The sounds of a busy street drowning out a conversation is an example of ______ noise.

  • What was all the noise last night?

  • Suddenly a great noise was heard outside.

  • The noise from the machine that circulated the oxygen frightened her.

  • There was a noise in the background.

  • It was the noise from the falling chair that woke me up.

  • Let's go make some noise.

  • What are you making such a noise about over there?

  • It was a few minutes before she realized the pounding noise was someone knocking at the door.

  • The creaky bed protested as she sat, and she tried hard not to make more noise and wake Toby.

  • It was then they heard the first noise.

  • The noise at the locked front door I heard when Edith was in my room wasn't Franny going out for a smoke as I'd assumed at the time.

  • It is the noise of my contemporaries.

  • He almost nodded off, but a noise outside alerted him.

  • Suddenly he thought he heard a strange noise through the door.

  • Maybe I'll get a room in a high rise hotel, away from street noise.

  • As if in celebration, the fireworks ended in a fury of light and muffled noise.

  • He'd been in the middle of deciding which of his collection of knives he was going to use to kill the goddess once and for all when the noise started.

  • Careful not to let the heels of his boots make noise in the hallway, he headed for the living room.

  • We can watch as long as we stay back a ways and don't make noise.

  • Dead bodies don't make much noise.

  • She waited breathlessly, straining to hear the least noise.

  • The noise from the surface was now quite deafening.

  • A minor noise irritation becomes a real effect on quality of life.

  • The noise would bounce off the glass lampshades wherever he was.

  • To protect nearby residents from any undue disturbance, proposals to install wind turbines are required to meet strict noise standards.

  • The accompanying crowds and noise disturbs the serenity of the park.

  • These estimators function on the principle that the noise subspace eigenvectors should be orthogonal to the signal vectors.

  • The use of a variance component allows the effects of noise in bias subtraction to be properly monitored.

  • Like our own Mary Chain, the guitars create a symphony of noise which is tempered by wonderfully warm melodic moments.

  • About eight o'clock in the evening, a noise is heard, dis- tinct even above the raging of the hurricane.

  • We aim to produce single electron transistors for high speed, low noise applications.

  • The roasted turkey is making more noise than your guests.

  • The noise was so distracting that I missed my motorway turnoff, got lost and had to endure the whining for an extra hour!

  • The atmosphere was just as intense, the noise just as deafening and the action on the pitch equally uncompromising.

  • The barge docked with a rusty clanging noise that caused an undulation in the tarpaulin covering the deck.

  • They were just rising from the table when they heard a great noise in the street.

  • I was pleased with anything that made a noise and liked to feel the cat purr and the dog bark.

  • The reason that the source of the noise is such an enigma is that no one ever traced the sound when they heard it.

  • Examples are- guruh, a rumbling noise, gumuruh, to make such a noise; tunjuk, to point, telunjuk, the forefinger; chuchuk, to pierce, cheruchuk, a stockade.

  • The latter work appears to have been based on the story of the drum which was alleged to have been heard every night in a house in Wiltshire (Tedworth, belonging to a Mr Mompesson), a story which made much noise in the year 1663, and which is supposed to have furnished Addison with the idea of his comedy the Drummer.

  • Near the mouth, where the lake narrows to a strait, are the rapids which Ossian called the Falls of Lora, the ebbing and flowing tides, as they rush over the rocky bar, creating a roaring noise audible at a considerable distance.

  • The upper fall is known as the Rumbling Bridge from the fact that the stream pours with a rumbling noise through a deep narrow gorge in which a huge fallen rock has become wedged, forming a rude bridge or arch.

  • A tin ingot is distinctly crystalline; hence the characteristic crackling noise, or "cry" of tin, which a bar of tin gives out when being bent.

  • The noise of the ship's guns, as the company sails off, wakes the poet to the real pleasures of a May morning.

  • Receive antennas may differ in their noise rejection properties.

  • Strabo describes a river which he terms Catarractes as a large stream falling with a great noise over a lofty cliff.

  • The largest known species is the drummer of the West Indies (Blabera gigantea), so called from the tapping noise it makes on wood, sufficient, when joined in by several individuals, as usually happens, to break the slumbers of a household.

  • Sometimes, especially at early dawn, there is a musical noise in the desert, like the sound of distant drums, which is caused by the eddying of grains of sand in the heated atmosphere, on the crests of the medanos.

  • It was probably the noise of these sermons that caused the friar's temporary removal from Florence at the instance of Piero de' Medici.

  • By the common law of England freedom from noise is essential to the full enjoyment of a dwelling house, and acts which affect that enjoyment may be actionable as nuisances.

  • The noise must be exceptional and unreasonable.

  • In disposition they are quiet and gentle, and do not show much intelligence; they are also less noisy than the true lemurs, only when alarmed or angered making a noise which has been compared to the clucking of a fowl.

  • A mere noise is an irregular disturbance.

  • A noise such as the roar due to traffic in a town may correspond physically in that it could probably be resolved into a nearly continuous series of wave-lengths, but psychically it is of no interest.

  • We do not use such noise, but rather seek to avoid it.

  • Probably we should be driven to a purely physical unit, the stream of energy proceeding in any direction, and if the noise were great enough we might measure it possibly by the pressure against a surface.

  • This peculiar little inhabitant of the steppes and desert regions of Turkestan and Persia, by rubbing the imbricating scales upon each other, produces a shrill cricket-like noise, whilst sitting at night in front of its hole in the ground.

  • In the Cistercian monasteries, to keep the noise and smell of dinner still farther away from the sacred building, the refectory was built north and south, at right angles to the axis of the church.

  • The population was of a very heterogeneous character, but mainly of an undesirable class of Levantines; this with the damp heat and the dirt and noise of the incessant coaling operations gave the town an unenviable reputation.

  • A very prosaic explanation of this nocturnal noise is given by Judson.

  • As these moulting periods approach, the worms lose their appetite and cease eating, and at each period of change they are left undisturbed and free from noise.

  • Withal there was no noise or confusion to mar the tranquillity of their intercourse; no one usurped more than his share of the conversation; the stillness of the place oppressed a stranger with a feeling of mysterious awe.

  • Any noise, a draught of air or a touch may cause a convulsion.

  • In Java the new-born babe is placed in a hen-coop, and the mother makes a clucking noise, as if she were a hen, to attract the child's soul.

  • During the breeding season it utters a booming noise, from which it probably derives its generic name, Botaurus, and which has made it in many places an object of superstitious dread.

  • The strange dependants to whom he had given shelter, and to whom, in spite of their faults, he was strongly attached' by habit, dropped off one by one; and, in the silence of his home, he regretted even the noise of their scolding matches.

  • The patriotism and Pan-Germanism of the gymnastic societies (Turuvereine) and students associations (Burschenschaften) expressed themselves with more noise than discretion; in the South-German parliaments the platitudes and catchwords of the Revolution were echoed.

  • On the one occasion when Captain Dawson says he heard it himself, " the sound was like the swishing of a whip or the noise produced by a sharp squall of wind in the upper rigging of a ship, and as the aurora brightened and faded so did the sound which accompanied it."

  • During the early months of 1900 matters were more peaceful, and Korber hoped to be able to arrange a compromise; but the Czechs now demanded the restoration of their language in the internal service of Bohemia, and on 8th June, by noise and disturbance, obliged the president to suspend the sitting.

  • The ensuing night in Cairo presented a curious spectacle; many of the inhabitants, believing that this envoy would put an end to their miseries, fired off their weapons as they paraded the streets with bands of music. The silhdgr, imagining the noise to be a fray, marched in.

  • Hare hunting is essentially a quiet amusement; no hallooing at hounds nor whip-cracking should be permitted; nor should the field make any noise when a hare is found, for, being a timid animal, she might be headed into the hounds' mouths.

  • One small species appears in immense numbers with the oncoming of the rainy season, and at night the noise of its outcry almost deadens other sounds.

  • Whiston informs us that, some time before the publication of this book, a message was sent to him from Lord Godolphin "that the affairs of the public were with difficulty then kept in the hands of those that were for liberty; that it was therefore an unseasonable time for the publication of a book that would make a great noise and disturbance; and that therefore they desired him to forbear till a fitter opportunity should offer itself," - a message that Clarke of course entirely disregarded.

  • The only noise the Tasmanian wombat makes is a low hissing, but the hairy-nosed wombat is said to emit a short quick grunt when annoyed.

  • The type bed travels with a reciprocating motion upon rollers or runners made of steel, the bed being driven by a simple crank motion, starting and stopping without much noise or vibration.

  • That the thing made a great flame, a great noise, and struck terror into the beholder is about the sum of it all.

  • The object of the player was to cast a portion of wine left in his drinking cup in such a way that, without breaking bulk in its passage through the air, it should reach a certain object set up as a mark, and there produce a distinct noise by its impact.

  • Both the wine thrown and the noise made were called Xara.

  • The noise of the Drapier Letters had hardly died away when Swift acquired a more durable glory by the publication of Travels Into Several Remote Nations of the World, in four parts.

  • He declared himself very well satisfied with this episode, but nothing in it can really have pleased him, not even the noise it made.

  • The males are polygamous, and during autumn and winter associate together, feeding in flocks apart from the females; but with the approach of spring they separate, each selecting a locality for itself, from which it drives off all intruders, and where morning and evening it seeks to attract the other sex by a display of its beautiful plumage, which at this season attains its greatest perfection, and by a peculiar cry, which Selby describes as "a crowing note, and another similar to the noise made by the whetting of a scythe."

  • The other custom is the use of the turndun, as the Australians call a little fish-shaped piece of wood tied to a string, and waved so as to produce a loud booming and whirring noise and keep away the profane, especially women.

  • The dance of the Corybantic priests, like that of the priests who represented the - - Curetes, may have originated in a primitive faith in the power of noise to avert evil.

  • They utter a sharp whistling sound not unlike that of the chamois, but when greatly irritated or frightened make a peculiar snorting noise.

  • An electric motor doesn't make any noise.

  • A small rock trickled down, bouncing and skipping before stopping by Dean's shoe—the slight noise was a rumble in the mountain stillness.

  • While the noise was distinct, it was some distance away.

  • While sleep was only partially suspended and Dean's fantasy returned, morning brought the news that the noise had been real—Pumpkin Green had left in the night, bumping his shopping cart down the stairs to a clandestine exit.

  • I heard a noise and came up the stairs.

  • The sound stopped in a minute or so but a three AM recurrence woke them enough to hold a brief conversation on the source of the nocturnal noise, a conversation repeated at four AM, by which time the couple were fully awake.

  • Nor had Burgess heard any noise or conversation from apart­ment C to indicate there was anyone there—much less more than one person.

  • In order to maintain an atmosphere conducive to study, all those who use the library should keep noise to a minimum. 

  • An example of a noise contour plot of road traffic noise in a residential area is shown.

  • The parking lot was polluted with traffic noise and exhaust fumes and littered with the packaging of consumer products.

  • Maybe the drivers could be served with a noise abatement notice?

  • What was even more puzzling was that the noise was coming from below him in the old abandoned adit.

  • And the noise is just mind blowing; not even a Le Mans Jaguar sounds so aggressive, so purposeful.

  • Where possible, purchase a portable air conditioner that creates a little amount of noise.

  • My research is concerned with investigating the noise versus drag relationship of aircraft airframe components.

  • The ear is surrounded by the ear cups which form an almost airtight seal and cuts out disturbing outside noise.

  • Now the noise from the little ones was becoming alarming.

  • The feeling was that evolutionary algorithms should be better able to cope with noise than heuristic state merging methods.

  • Seven ambulance (1990) A clinically white room with smoothly finished walls is filled with the noise of an ambulance siren.

  • Also special low noise amplification can if needed be added.

  • By virtue of its high power bridged headphone amplifier, communication is further enhanced even in environments with high background noise levels.

  • In practice, this corresponds to a reduction in noise annoyance of around 75% .

  • The Department for Transport argues that ' the onset of community annoyance ' sets in when noise averages out at 57 decibels.

  • They wore leather aprons faced with brass, their ears plugged with rags against the noise of the hammering.

  • There are also low levels of digital noise reduction artifacts present.

  • Is the Fire Alarm easily audible above machinery noise?

  • They remind a little bit of early Pixies mixing gentle but haunting ballads which suddenly explode into guitar noise.

  • I did learn the bassoon once, but my father said that he could make a better noise than that without the instrument.

  • Even my brass drummer boy has stopped all his noise, Cause he knows it's past bedtime for toys.

  • Traffic simply stands still belching out fumes and noise.

  • Assessment of naturally ventilated building envelope to control noise break-in.

  • Councilor Johnson commented that, in addition to such a condition, she would wish to see standard conditions imposed to prevent noise breakout.

  • They are designed to add mass and reduce noise breakout from pipes, ducts and other equipment.

  • Shame about the sound quality earlier on - I've now gone from buzzing noise to buzzing noise to buzzing with ideas!

  • The sound is recorded digitally producing enhanced sound quality whilst reducing the ' noise ' effect often found with analog camcorder recordings.

  • In addition the input transistors were sized to achieve low noise while taking into account the high source capacitance.

  • They installed high-energy air filters and stucco ceilings to cut down on odors and noise.

  • Only the Saghan' îl could be so cocksure as to build such a large campfire for their comfort or to make so much noise.

  • Interior noise - the noise inside passenger vehicles has a great effect on the level of passenger comfort.

  • People grew so accustomed to the noise of the steam hammers that after a while, it was only commentated on if they stopped.

  • You can see that the investigation of a noise complaint can take a long time to follow through.

  • Try and keep it quiet as canvas does n't condense noise!

  • On deeper horizons noise sources are displaced under a chain of cinder cones by wide strip.

  • The noise contour for the existing runway in 2002 is outlined in red but no noise contour for the existing runway in 2002 is outlined in red but no noise contour is given for that runway in 2017.

  • An example noise contour plot of road traffic noise in a residential area is shown.

  • Radiometric corrections may be necessary due to variations in scene illumination and viewing geometry, atmospheric conditions, and sensor noise and response.

  • With the hood erect, interior noise levels are very civilized, in fact the car feels like a fixed head coupe.

  • Hurley and Sawyer succeed in finding the critter guilty for making all the noise.

  • It was converted into a rudimentary studio by draping heavy black curtains on the walls to deaden the noise from the passing trains.

  • I have already cutout the fan guard holes in the case which makes little or no difference to the overall noise.

  • The noise of the German guns nearly deafened us.

  • Under Government guidelines, noise produced at such events is not allowed to exceed 55 decibels.

  • The noise decibels will damage your baby's hearing.

  • Dolby B, C, S & HX PRO Noise reduction systems used in cassette decks.

  • Evaluation of the magnitude of such losses is important for determining thermal noise levels in bonded suspensions for gravitational wave detectors.

  • Abstract The quantum noise of the light field is a fundamental noise source in interferometric gravitational-wave detectors.

  • The noise from local roads provides the major detraction in downgrading what otherwise would be a very pleasant area.

  • Sounding more rock than stoner rock dirge than they do on record, there's plenty of noise from the three members.

  • There is no shame in mindless ugly synth punk disco noise.

  • Some dyslexic students can be easily distracted by noise, activity or visual clutter - allow them a choice of seating.

  • The absence of a fan means the notebook runs almost silently, without the potentially irritating distraction of intermittent fan noise.

  • There had been no letters from local residents or the police about noise disturbance or trouble at the premises.

  • How he could snooze with a noise like a pneumatic drill going on, shows how good his mental powers were.

  • A few ragged drunkards stood at a distance, but were not suffered to make a noise till I had done.

  • Sound isolating earphones feature a unique design to block outside noise.

  • The padded earpieces provide just enough attenuation of external noise without being claustrophobic.

  • If you are particularly sensitive to noise then perhaps you should consider bringing earplugs with you.

  • You may be given earplugs or music to help block the noise.

  • The noise emanated from air vents on the side of the building and its apparently single skinned sides of steel paneling.

  • There are some ADSL modems that actually allow the end-user to tweak the connection, by setting a higher target noise margin.

  • Ther is a wide variety of effects processors including a noise suppresser and a three-band equalizer.

  • This method shed some new light on the estimation of complex exponentials in white noise.

  • Depending on the levels of noise exposure, your employer must; What do I have to do?

  • The interior noise level is another major factor toward inducing fatigue.

  • The MRI and CT scanners are large and rather foreboding - they can also make a rather threatening noise when they are working.

  • Its three and four wheeled electric forklifts offer reduced noise and zero emissions, making them ideal garden centers and greenhouses.

  • Sun Ra always confounded and amused as he dodged between big band covers, noise freakouts and long chanted song cycles and outer-space grooves.

  • The high frequency modulation moves the signal away from 1/f noise region.

  • Thanks to Edge Adaptive Noise Reduction, even fine color gradations, like skin tones, for example, are no longer a problem.

  • Quite simply, a young group enjoying their rather groovy noise.

  • This was at the fundamental frequency and/or low-order harmonics, not the high frequencies of noise.

  • William Elliot Whitmore tho, is nothing if not headstrong and earnestly pushes on, undistracted by the background noise.

  • The task here is connected digit recognition and speech is mixed with lynx helicopter noise in varying proportions.

  • Apart from you who is making noise hip-hop wise?

  • Most scent hounds were used in packs - making a loud, deep baying noise alerting hunters to their location.

  • Will speed humps lead to an increase in noise levels?

  • I get a whistling noise when i accelerator and it stops when let the car idle or the revs are low.

  • Good foods where Chicago health Illinois insurance data on their raised noise levels.

  • They make an amazing noise for just two of them; drummer Patrick Carney is hugely impressive.

  • It all sounds mighty impressive with the usual dazzling Oldfield array of noise and instrumentation.

  • Crystals are also subject to aging and mechanically induced noise.

  • We can analyze the alternatives without the noise of public addressing systems or rallies or TV ads, which become ineffectual.

  • Noise on a line can cause interruptions to data packets.

  • I have blue neon string with a small inverter which makes a really annoying high pitched noise.

  • More jet noise from an RAF jaguar with full burner woke anyone who had dozed off.

  • There was a noise of business from the gasworks, and the electric lamps were all alight.

  • Finally, space launch vehicle noise if uncontrolled can cause serious structural damage to the spacecraft and payload.

  • There was also concern about high noise levels from headphones.

  • It has high-bandwidth, low noise, and superior linearity.

  • Logging of interesting packets logging of interesting packets Logging must be done for only a few packets that are deemed interesting, to avoid generating lots of noise.

  • Maelstrom of noise and fizzing energy, of course.

  • A tinnitus masker which masks the tinnitus with ' white noise ' may be helpful.

  • Noise There are some very good reasons to use mastic on a slate roof.

  • Once they have settled in they can be quite mellow about everyday noise.

  • Due to the noise the audience make mimes of the words being spoken have been developed.

  • Do we want to have fun, to make noise, to act on our growing mistrust?

  • Noise at all hours, kids playing truant & stealing motorbikes which they rode dangerously.

  • Engine noise is well muffled and vibration can only really be felt through the gearstick.

  • The glasses used to manufacture Burle electron multipliers have been specially formulated to produce low background noise.

  • Background noise is a common problem for children with any hearing problem, including auditory neuropathy.

  • Recent research in Germany has shown that urban noise can force nightingales to sing so loudly that they break European sound pollution regulations!

  • Suddenly the machine emitted a noise that was like every sound ever made in the world put together, infinite frequencies.

  • The key to reducing ambient noise is to address both pathways.

  • I was in my cabin at the time and heard a loud humming noise just before the first torpedo exploded.

  • The surfaces ' points have been corrupted with a Gaussian noise of 2 mm variance.

  • By using the mute button on the interface we can cut out unwanted noise caused by the live handset.

  • Complaints about aircraft noise are usually made direct to the airports.

  • The louder the actual music, the more apparent the background noise will be.

  • Tire noise is especially noticeable from cars at speeds above 30mph.

  • Unfortunately, there is no fixed level of noise which constitutes a noise nuisance.

  • There is no set level at which noise becomes a statutory nuisance.

  • Over provision, undue public nuisance, a possible increase in noise levels and vandalism in the areas were argued by the objectors.

  • The weather is pleasant, the traffic noise isn't too obtrusive.

  • J.K.A. Everard and C.D. Broomfield " Transposed flicker noise suppression in microwave oscillators using feedforward amplifiers.

  • This is shotgun shooting off road karts group outdoor activities without the noise, bruises and painful go karting outdoor recoils.

  • Oxfam campaigners and volunteers also encouraged people to sign paper Big Noise petitions.

  • The noise, the spectacle, the looks on the faces of passers-by ranging from concern to blind panic.

  • The noise of metal wheel on stone paving would have been a problem, even at the end of the 1930s.

  • Thus, although listeners heard the replaced phonemes in the noise, these phonemic percepts did not cause adaptation.

  • Noise charges or tradable noise permits should be introduced - based on time of arrival and departure.

  • Sounds Scary produce a range of CDs for treating pets with noise phobias.

  • AbFoam is an open cell polyurethane foam specifically designed to absorb noise over a wide range of frequencies.

  • The former make an occasionally infectious noise that's part '80s electro pop, part Goth gloom.

  • And the deafening noise the Birmingham City fans as they clinched promotion to the Premiership via the play-offs.

  • They make a constant noise, like beating flax or grinding barley in a hollow stone quern.

  • Only one air route (Gatwick - Glasgow) has a similar noise burden to high-speed rail.

  • They are totally safe, with no emissions, smells, noise, or harmful rays.

  • Each detector uses two Philips Photonics [10] low noise glass MCPs with resistive anode readout [8] .

  • Whilst this meant there was an increasingly receptive audience for the pensions debate there was also considerable noise.

  • Channels and channels of harsh, grating white noise reverberated through his aching head like a monkey high on coffee.

  • The engine unit is exceptionally rigid, with vibration and noise reduced as much as possible.

  • Eliminate tape noise when mixing from multitrack, or to cut out noise from digital samplers and keyboards.

  • The noise of the camera shutters invaded my private thoughts, forcing me to think about the story I had to write.

  • Then it occurred to me, this is not a faulty CD, that noise is the new single.

  • With the noise equal to the data, it is hard to discern the presence of a single sinusoid.

  • The noise was left to two pairs of Mal lards takign flight and then flying overhead squawking madly.

  • With the same probability, Gaussian noise is added to the tolerance value (mean 0, standard deviation 0.01 ).

  • Thus, the effective auditory stimulus for the activation is not masked by the scanner noise.

  • There is some evidence that intense impulse noise may cause vertigo i.

  • Once again the ravers were on form and made tonight very tremendous bringing pure party vibes as expecting and not forgetting the noise!

  • The Vortex dampens the vibration caused by the rapidly spinning motors in the hard drive, reducing noise and shock.

  • Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs, for I will not hear the melody of thy viols.

  • The broom is still as bonnie, but the " roaring waterfall " makes little noise.

  • These may have power ratings exceeding 200 watts, and problems of noise and running cost have arisen.

  • Overall, it was found that tire noise increases with speed in a reasonably well-defined manner.

  • I always thought dump valves were those mods ppl put on to make that noise wen they change gear!

  • I was fascinated by the fact that it generated white noise, which you could modulate using some crazy knobs.

  • So when you turn on a fan to create white noise, you are essentially creating a source of 1,000 voices.

  • If you took all of the imaginable tones that a human can hear and combined them together, you would have white noise.

  • As the men were evidently determined to oppose any attempt at landing, a musket was discharged between them, in the hope that they would be frightened by the noise, but it produced no effect beyond causing one of them to drop his bundle of spears, of which, however, he immediately repossessed himself, and with his comrade resumed the same menacing attitude.

  • If the fluctuations are irregular and non-periodic, teristics the sound is called a noise; if they are cyclic and follow a regular and sufficiently rapid periodic law, the sound is musical.

  • Few things are finer in music or literature than the end of the second act of Die Meistersinger, from the point where Sachs's apprentice begins the riot, to the moment when the watchman, frightened at the silence of the moonlit streets so soon after he has heard all that noise, announces eleven o'clock and bids the folk pray for protection against evil spirits, while the orchestra tells us of the dreams of Walther and Eva and ends by putting poetry even into the pedantic ineptitudes of the malicious Beckmesser.

  • Noise occasioned by the frequent repetition of street cries is frequently the subject of local by-laws, which impose penalties for infringement.

  • The eyes are closed, the maintenance of posture by active contraction is replaced by the recumbent pose which can be maintained by static action and the mere mechanical consistence of the body, the ears are screened from noise in the quiet chamber, the skin from localized pressure by a soft, yielding couch.

  • Her pronunciation of this gradually became indistinct, and when I first knew her it was nothing more than a peculiar noise.

  • She was pleased with anything which made a noise.

  • Can't you make less noise?

  • Noise Ensemble explodes onto stage, and stunning lighting and pyrotechnic effects complete the picture.

  • The " rush " sound, much like a constant sound of the sea, is normal and any received signal quietens this noise.

  • We work on the development of state of the art, low noise radio astronomy instrumentation.

  • In the saloon, the noise of the raucous crowd drowned out the screams coming from upstairs.

  • This live recording is good quality and includes raucous crowd noise !

  • The fitted Gaussian dropped to of the peak value from the center, implying an RMS readout noise of.

  • The next stage of this program will be the development of a 3D Bayesian image reconstruction algorithm, which offers superior noise properties.

  • The fear of missing out on something by note taking can add to the many aspects of noise redolent in a traditional classroom.

  • The squeak comes from the noise the mixture makes when it 's reheating in the pan.

  • The plain between resounded with the noise and with the rapid movements of chariots and cavalry.

  • The noise which accompanied the flap of the netting behind him must still be reverberating round Ray Clemence 's head today.

  • Modern computers are too often far from silent, with fan and disk noise reverberating around your desk.

  • A curtain of rain appears just in front of me, the noise reverberating off the glass walls.

  • There is just this bright orange spindle out in front of the barrels and a great ripping noise like tearing a sheet.

  • Riven by conflict that is now destructive, or which is simply foced underground, the noise at last begins to abate.

  • Then Jasmine heard a low rumbling noise from the other side of the mountain.

  • Then he heard a rustling noise in the hedge on the roadside.

  • A key turned in a lock, and as he passed in there was a curious scuffling noise from within.

  • A neglected bird will engage in self-destructive behavior, like plucking its own feathers out or making lots of noise.

  • Originally serialized in The Face, Signal to Noise is the story of a film director dying of cancer.

  • If you get a shushing type noise from the pump you still have air present.

  • Analysis of nonlinearities of plasma harmonics and sideband noise which are uniquely related to dynamic complex impedance and chemistry.

  • Noise sidebands also have impact on these low frequency comparisons.

  • The tank felt rather heavy and made quite a sloshing noise.

  • However, I could hear the noise and smell the foul odor of the glass tubes they call beer.

  • The talk also focused on selected topics of current interest, including the effect of thermal noise on bifurcation to convection and spatiotemporal chaos.

  • An important aspect of spatial compounding is its ability to reduce speckle noise to improve image quality.

  • The river flowed through the hole with a noise like thunder, a spout of water over 8 feet long.

  • Noise - The word " noise " originated in audio practice and refers to random spurts of electrical energy or interference.

  • It made a squawking noise and caused something silver to fly at Emma.

  • In the beginning it was very easy, we pulled a face, or made an interesting noise and he squawked with joy.

  • The usual method of dealing with problem people is to spend more time with them to try to correct the squeaking noise.

  • Pump makes a loud squealing noise, it heats up or is not running to its full capability.

  • Normal squelch circuits would lift, resulting in the controller hearing loud bursts of static noise.

  • While her head was turned away she heard " a sort of squishing noise ".

  • The Shedite makes a squishy noise, maybe of pain, maybe of amusement.

  • With the same probability, Gaussian noise is added to the tolerance value (mean 0, standard deviation 0.01).

  • Get quot how art museum in noise creating an stir-fried on-site is.

  • Rubbing his hand on the glass, he strained to see what type of creature made such a noise.

  • A long stretch of pure white sand is backed by dunes that provide shelter from the noise of the main road.

  • Subsonic aircraft have been measured at twice the legal noise level, struggling to take off with heavy loads in adverse conditions.

  • The approach is to estimate the power spectrum of the clean speech by subtracting the noise spectrum from the noisy speech spectrum.

  • Lower lights, reduce visual stimuli, swaddle the baby and turn on some white noise.

  • Systematic depth bias at swath edges due to SVP errors is visible superimposed on far range noise.

  • Take note of fizzing sounds, swishing noise, faint sparks, white particles.

  • Our sleep was occasionally disturbed by a bizarre swooshing noise upon which was superposed some bird sounds.

  • This applies both to high speed low noise and to low speed tapered roller and spherical roller bearings subject to shock or vibration loads.

  • But it may be as simple as tappet noise escaping from a leaky exhaust seal.

  • Research Associate in the Department of Engineering Applications are invited for the post of Research Associate, to work on transonic helicopter noise.

  • Often a noise has come from the side of some tumbledown building.

  • Tunable low noise oscillators (both hybrid and MMIC) have been built and are under further investigation.

  • The noise was so distracting that I missed my motorway turnoff, got lost and had to endure the whining for an extra hour !

  • It sounds like a twittering noise in the background and is consequently sometimes known as ' birdies '.

  • No sooner had he commenced to dig in earnest than he heard a terrible, unearthly noise under his feet.

  • It uses a unidirectional microphone which eliminates up to 92% of all background noise in the office.

  • It is not unusual to hear noise coming from metal pipes on central heating systems.

  • However vain to attempt counting her guns - some heavy metal - a great many shots, the noise enough to deafen one.

  • The noise levels are recorded in the variance component of the output NDF.

  • Also various pieces of rubber have been added to avoid metal to metal contact but they still make some noise.

  • Once again the ravers were on form and made tonight very tremendous bringing pure party vibes as expecting and not forgetting the noise !

  • I always thought dump valves were those mods ppl put on to make that noise wen they change gear !

  • A strange wheezing noise was heard near the window end of the room, rather like someone struggling for breath.

  • Hard Drives Some hard drives can make quite a loud whining noise with faster ones being even noisier in many cases.

  • The car would then speed along the floor making a whirring noise.

  • The song ended with Harper making the whooshing noise of the jet.

  • We also have research into health effects of noise, and interaction between poverty and cold weather in wintertime mortality.

  • The balance between yearning melodies, experimentation and noise defines a new level of perfection in his work.

  • Just then the noise of cracking whips and yelping dogs was heard outside.

  • The noise of the busy road outside clashed with the calming ethos of the restaurant.

  • The vibration of the washing machine made a terrible noise, making it difficult to concentrate.

  • The elderly couple abominated their rude neighbors because they constantly made loud noise at night.

  • She had to turn up her music to cover the noise of her neighbors having a squabble.

  • You can mimic this effect by purchasing a sound machine that offers a white noise, rainfall, or even a heartbeat sound.

  • You can do this by keeping him in a bright room with noise and activity during the day.

  • Babies also love toys that make noise, especially musical toys.

  • Home is the place that your child feels most comfortable, and a party with guests, toys, and noise can be somewhat overwhelming for a one year old.

  • You can encourage more wakefulness during the day by keeping her in a well-lit room around noise and activity.

  • Use white noise, such as a fan set on low or some other rhythmic noise blocker.

  • This eliminates background white noise like an electrical hiss or music playing in the nursery.

  • If you happen to be vacuuming, and you see the lights, you know that noise is coming from the nursery.

  • The number of lights which are lit is directly related to how much noise is coming through the receiver.

  • For instance, in some cases, an infant will startle easily at a sudden, loud noise.

  • However, sound that continues to be quite loud for a prolonged period may actually encourage her to fall asleep as her body attempts to "tune out" the noise.

  • You want your children to get used to noise while they sleep.

  • Babies love noise them can make themselves.

  • Add a white noise machine or simply place a fan in the room that will drown out disturbing sounds.

  • White noise-Place a fan or a white noise machine in baby's room to drown out outside noise and lull him off to sleep.

  • There is nothing more unsettling than a monitor that produces its own version of noise instead of your baby's playful squeals.

  • Many parents overlook the advantage of a white noise machine to set in their baby's nursery while the infant sleeps.

  • A white noise machine can mask sounds, allowing baby to sleep longer.

  • Some swings offer built-in white noise machines to encourage ultimate nap fests.

  • Make sure you investigate the noise rating of a clothes dryer before you buy it.

  • While the noise is low and constant it can be intrusive.

  • The only drawback is the higher level of noise, according to reviews.

  • The suspension should move up and down without any noise - if you hear any creaking or clunking noises the suspension has some problems.

  • An undercoating can help to reduce this noise.

  • Lastly, a light-pollution filter can help filter out light noise from objects deep in space like new stars.

  • A shielded muffler that will direct heat and noise away from you.

  • Not only can they growl and yowl as most cats do, Bengals also make a sort of chirping noise, and they use all of these sounds to try to communicate their wants and needs to their humans.

  • Recently I made a "sssshhhhh" noise that immediately changed her behavior and attitude.

  • Whenever I make the noise, no matter what she's doing she immediately comes to me and gets very "lovey" and sweet.

  • She often puts her nose to my mouth to see where the noise comes from.

  • If she's doing something naughty when I make the noise, she stops immediately.

  • Sometimes she even responds to my "sssshhh" noise with a sweet meow.

  • For as long as I can remember he as made this hacking noise.

  • She is breathing okay but sometimes I hear a hiccup noise.

  • Cats also make a distinctive noise when they bring in prey that they have caught.

  • It's generally accepted that cats create the purring noise through a series of vibrations in their throat, although there is no actual organ that has been singled out as the "thing that makes cats purr."

  • Cats that are stressed do not usually make the purring noise.

  • Research has shown that cats with laryngeal paralysis are unable to produce the purring noise.

  • A 2006 paper presented in the proceedings from the 12th International Conference on Low Frequency Noise and Vibration and its Control reported that cats purr as a natural healing mechanism.

  • When your cat pounces on it, the toy will make a crackling noise.

  • Don't forget to protect your ears when the noise level rises, and be sure to provide plenty of ventilation when solvents are involved.

  • Noise and water pollution are still risks to human and animal health despite decades of knowledge about them.

  • Noise pollution, while not frequently listed among the top concerns of those involved with environmental issues, is nevertheless a serious problem on a number of levels.

  • Health issues, such as sleep disorders, hearing loss, even high blood pressure and anxiety, are caused by the insidious invasion of noise pollution into the natural environment.

  • Among the most frequent sources of noise pollution are motor vehicles, such as autos, trains, and airplanes.

  • Construction or factory equipment are often sources of excess noise, as are outdoor equipment such as lawn mowers and leaf blowers.

  • While modern technologies have done a lot to reduce the noise of turbines, there is still a constant noise that is a distinct disadvantage.

  • One disadvantage to note is that turbines do make noise . For most people, the noise isn't bothersome.

  • If this might be a concern to you, visit a site where a turbine has been installed to listen with your own ears to make an accurate determination according to your own sensitivity to noise.

  • The low-grade noise of the turning wind turbines and the shadows created by the rotation of the blades can potentially cause negative human health effects.

  • Many of the newer models have incorporated noise reduction technology that companies claim make the turbines noiseless to operate.

  • Effects can range anywhere from headaches and nausea to long-term issues with anxiety and the so-called "wind turbine noise syndrome", a term coined by Nina Pierpont in her book, "Wind Turbine Syndrome".

  • They can also drive the need for dealing with issues such as glare and noise pollution.

  • Another concern involves the low-grade noise pollution the action of the turning blades creates.

  • Research has focused on how to reduce the noise and seismic activity created by the rotating blades while allowing the turbine to function properly.

  • Many people find wind turbines unattractive, not to mention they generate about 60 decibels of noise.

  • Some people complain about the noise that is created.

  • Many people aren't aware that noise pollution subconsciously increases stress levels.

  • Noise usually scares off bears and other wild creatures foraging nearby.

  • A bear bell, or a big bell attached to a stick or backpack, makes enough random noise to alert animals that you're nearby.

  • Take a companion with you and chat while you work to create some noise to alert the animals, too.

  • By comfortable, that doesn't mean you work from a recliner and have a portable DVD player perched on your desk for breaks or background noise.

  • Don't choose a room that is next to your home office, where there's noise from computers, printers, telephones, and fax machines.

  • An added benefit to using carpeting is it'll help reduce the noise caused by hard surface floors.

  • It is not unusual to hear a soft tapping noise as the procedure takes place.

  • A buzzing noise typically accompanies this method of application.

  • A low humming or whirring noise typically emits from the machine as the mechanisms rotate.

  • However, a low, Velcro-like noise is emitted when the needles come off the skin as each tap occurs.

  • This can be bothersome to some, particularly if the noise emits from an electronic machine.

  • A hand-tapping method is generally less painful than machine-dependent ones, and it also emits a less distracting noise.

  • That sound is described as a Velcro-like noise.

  • When millions of megapixels are crammed on tiny sensors, it results in digital "noise," which takes the form of tiny specks on your photos.

  • While some compact digital cameras let you change the ISO of the camera to increase the camera's sensitivity to light, in doing so you also add "noise" to the photo.

  • Digital SLR cameras produce very little "noise" even at a high ISO.

  • Filters render artistic effects, distortion, blurriness, sharpness, noise removal, and lighting effects, among others.

  • This sensor makes significant improvements on its predecessor's noise reduction capabilities, making the sensor perfect for low light work.

  • Still more noise control has been added and the sensor comfortably handles up to a standard 3200 ISO with the ability to push to a whopping 12,800 ISO through custom functions.

  • The 12.1 megapixel camera features superior noise control on the sensor.

  • The 12.3 megapixel sensor makes it meaty enough to tackle professional work, especially with the excellent noise reduction functions it possesses.

  • Other exposure options include low light shooting and long exposures with minimal noise.

  • Fixed pattern noise is the main drawback of using a digital camera with increasingly long exposures.

  • If your camera is limited in this area, you will need to increase the ISO settings over 100, though doing so will increase the grain or noise in your image.

  • Whether you choose a setting with a low ISO and longer exposure or a high ISO with shorter exposure, there will be some image noise.

  • Next, choose a location that is peaceful, quiet and free of extra distractions such as a television, radio or other source of noise (don't forget to turn off the cell phone).

  • The history of the Transcendental Meditation® technique (TM) began in 1957 as a type of meditation aimed at developing a person's mind so he could rise above, or transcend, the noise of a hectic everyday life.

  • One way to do this for those who are just beginning meditation exercises is to use meditation CDs or a sound machine that has several settings, such as white noise, waterfall, and evening sounds.

  • They allow you to block out background noise as well as keep the guided meditation from bothering others.

  • The temperature, light levels, noise levels, smells, and other physical factors can all contribute to making your work more or less stressful.

  • When you know how to practice transcendental meditation, you can use your mind to rise above the hectic noise, stress and distractions of everyday life and enter a state of calm and balance.

  • He also must not have read the "no honking sign" because it was a constant noise we heard during the ride.

  • Restrictions for how large the band is, the type of equipment they have, and noise levels may be within the venue contract.

  • If you are worried about live birds such as the traditional wedding dove making a mess or too much noise, buy plastic or crystal ones instead.

  • Others have suggested that Suri's absence is in keeping with Scientology doctrine, which recommends that infants are kept in peaceful, quiet surroundings, and you know how much noise those paparazzi guys can make.

  • The laid-back, southern charm McConaughey is known for couldn't get him out of trouble when he was arrested in 1999 when police knocked on his door in response to a noise complaint.

  • They released three albums and had hits with a few songs, including Cherry Bomb and Queens of Noise.

  • What will you do to avoid getting into trouble with the local police for noise violations or providing alcohol to a minor?

  • On individual college campuses, frat houses are prone to getting in trouble with local authorities, usually stemming from violations related to noise and drinking.

  • Sometimes this means mediating an argument between two roommates and sometimes it means writing up a student for a noise or alcohol violation.

  • Of course, the noise and energy level can be part of the fun, but if you're hosting or attending one of these parties, it's important to be respectful of your fellow students as well.

  • Typical patients would include those with natural hearing loss due to aging, hearing loss due to an injury in the workplace such as loud noise, and those with a hearing defect due to trauma at birth, genetic disorders and viral infections.

  • As the name suggests, adult cruises will be kid-free (or mostly kid-free), so you can look forward to a trip with less anxiety, confusion, and noise than what you would experience on a traditional cruise.

  • Plus their mess and noise is contained and does not bother everyone.

  • It can be useful but confusing if your dog mistakes other surrounding noise for the command.

  • The noise made by the device is used to instantly mark the moment a dog successfully obeys a command.

  • The owner should have a look if there's excessive noise, but not reward the pup with attention, or it will be trained to have the owner come on command.

  • He doesn't like noise, and he yelps when I touch his ear and neck area.

  • Dog's nails usually make a clicking noise on an uncarpeted floor; it can sound loud in a large room.

  • The uncomfortable sensation ranges from a mild static shock ot an ultrasonic noise to a spray of citronella or lemon, depending upon the device.

  • The sensor will not be set off by other dogs' barking or area noise.

  • When you turn on your battery powered dog nail file, you will notice that it makes a whirring noise.

  • Before you sit down with your dog to file his nails with the dog nail grinder, you should acclimate him to the noise and the sensation first.

  • Barking collars for small dogs can fix one of the main problems people have with these pets - the noise.

  • Guitar Noise - The motto of Guitar Noise is Online to Onstage, and they will help you use free notes to learn songs.

  • From this point on, their sound developed into a larger big band ska kind of noise.

  • However, a problem with some virtual tuners is that since the noise has been recorded and is being transmitted through computer speakers, the sound becomes a little too distorted for some people to tune by.

  • Rather, Guitar Noise focuses on teaching you new guitar techniques and providing a community for guitar players.

  • Their replacement windows are guaranteed to decrease energy loss and outside noise, while adding resale value and style to your home.

  • It is essentially the same as the chain loop system, but uses a reinforced rubber belt to move the trolley, creating considerably less noise than the chain loop.

  • Replacement windows may greatly decrease energy loss and outside noise, while increasing the resale value of your home.

  • Fountains add not only visual interest but they provide soothing background noise.

  • Underlayment is used to absorb minor imperfections in the sub-floor, to deaden the noise when walking on the floor and reduce overhead sound in rooms below.

  • If someone attempts to abduct you, make noise.

  • If the plan member does not answer the hands-free contact from the dispatcher, emergency workers are also sent out.The smoke detectors used by the company do not just make a noise if smoke is detected as most smoke detectors do.

  • For example, a site that pops an animal out or makes a loud noise when loaded can leave them scrambling and laughing.

  • Making noise is another way to stop an abduction and get help.

  • Your victim will not only have to deal with bring woken from a sound sleep far earlier than they had planned, but they won't be able to get the noise shut off right away.

  • By working underground, miners are exposed to humid surroundings, as well as other occupational hazards, such as dust and noise from equipment.

  • However, it's a growing community and construction noise is a reality.

  • Improve the environmental factors in your life such as reducing noise and light and by improving the temperature comfort level.

  • The theories on why we dream range from concepts that dreams are the results of our subconscious thoughts to the more simplistic concepts that dreams are simply random "noise" in the brain's neurons.

  • White noise, for example, from a humidifier or air purifier can help block out street noises.

  • This can be useful for people who have trouble falling asleep because of external noise.

  • The ear plugs reduce external noise that may capture your attention and reduce your ability to sleep.

  • People who live in apartments or near busy intersections may experience constant external noise.

  • White noise machines can help block out those noises and let you sleep peacefully.

  • Parents often use white noise (humidifiers and other machines) to help babies sleep more soundly during the day when the house is active.

  • SleepMate Conditioner - The white noise generated by this machine helps with concentration, relaxation and sleep.

  • There are also white noise machines that sit next to the sleeper on a bedside table, but these rarely are completely effective to block the sounds of snoring.

  • Examples of white noise devices designed to block the sound of snoring include The Snore Masker Pro Earplugs and White Noise CDs.

  • Temperature, noise, light, and even the time of day all affect the ability to go to sleep and stay asleep long enough to move through the stages properly.

  • While absolute silence may seem like the best noise level for deep sleep, it can actually cause sleep to be interrupted more frequently by very small noises.

  • A small amount of constant background noise, referred to as "white noise" by sleep experts, actually provides a screen of sound that blocks out noises that can wake a sleeping person.

  • White noise machines are also helpful for parents who would like their children to sleep soundly during the night or daytime naps.

  • Some white noise machines also offer other ambient sound options, such as the sound of waves on a beach or the babbling of a brook or stream.

  • There is no light and minimal noise in order to create the ideal atmosphere for sleeping.

  • Nasal congestion, noise from the CPAP machine, needing to sleep on your back, and the strange sensation of air being forced into your airways can make sleep nearly impossible in the early days of treatment.

  • Another product to consider is a device that creates white noise, which will drown out the sound of the snoring.

  • If machine noise is keeping you awake at night, try cleaning the air filter or switch to a different model.

  • You may have too many distractions in your own room (light, noise, other) that is keeping you awake.

  • If you work night shift and sleep during the day excess light and noise may lead to frequent waiting, reducing your healthy sleep and time spent in deep sleep.

  • Reducing noise from snoring will not only help you sleep better, but it will also help a loved one who is dealing with the frustrations and sleep deprivation that can be due to loud snoring.

  • No matter what your situation, no one can be expected to sleep with loud noise of any kind in your ear.

  • While snoring problems may be too complicated to just vanish overnight, there are some things you can do that can help with reducing noise from snoring.

  • Make sure to have a conversation with the person in your household who is snoring and look for ways to reduce the noise together.

  • White noise is simple background noise that can take your attention away from the snoring, such as the use of a fan or listening to the wind or ocean.

  • Some people also find that television or soft music is a form of white noise.

  • Sleep Eze is a white noise machine you wear in your ear.

  • BioBrite is a clock that also functions as a white noise maker to drown out background noise.

  • Some pillows can help reduce the noise from snoring.

  • Some online retailers specialize in reducing noise from snoring and other snoring-related products.

  • Rather than just looking at the noise as the problem, start to identify reasons why the snoring is occurring in the first place and what you can do about it.

  • Create a plan to reduce the noise and keep looking for suggestions to tackle the overall problem.

  • Other options include noise blocking techniques.

  • Playing soft music, or investing in a white noise machine may help.

  • Sound machines produce sounds ranging from white noise to the sounds of water.

  • During the first seven nights, the patients used white noise or a setting that was similar, such as the sound of a fan or that of soft water running.

  • At the end of the study, Consumer Research reports that white noise was in fact able to help patients to get a better quality of sleep.

  • Use a sound machine or earplugs and make sure the bedroom is free from noise.

  • In addition, a person might have what is known as an auditory sleep start, in which a discomforting experience of hearing a perceived loud noise wakes you up in light sleep.

  • White noise machines can mimic sounds like the ocean or other soothing melodies, which can cause you to fall asleep faster.

  • Some people find that using a white noise machine or a fan can help induce sleep.

  • Edit the sound track or adjust camera settings to minimize wind roar and other background noise.

  • This is a good thing to practice before you arrive, as it can be a bit tricky to convey such personality and emotion without making any noise.

  • They will likely run through the halls laughing, having fun and generally just making a lot of typical kid noise.

  • They are slow customers (like Senior Citizens), but will get really annoyed if there is too much noise.

  • In-line volume control and a noise canceling microphones are popular for the intense online gamers.

  • To unlock a mode that removes the display during a song, sing "Bring The Noise 20xx" in the Neon Oasis venue and get "Excellent" on 75 consecutive phrases on vocals.

  • What is an example of an auditory distraction?

    Auditory distractions are any noises that affect our ability to hear and take away our attention from driving. These distractions can include listening to music at a high volume, a phone conversation, a conversation with passengers, screaming children, and text notification rings or ringtones.

    What are the 4 types of driver distraction?

    Eating in the car. Drivers who eat behind the wheel are seriously limiting their ability to respond to an accident. ... .
    Talking to Passengers. The most distracting passengers are often children and pets. ... .
    Electronic Device Use. ... .

    What are the three main types of distractions?

    Visual: taking your eyes off the road. Manual: taking your hands off the wheel. Cognitive: taking your mind off driving.

    What kind of distraction is it when your mind is off the road?

    Visual distraction occurs when you take your eyes off the road. Manual distraction takes place when you take your hands off the wheel. Cognitive distraction happens when you take your mind off the task of safe driving.