Taking risks stimulates the answer , the part of the brain thats related to getting rewards.

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    Terms in this set (94)

    the prefrontal cortex which is responsible for decision making is not fully developed until a person reaches their mid 20s which is why young people have a hard time seeing the real risks behind their choices


    taking risks stimulates the ____ that is associated with getting rewards. this part of the brain is more active during teenage years than any other time.


    teenagers engage in risky behavior because they are not good at evaluating risk


    adolescents are more distressed than adults when they are excluded by peers


    research shows that the ____ region of the brain is used more heavily by adults when being socially excluded than by adolescents

    right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex

    susceptibility to peer influence peaks at ____


    which group is most likely to engage in risky driving when friends are present

    early adolescents

    car crashes are the #1 cause of death for young drivers and teens


    brain damage is likely is intervention occurs ____ after the heart stops

    6-10 minutes

    CPR must be performed if these conditions exist: unconsciousness and no breathing and/or no pulse


    C in CAB stands for


    what is a recommended position for the victim when performing CPR

    lying flat on his/her back on a smooth and firm surface

    recommended rate for effective compression for adult/child is

    100-120 compression per min

    when checking for breathing, if you hear gasps

    assume the victim is not breathing normally and do proceed with CPR

    it is not important to wait for the chest to come back to its original position after each compression


    if he victim is breathing normally, but no responding you should

    turn the victim to the side and wait for emergency personnel

    when performing infant CPR, the depth of the compression should be

    1/3 to 1/2 the depth of the chest

    when administering CPR for children you should

    do 5 reps of compressions, 30 each with 2 breaths 1 second long, then call EMS

    when performing adult CPR, the depth of the compression should be at least

    2 in deep

    A in CAB stands for


    when finding carotid artery, you are looking to check the victim's


    chances of brain death are likely if the heart stopped for

    more than 10 min

    if not comfortable with your bailies to perform CPR, you should

    call 911 and perform external chest compressions

    what is the most important reason to be aware of your location

    when calling 911, you need to inform emergency personnel of your location

    the purpose of the first aid guid, which is included in the first aid kit is to

    explain how to use the supplies included in the first aid kit

    chances of performing successful first air increase if more than one person is involved


    if the victim refuses first aid, what should you do?

    call 911 and stay with the victim until help arrives

    one of the OSHA's recommendations when coming in contact with bodily fluids, skin, or blood is to

    inform your superior and contact the doctor as soon as possible

    if the victim sustained broken bone or strain, you can

    raise the injured part, as long as it does not cause more pain

    when the victim is choking, his air passage is blocked


    one of the key steps in Heimlich Maneuver is to

    perform upward thrusts on the victim until the item is forced out or ambulance arrives

    in case of 3rd degree burn, it is not recommended to remove clothing and/or apply fluids to the wound


    common food types that can cause allergic reaction are

    eggs, peanuts, chocolate

    injury to abdominal area should be treated as an internal injury


    what is the 2nd priority in treating bleeding wounds, like cuts or scrapes

    keep the wound clean to minimize any chance of infection

    dangerous nose bleeds, which rare, originate in the back artery of the rose and are complicated to treat


    the biggest danger with non bleeding wounds is

    difficult to assess damage

    when faced with the victim you suspect has suffered an internal injury one of the steps you must take is

    put the victim in the horizontal position on his/her back and ensure the victim does not move

    when sustaining electrical burn you must consult the doctor as soon as possible


    before administering first aid, you must always make sure that the scene is safe for you and the victim


    you should suspect head injury if the victim is experiencing the following symptoms

    trouble walking or moving

    if the victim is unresponsive, you should

    proceed with CPR and/or first aid as son as possible

    when suspecting head injury, you should also suspect injury to the neck and/or spine


    in case of a nosebleed that persisted for more than 15 min, you should

    call 911 for help

    if the victim is responsive, you should introduce yourself and offer help


    non-communicable diseases are spread through infection


    all of the following are diseases spread by viruses except


    there is no cure for a viral infection


    Taking unnecessary antibiotics can be harmful to you because it can upset the balance of good bacteria in your body


    most bacteria are beneficial in some way and do not cause disease. less than 1% of known bacteria cause disease in humans


    all of the following are diseases spread by bacteria except

    athlete's foot

    bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics


    all of the following are diseases spread by protozoan except


    protozoan inflections such as malaria are transmitted through contaminated food or water


    most fungi can cause disease in humans


    the most common fungi are mushrooms and molds


    fungal infections such as ringworm can be treated with antibiotics


    hookworm can be introduced to our body by eating under cooke meat from an infected animal


    all of the following are categories of non-communicable diseases except


    an example of a genetic disease is

    cystic fibrosis

    diseases caused by lifestyle choices can be managed with medication and behavioral plans


    smoking is the leading cause of cirrhosis in the liver


    diseases associated with aging are know as degenerative diseases


    epidemics only refer to the spread of communicable diseases


    quarantines are used to isolate the non affected people from those with the diseases


    epidemics that spread over a wide geographic region are called pandemics


    endemic diseases are common to a specific area or population


    the flu shot is recommended for all of the following except


    meningitis vaccines are recommended for all 7th graders and 1st time college students


    who should get a pneumonia vaccine

    those will an illness, adults 65 of older, anyone who smokes

    everyone should have a tetanus/diphtheria booster every 5 years


    many communicable diseases among children are preventable. however fewer than ___ of the children in TX receive the immunizations they need by age two


    vaccines for Children is a federal program that is administered by

    Austin Public Health

    being active for at least 150 min a week is recommended for a healthy lifestyle


    for a healthy lifestyle, increase fruit and veggie consumption to at least 5-9 servings daily


    you should go to can urgent care center for help with

    broken finger

    what might a typical emergency room visit cost

    over $1000

    you twisted an ankle on your evening run. where should you go for care?

    urgent care center

    your child needs a flue shot. where should you go?

    primary doctor

    you're having trouble breathing. where should you go?

    emergency room

    what should you do if you aren't sure where to go for care

    call you primary doctor's office

    there are more than how many international flights each day that have the potential to spread complex infectious diseases beyond national boarders more quickly than ever before


    climate change is the ____ global health threat of the 21st century


    every second an average of 4.2 people are born and ___ people die


    in 2011 the human population was estimated at being about 7 billion, by 2050 the population will be 9.5 billion


    by 2025, how many people will be affected by water shortages


    to feed the projected population by 2025, we will have to double the current food production levels


    in the USA, each person contributes about ____ tons of CO2 which is 5x higher than a person in China


    in 1975 there were three megacities which were

    Mexico city, Tokyo, and new york city

    5% of humans consume ____ of the world's energy


    13% of people across the globe don't have clean drinking water


    currently, the worlds population increases by 1 billion every 13 years


    _____ of people worldwide lack adequate sanitation


    our ecological footprint is our way to measure out human demand on nature


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