This is where the manufacturing, purchasing, and consumption can occur at differing points in time

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What do we call the practice of cutting inventories to absolute minimum levels and requiring vendors to deliver the items as they are needed in the production process?

  1. It's-about-time (IAT)

  2. Just-in-time (JIT)

  3. One-more-time (OMT)

  4. Next-time-in (NTI)

  5. None of these

Correct Option: B


Option (2) is correct.

Which of the following stores are designed to kill off the competition and are characterised by narrow but very deep product assortment, low prices and few to moderate customer services?

  1. Speciality Stores

  2. Limited Line Retailers

  3. Category Killer Stores

  4. Superstores

Which of the following maximizes the amount of contact and value for a customer?

  1. Availability

  2. Distribution

  3. Coverage

  4. Control

Which of the following represents one channel member that perceives another channel member to be acting in a way and prevents the first member from achieving its distribution activities?

  1. Channel communication

  2. Channel conflict

  3. Channel relationship

  4. Customer conflict

Which of the following is a means to achieve the optimum distribution costs without losing decision-making authority over the product offering and the way it is marketed and supported?

  1. Availability

  2. Distribution

  3. Coverage

  4. Control

Technology is opening new channels of distribution through electronic distribution that

  1. allow product design to be customized to each purchaser

  2. markedly reduce packaging and shipping costs

  3. provide unique promotional opportunities

  4. automatically target a market that is sophisticated and wealthy

Which of the following offer a range of grocery and household items that cater to last minute purchase needs of consumers?

  1. Supermarkets

  2. Convenience stores

  3. Category killer stores

  4. Limited line retailers

  5. None of these

Correct Option: B


Option (2) is the correct answer.

Which of the following involves comparatively low prices as a major selling point combined with the reduced costs of doing business?

  1. Discount retailers

  2. Convenience stores

  3. Category killer stores

  4. Limited line retailers

  5. None of these

Correct Option: A


Option (1) is the correct answer.

Which of the following represent methods, where intermediaries are given exclusive rights to market a good or service within a defined 'territory', and thus limited number of intermediaries are used?

  1. Exclusive

  2. Intensive

  3. Selective

  4. Direct

Which of the following represents a method, where some products go directly from producer to customers and others go through intermediaries?

  1. Direct

  2. Indirect

  3. Hybrid

  4. Exclusive

Manufacture, purchase and consumption can occur at differing points in __________

  1. time utility.

  2. ownership utility.

  3. accessibility.

  4. information utility.

  5. None of these

Correct Option: A


Option (1) is the correct answer.

Which of the following occurs, when a company offers a complete brand concept, supplies and logistics to a stakeholder that invests an initial lump sum, and thereafter, pays regular fee to continue the relationship?

  1. Distributing

  2. Franchising

  3. Merchandising

  4. Retailing

Which of the following refers to place your product or service in as many outlets or locations as possible, in order to maximise the opportunity for customers to find the goods or services?

  1. Exclusive

  2. Intensive

  3. Selective

  4. Direct

Which of the following store goods for moderate to long periods?

  1. Storage warehouses

  2. Distribution centres

  3. Haulage transport

  4. Electronic data interchange

Which of the following allows a product to be sold directly to end consumers and purchased directly from manufacturers or deal with wholesalers?

  1. Distributors

  2. Franchising

  3. Merchant

  4. Retailers

Two of the distribution and logical management functions of marketing are

  1. storing and transporting

  2. standardization and grading

  3. financing and risk taking

  4. buying and selling

Which of the following is agency personnel, who undertakes research to support a campaign?

  1. Account manager

  2. Research Manager

  3. Media Director

  4. Account planner

Decisions involving transportation, warehousing, inventory control and order processing are related to

  1. pricing strategy

  2. competitive strategy

  3. product strategy

  4. distribution strategy

  5. None of these

Correct Option: D


Option (4) is the correct answer.

Which of the following is a written document used to exchange information between parties involved with the development and implementation of a campaign?

  1. Brief

  2. Plan

  3. Vision

  4. Strategy

Which of the following is an agency personnel, which is responsible for representing the interests of a client within the agency and for ensuring that all those working on the client's account are fully informed, working to deadline and to budget?

  1. Account manager

  2. Sales Manager

  3. Creative Director

  4. Media Director

Which of the following is a written document that should provide an agency with an insight into a client's task or communication problem that needs to be resolved?

  1. Media Strategy

  2. Media Brief

  3. Client Brief

  4. Creative Brief

Which of the following is the first stage of marketing communication planning process and analysis of four main environmental contexts in order to shape the detail of a plan?

  1. Context analysis

  2. Environmental Analysis

  3. Media Analysis

  4. Audience Analysis

Which of the following teams is responsible for translating proposals and ideas, often embedded in the creative brief, into a finished advertisement?

  1. Creative Team

  2. Media Team

  3. Account Team

  4. Design Team

The first stage of marketing communication planning process involves the analysis of which of the following four main contexts (or situations)?

  1. Customer; Audience; Media and External environmental contexts

  2. Customer; Business; Media and External environmental contexts

  3. Audience, Media; Personnel and External environmental contexts

  4. Customer, Business; Internal and External environmental contexts

Which of the following is a written document, developed by Account Manager to provide the creative team with a relevant information, necessary to develop messages and appropriate creative content?

  1. Media Strategy

  2. Media Brief

  3. Client Brief

  4. Creative Brief

Which of the following objectives are related to the outcome of a marketing communication campaign?

  1. Communication objectives

  2. Creative objectives

  3. Account objectives

  4. Media objectives

  5. None of these

Correct Option: A


Communication objectives are related to the outcome of a marketing communication campaign.

Which of the following is a model of various decisions and actions that are undertaken while preparing, implementing and evaluating communication strategies and plans?

  1. AIDA

  2. SWOT

  3. MCPF

  4. ATR

Select the process associated with the development and delivery of coordinated marketing communication messages.

  1. Integrated Marketing Communications

  2. Integrated Media Planning

  3. Coordinated Marketing Communications

  4. Collaborative Media Insights

Which of the following refers to advertising agencies that provide their clients with a full range of services, including strategy and planning, designing the advertisements etc.?

  1. New media agencies

  2. Media independents

  3. Full service agencies

  4. Creative hot shops

Which of the following are marketing communication strategies used to communicate with channel intermediaries (e.g., retailers, distributors)?

  1. Pull strategies

  2. Push strategies

  3. Profile strategies

  4. Penetrating strategies

Which of the following are the written documents, often developed by the Account Manager to provide media planners with a relevant information necessary to select and buy the media appropriate to the campaign?

  1. Account Brief

  2. Media Brief

  3. Creative Brief

  4. Client Brief

Which of the following marketing communication strategies are used to communicate directly with end-user customers?

  1. Pull strategies

  2. Push strategies

  3. Profile strategies

  4. Penetrating strategies

  5. None of these

Correct Option: A


Option (1) is the correct answer.

Which of the following is not a way by which agencies are paid?

  1. Commission

  2. Fees

  3. Payment by results (PBR)

  4. Mark up

What does three P's of marketing communication strategy refer to?

  1. Pull, push and profile strategy

  2. Pull, promotion and push strategy

  3. Product, promotion and push strategy

  4. Push, profile and promotion strategy

  5. None of these

Correct Option: A


Option (1) is the correct answer.

SMART is an approach used to write effective objectives. What does SMART stand for?

  1. Specific Medium Achievable Regional and Timed

  2. Static Measurable Actionable Realistic and Timed

  3. Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic and Tailored

  4. Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic and Timed

Distribution strategy includes

  1. making products available at the right time and in the right place

  2. decisions about customer services and warranties

  3. The communications link between the buyer and the seller

  4. setting prices that are justifiable and profitable

In which of the following channels, a product goes directly from producer to final customer?

  1. Direct

  2. Indirect

  3. Hybrid

  4. None of the above

Which of the following refers to an unauthorised sale of new branded products diverted from authorised distribution channels or imported to a country for sale without the consent or knowledge of the manufacturer?

  1. Grey marketing

  2. Stealth marketing

  3. Niche distribution

  4. Authorised distribution

  5. None of these

Correct Option: A


Option (1) is the correct answer.

Where the manufacturing purchasing and consumption can occur at differing points in time?

d) Information utility. This is where the manufacturing, purchasing and consumption can occur at differing points intime.

Which of the following means placing your product or service in as many outlets or locations as possible?

d) Direct distribution. Which of the following means placing your product or service in as many outlets or locations aspossible, in order to maximise the opportunity for customers to find the good or service? a) Exclusive distribution.