in addition to engaging in repetitive behaviors would likely be diagnosed with _____.

The ____approach to psychological disorders attributes disorders to organic, internal causes.

The cognitive approach to ASD emphasizes deficits in which of the following?

Which statement best describes the DSM-5?

It is used to note medical conditions that may have implications for psychological treatment.

When individuals have been diagnosed with more than one disorder, their conditions are referred to as being _____.

ADHD is characterized by which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

Inattention Hyperactivity

Disorders that happen in childhood and are traced to genetic differences, atypical brain development, or prenatal exposure to substances that adversely affect development are know as _____ disorders.

Which is true in regard to anxiety disorders, according to the DSM-5?

There are 12 types of anxiety disorders.

The two features that characterize autism spectrum disorder are which of the following?

Showing persistent deficits in social communication and interaction across various settings Showing restrictive repetitive behaviors, interests, and activities

What disorder is characterized by long-term, persistent anxiety, and uncontrollable worry?

Generalized anxiety disorder

A child with ASD goes through the social world without understanding that other people have subjective experiences different from their own. This understanding of ASD reflects the _____ approach.

Adele has experienced a number of discrete periods of terror in which she sweats, trembles, feels dizzy, and is quite certain that she is "going crazy." Her physician has assured her that there is no medical reason for these episodes. What is Adele's most likely diagnosis?

A neurodevelopmental disorder that is marked by persistent problems in maintaining attention and difficulty engaging in quiet activities is ____

A(n) ____ ____ is a psychological disorder in which an individual has an irrational, overwhelming, persistent fear of a particular object or situation.

Which of the following are types of anxiety disorders? 

Specific phobia Panic disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder

Which of the following is NOT an example of social phobia?

Liam has an intense fear of heights.

People with ____ anxiety disorder worry about work, health, and relationships, but also about little things, such as whether their clothes fit just right.

_____ disorder is characterized by anxiety-provoking thoughts that will not go away and/or urges to perform repetitive behaviors to prevent or produce some future outcome.

What disorder is characterized by the episodes involving the following symptoms: heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and faintness?

Which of the following disorders is not related to obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Which of the following is NOT a typical symptom of PTSD?

Indulging in repetitive and ritualistic behaviors

Which of the following situations describes the definition of a phobia?

Brent is deathly afraid of spiders, and this is a problem for him because he repairs heating systems.

____ refers to psychological states in which the person feels disconnected from his or her immediate experience.

____ phobia is an intense fear of being humiliated or embarrassed around other people.

___ - ___ disorder is characterized by anxiety-provoking thoughts that will not go away and/or urges to perform repetitive behaviors to prevent or produce some future outcome.

____ disorders are characterized by an unrelenting lack of pleasure in life.

A disorder that has to do with OCD and has been included in the DSM-5 is which of the following?

True or false: Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that is characterized by extreme mood swings.

Which of the following best represent the symptoms of PTSD? (Select all that apply.)

Impulsive outbursts of behavior Flashbacks
Problems with memory and concentration

____ disorders are characterized by extreme disturbances in an individual's food consumption behavior.

Someone who is in a psychological state in which they feel disconnected from immediate experience is experiencing _____.

Anorexia ____ is an eating disorder that involves the pursuit of thinness through starvation.

_____ nervosa is an eating disorder in which an individual engages in binging and purging behaviors.

A situation in which a person suffers from an unrelenting lack of pleasure in life is a(n) _____ disorder.

Anorexia nervosa may require hospitalization and feeding tubes; however, other forms of treatment include which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

Psychotherapy Drug therapies

____ disorder is a mood disorder that is characterized by extreme mood swings.

During the week, Zack eats healthily and watches his caloric intake. On the weekends, Zack eats large amounts of food and feels out of control. Zack is exhibiting ____ -eating disorder.

The three most common eating disorders are which of the following?

Binge eating Bulimia nervosa
Anorexia nervosa

Which of the following has not been identified as a factor in binge-eating disorder?

Oxytocin levels in the brain

Anorexia nervosa is much more common in girls and women than boys and men.

Which of the following are true in regard to schizophrenia? (Select all that apply.)

It is a serious psychological disorder. A common cause of relapse is failure to take medications.
It is characterized by disordered thought.

____ nervosa is to binging and purging as anorexia nervosa is to self-starvation.

Many factors contribute to eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia nervosa, including which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

____ -eating disorder is characterized by recurrent patterns of eating large amounts of food during which a person feels a lack of control.

What are some examples of positive symptoms of schizophrenia? (Select all that apply.)

The areas of the brain and endocrine system that respond to _____ are overactive in people with binge-eating disorder.

Which of the following can be contributing factors to the development of schizophrenia? (Select all that apply.)

Problems in neurotransmitters Biological predisposition
Extreme environmental stressors

_____ refers to a disorder, or class of disorders, in which severe distortion of reality occurs.

Which of the following is true of personality disorders? (Select all that apply.)

They are difficult to treat. They are relatively common.
They are long-standing and maladaptive

____nervosa is an eating disorder in which an individual engages in binging and purging behaviors.

Anorexia nervosa may require hospitalization and feeding tubes; however, other forms of treatment include which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

Psychotherapy Drug therapies

Andrea has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. She has a persistent delusion that she is the Virgin Mary. What is the best description for her delusion?

It is a positive symptom.

Which of the following are true with respect to antisocial personality disorder? (Select all that apply.)

Characterized by failure to conform to social norms or obey the law Characterized by impulsivity
More commonly diagnosed in men than women

True or false: Schizophrenia is caused exclusively by biological factors.

A disorder that includes a pervasive pattern of instability in relationships with other people, self-image, and emotions, and of marked impulsivity starting by early adulthood is called _____.

borderline personality disorder

A _____ disorder is characterized by a set of inflexible, maladaptive behavior patterns that keep a person from functioning appropriately in society.

Which of the following is true with respect to suicide?

Suicide is the third leading cause of death among U.S. adolescents.

Which of the following best summarizes the results of the "pseudo-patient" study?

The individuals were hospitalized for 3 to 52 days and given a schizophrenia diagnosis.

The ____ attached to psychological disorders can provoke prejudice and discrimination toward individuals who are struggling with these problems.

_____ is characterized by a failure to conform to social norms, deceitfulness, impulsivity, reckless disregard for the safety of self or others, and lack of remorse.

Antisocial personality disorder

Individuals with psychological disorders must do which of the following to overcome stigma? (Select all that apply.)

Carry on despite their disorder(s) Confront their disorder(s)
Recognize their strengths

Bonnie has been diagnosed with a personality disorder. Her sense of self is unstable, and she is often irritable and unpredictable. Which of the following personality disorders best describes Bonnie?

The field of psychology that focuses on the integration of science and theory to prevent and treat psychological disorders is ____ psychology.

Approximately _____ percent of individuals who commit suicide are estimated to have a diagnosable psychological disorder.

The "pseudo-patient" study by David Rosenhan was a classic study that illustrated which of the following?

How labels can be hard to remove once they are applied

What type of psychological service provider has an MD, postgraduate training in abnormal behavior, and the ability to prescribe medication for psychological disorders?

Having a disorder and dealing with the stigma that comes with it can do which of the following?

Negatively affect the physical health of an individual

Leslie co-facilitates an Alcoholics Anonymous group once per week at her local community center. While she has had some training, she does not have a graduate degree in counseling or clinical psychology. She would be referred to as which of the following?

It is quite possible that we are unaware of the many _____ lives that are being lived by individuals who have psychological disorders.

Which of the following is NOT one of the four major approaches to psychotherapy?

True or false: Clinical psychology is the area of psychology that integrates science and theory to prevent and treat psychological disorders.

The goals of psychodynamic therapy are to help individuals to do which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

Recognize their maladaptive coping skills Recognize the sources of their unconscious conflicts

Which of the following are true of psychoanalysis? (Select all that apply.)

a. It is Freud's therapeutic technique for analyzing a person's unconscious thoughts. b. It assumes that early childhood experiences are important influences on adult behavior. d. Free association and dream analysis are important components of psychoanalysis.

True or false: Most clinical psychologists also have an MD or medical degree.

Psychoanalysts see a lack of cooperation during therapy as the unconscious strategy called _____.

If a worker does not have formal mental health training but has been trained by a professional to provide some mental health services, this worker is known as a _____.

A therapist who uses the technique of reflective speech does which of the following?

Mirrors the clients' own feelings back to them

Which of the following are considered to be the four major approaches to psychotherapy?

Behavioral Cognitive

Ella's therapist has told her that he practices insight therapy in which an important therapeutic goal is gaining insight. Ella's therapist is most likely either _____ or _____.

_____ therapy consists of guiding clients to consider their past experiences, from their first memories on, as well as uncovering unconscious conflict.

_____ treatment approaches teach people to think in more adaptive ways by changing their dysfunctional cognitions about the world and about themselves.

True or false: Psychoanalysis is Freud's therapeutic technique for analyzing unconscious thoughts.

In the practice of integrative therapy, a therapist might do which three of the following?

Treat the same individual with both psychotherapy and drug therapy
Use a cognitive form of therapy and a medical treatment option
Use a behavioral approach alongside a psychodynamic approach

Ivan is undergoing psychodynamic therapy. He is frequently late for therapy sessions. He sometimes argues with his therapist and may speak endlessly about trivial matters. His therapist describes this as ______

Drug therapy, electroconvulsive therapy, and psychosurgery are all examples of what kind of therapy?

In an attempt to get a client to identify and understand his or her own genuine feelings, a therapist using client-centered therapy might use which technique?

True or false: Drug therapy involves the use of drugs to treat psychological disorders.

The psychodynamic approach and the humanistic approach are both examples of which more general term?

Psychotherapeutic drugs are used mainly in which of the following diagnostic categories? (Select all that apply.)

a. Anxiety disorders b. Schizophrenia d. Mood disorders

True or false: Cognitive treatment works to change behavior or feelings by changing thoughts.

____ drugs reduce the level of anxiety a person can experience and increase feelings of well-being.

A therapist who uses a variety of therapeutic approaches, depending on the specific diagnosis, is said to _____.

practice integrative therapy

Antianxiety drugs are useful because they do which of the following?

Provide relief from high levels of anxiety and stress

How do biological therapies reduce or eliminate the symptoms of psychological disorders? (Select all that apply.)

With drugs With psychosurgery
Through electroconvulsive therapy

Which of the following are examples of antianxiety drugs? (Select all that apply.)

Xanax and Valium are _____ drugs and are among the medications most frequently prescribed by physicians.

The most common form of biomedical therapy is _____.

___ drugs are used mainly in three diagnostic categories: anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and schizophrenia.

Which of the following is NOT a side effect of antianxiety drugs?

Kidney and thyroid gland complications

Antianxiety drugs are commonly known as _____.

increase or maintain the level of neurotransmitters in the brain regulate mood

_____ drugs make an individual calmer and less excitable.

Tricyclics, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and monoamine oxidase inhibitors are examples of what type of drug?

Which of the following are examples of antianxiety drugs? (Select all that apply.)

True or false: Drug therapy involves the use of drugs to treat psychological disorders.

Which of the following are side effects of antianxiety drugs? (Select all that apply.)

Loss of coordination
Mental slowness

___ drugs are a class of medications used to treat depression and improve the moods of the patients

While the specific drug action is not clearly established, which of the following drugs is widely used to treat bipolar disorder?

Which the following are main classes of antidepressant? (Select all that apply.)

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

Kidney and thyroid gland complications are possible consequences of the use of which of the following?

Xanax and Valium are _____ drugs and are among the medications most frequently prescribed by physicians.

The most common form of biomedical therapy is _____.

Which of the following is NOT a side effect of antianxiety drugs?

Kidney and thyroid gland complications

What disorder is the drug lithium used to treat?

Neuroleptics are drugs that block the action of which of the following?

What complications are sometimes associated with the use of lithium? (Select all that apply.)

Thyroid complications
Kidney complications

The acronym ECT stands for (shock) or ____ therapy.

True or false: Drug therapy involves the use of drugs to treat psychological disorders.

Moniz developed the original lobotomy procedure, and Freeman developed his own version using a surgical instrument similar to what?

In ____ therapy, several unrelated people meet with a therapist to discuss some aspect of their psychological functioning.

_____ are the most widely used class of antipsychotic drugs.

___ therapists meet with the all members of this group so that they can speak freely for the therapist to see how they interact.

Kidney and thyroid gland complications are possible consequences of the use of which of the following?

The ___ - ___ support group is conducted by a paraprofessional or a member of a common-interest group.

The acronym for electroconvulsive therapy is

_____ mental health is based on the idea that individuals with disorders ought to remain within society and with their families while receiving treatment.

The initial form of psychosurgery, a prefrontal ____, consisted of surgically destroying or removing parts of a patient's frontal lobes, which, surgeons thought, controlled emotionality.

A therapist's understanding that certain techniques, such as CBT, may clash with a client's cultural beliefs reflects ____ competence.

In group therapy, several unrelated people meet with a _____ to discuss some aspect of their psychological functioning.

Sasha, her three children, and her partner are all going to see a therapist. They will participate in ____ therapy.

_____ support groups are for individuals who tend to cope by seeking information and affiliations with peers. This type of group can also reduce stress and promote adjustment.

Marc is receiving outpatient treatment while living at home rather than receiving services at an inpatient hospital. This is reflective of the ___ ___ ___ movement.

True or false: A culturally competent therapist demonstrates respect for the client's cultural beliefs and practices while balancing therapeutic goals.

What is cognitive therapy used to treat?

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that can help you manage your problems by changing the way you think and behave. It's most commonly used to treat anxiety and depression, but can be useful for other mental and physical health problems.

Which of the following is true of the cognitive approach to treatment quizlet?

Which of the following is true of the cognitive approach to treatment? It is flexible and open to incorporating elements of other approaches to treatment.

Does cognitive behavioral therapy work?

Numerous research studies suggest that CBT leads to significant improvement in functioning and quality of life. In many studies, CBT has been demonstrated to be as effective as, or more effective than, other forms of psychological therapy or psychiatric medications.

Which two of the following are goals of the cognitive therapist?

Goals of Cognitive Therapy Include: the promotion of self-awareness and emotional intelligence by teaching clients to “read” their emotions and distinguish healthy from unhealthy feelings. helping clients understand how distorted perceptions and thoughts contribute to painful feelings.