The process by which the receiver assigns meaning to the symbols encoded by the sender is called:

Hello dear friends here you will get Steps or stages of communication process, How would you justify the statement that the communication process is cyclical?

The Communication Process


Communication process is a set of interrelated steps or parts (sender, message, encoding), Channel, Receiver, decoding and feedback which messages are exchanged sender to receiver. The main stages of communication process are as follows:

1. Developing idea: The sender or communicator develops an idea which to be send. It is also known as planning stage of the communication process. After developing an idea, the communicator determines the objectives or subject matter of communication.

 2. Encoding: Encoding is the act of putting an idea or thought of the message into a code or into a symbolic form. A code is a systematic arrangement or comprehensive collection of symbols, letters or words that have arbitrary meanings and are used for communication. Encoding means converting or translating the idea into a perceivable form that can be communicated to others. It is also termed as mental wrapping of the communication.

The graphical presentation of communication process is as follows:

The process by which the receiver assigns meaning to the symbols encoded by the sender is called:

3. Selecting Media/Channel: Media or channel is the means or ways of transmitting the messages to the receiver. The media of oral communication are face to face conversation, telephone/mobile, conference, meetings etc. the media of written communication are newspaper, letter, report, memo, mail etc.

4. Transmitting message: After selecting media or channel the sender transmits the messages or information to the receiver.

5. Receiving message: IN this stage, the receiver receives the messages in the form of a hearing, seeing, feeling etc. the receiver may be an individual, or group or an organization. The receiver decides whether to decode the message or to make an effort to understand it.

6. Decoding: Decoding is the receiver’s interpretation of the sender’s message. Decoding is the process by which the receiver assigns meaning to the symbols encoded by the sender.

7. Response: After decoding the receiver accept or reject the message. It is the reaction of the receiver of the message knows as response. A message can create many kinds of responses into the receiver depending on the context and the nature of message. The response may be immediate, deferred, favorable or unfavorable. When the receiver accepts or response the message in a favorable way the processes of communication continue.

8. Feedback: The receiver’s response to the sender’s message in called feedback. Feedback ensures proper and mutual understanding between sender and receiver.

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The Communication Process

Steps of communication process

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30) The receiver assigns meaning to the symbols encoded by a company in its advertisementsthrough a process known as ________.A) disencodingB) feedbackC) acknowledgementD) decodingE) responseAnswer:D

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 408AACSB:CommunicationSkill:ConceptObjective:14-3

31) In the communication process, the reaction of the receiver after being exposed to a messageis called the ________.ADiff: 1 Page Ref: 409

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AACSB:CommunicationSkill:ConceptObjective:14-332) When a customer lets a producer know something about its products or advertising, thecustomer is providing ________.CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 409

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AACSB:CommunicationSkill:ConceptObjective:14-333) A consumer is reading a magazine with an advertisement, but is distracted from reading theadvertisement or its key points. This unplanned static or distortion during the communicationprocess is called ________.A

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Diff: 2 Page Ref: 409AACSB:CommunicationSkill:ConceptObjective:14-3

34) In the communication process, the more the sender's field of experience ________that ofthe receiver, the more ________ the message is likely to be.A) varies from; distinguishableB) overlaps with; effectiveC) connects with; ineffectiveD) coincides with; creativeE) departs from; directAnswer:BDiff: 3 Page Ref: 409

AACSB:CommunicationSkill:ConceptObjective:14-335) To communicate effectively, a marketing communicator must ________ the consumer's fieldof experience.CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 409

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AACSB:CommunicationSkill:ConceptObjective:14-336) Marketing communicators must be good at ________ messages that take into account howthe target audience ________ them.CDiff: 3 Page Ref: 409

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37) Marketing communicators must do all of the following EXCEPT ________.B

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Diff: 2 Page Ref: 409AACSB:CommunicationSkill:ConceptObjective:14-338) The six ________ stages that consumers normally pass through on their way to making apurchase include awareness, knowledge, liking, preference, conviction, and purchase.A) personal readinessB) buyer-readinessC) objective readinessD) purchase direct readinessE) supplier readinessAnswer:B

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 409Skill:ConceptObjective:14-3

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What does it mean when a receiver assigns to the symbols encoded?

Answer and Explanation: The part of the communication process in which the receiver assigns meaning to the symbols encoded by the sender is called: b) decoding. The statement represents the definition of the term.

What is the process whereby a receiver assigns meaning to a message?

Media refers to the communications channels through which the message moves from sender to receiver. ∎ Decoding is the process by which the receiver assigns meaning to the symbols.

What is the process through which the receiver encodes the message and sends it back?

Feedback is the process through which the receiver encodes the message received and sends it or a response to it back to the original sender. A second reason for semantic differences relates to variance in cultural background.

Which process transfer the message from the sender to the receiver?

The communication process refers to the stages through which the message passes from the sender to the receiver. In this process, the sender forms a message and encodes it into words or symbols. The encoded message is transmitted to the receiver through a channel or medium.