Strategic efforts to supply consumers with environmentally friendly merchandise are called


To be successful with this key corporate social responsibility (CSR) stakeholder, a company’s CSR program must consider and react to trends and shifts in these stakeholders’ values.

a. Management

b. Marketplace

c. Customers

d. Society

e. Employees


Strategic efforts to supply consumers with environmentally friendly merchandise are called

a. the green generation.

b. green marketing.

c. the inconvenient truth.

d. earth marketing.

e. reduce, reuse, and recycle.


Which of the following is an example of greenwashing?

a. A hotel encouraging the reuse of towels for environmental reasons when the hotel does not have a recycling program

b. Marriott’s golf courses becoming Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuaries

c. A hotel focusing on eco-tourism that invests in carbon offsets that offset their overall energy usage

d. Marriott’s success in working toward its pledge to reduce energy and water consumption by 20 percent by 2020

e. Hotels adopting green practices to attract corporate meeting planners who prefer hotels that meet basic eco-friendly standards and offer green meetings


Hotels that focus on eco-tourism and promise carbon-neutral practices and investment in carbon offsets while offsetting only a fraction of their overall energy use are engaged in

a. quadreactive advertising.

b. environmental exaltation.

c. enviromarketing.

d. greenwashing.

e. virtual greening.


The move by consumers to green products appears to be

a. limited to a small number of products that are environmentally friendly.

b. appears to be growing.

c. a passing fad that will decline substantially in the next two years.

d. a mature movement that will see no increase in consumption or introduction of green products.

e. too new to identify trends.


Some companies have been accused of taking advantage of the current trend in green marketing, positioning their products as environmentally friendly when this may not actually be the case. This is called

a. red marketing.

b. greenwashing.

c. greenbaiting.

d. fake greening.

e. green puffery.


The voluntary actions companies take to address the ethical, social, and environmental impacts on its business operations and the concern of its stakeholders is known as

a. Corporate greenwashing initiatives

b. Corporate enhancement

c. Corporate economic initiatives

d. Corporate social responsibility

e. Corporate environmental spending


For a company to undertake a corporate social responsibility program recognized by consumers, the company

a. can address ethical, social, and environmental impacts on its business operations.

b. must primarily be directed by what consumers might recognize as worthwhile.

c. must focus primarily on fossil fuel consumption.

d. must focus primarily on reducing water usage.

e. should look exclusively at recycling.


When companies engage in cause-related marketing, they partner with _____ to help provide benefits to society.

a. investment firms

b. universities

c. shipping companies

d. government agencies

e. charities


Corporations demonstrate their commitment to corporate social responsibility to this group of stakeholders by providing a safe work environment.

a. Marketplace

b. Management

c. Society

d. Employees

e. Customers

Green marketing

The technique of producing and advertising items based on their actual or recognised environmental sustainability is referred to as green marketing.

Green business examples include promoting the lower emissions connected with a product's production process or the use of post-consumer recycled materials in package design. Some firms may also detail themselves as ecologically conscious by providing a portion of their sales results to environmental help which includes tree planting.

Green marketing is part of a great move toward more social and ecological sensitive company exercises. Consumers are expecting organisations to demonstrate their commitment to improving their operations in addition to different environmental, societal, and governing standards. To that aim, many corporations will often release social impact declarations in which they self-report their progress toward these goals. Green marketing refers to a firm's attempts to publicise its company practices' ecological responsibility. Green marketing has become an essential part of company public affairs as a result of the growth of a customer demographic that is growing increasingly concerned with environmental and social problems.

Hence, the appropriate answer is Green Marketing

Which of the following is an example of greenwashing?

Which of the following is an example of greenwashing? A company donates money to a school reading project so it can advertise itself as environmentally friendly.

Which generation's members are also known as Millennials?

GENERATION Y OR THE MILLENNIALS: DIGITAL NATIVES Also known as digital natives, millennials are those born between 1982 and 1994 and technology is part of their everyday lives: all their activities are mediated by a screen.

What group is at the center of all marketing efforts?

As the purchasers of the products that organizations develop, promote, distribute, and price, customers are the focal point of all marketing activities. The essence of marketing is to develop satisfying exchanges from which both customers and marketers benefit.

What is included in a firm's Macroenvironment?

the major uncontrollable, external forces (economic, demographic, technological, natural, social and cultural, legal and political) which influence a firm's decision making and have an impact upon its performance.