Screening begins before the Human Resources Department receives the application

The screening process determines if a job applicant is qualified for the role and a potential fit for the position for which they applied.

The screening process consists of several elements, most commonly:

  • Screening questions on the job application
  • Resume screening to shortlist interview candidates
  • Interview screening including phone or video screening interviews and in-person interviews
  • Assessment screening test via skill-based, cognitive, or behavioural tests
  • Background screening and/or reference checks

Below, we run you through all the steps of the screening process. You'll find answers to the following questions:

  • What are applicant screening questions?
  • What are resume and cover letter screening?
  • What is candidate screening?
  • What is a screening interview?
  • What is assessment screening?
  • What is background screening?

What are applicant screening questions?

Applicant screening questions quickly filter out applicants who do not meet a job post's minimum requirements. They are short, direct questions most often included in an online application form.

Using applicant pre-screening questions helps speed up the hiring process and is part of the first steps in whittling down the applicant pool. They are especially useful if a job post is expected to deliver a large volume of applications or when hiring for very specific skills. 

There are two main types of applicant screening questions: eligibility screening questions and performance-related screening questions. Here is a quick breakdown of the most commonly asked questions of each type:

Eligibility screening questions

  • Start date: is the candidate available in the right time frame?
  • Location: is the candidate able to be present in the required location?
  • Employment status: is the candidate legally allowed to perform the job?
  • Compensation: does the candidate’s salary expectation align with the budget?

Performance screening questions

  • Education: does the candidate fulfill the minimum requirements?
  • Certifications: does the candidate hold the proper certificates or licenses?
  • Experience: does the candidate have a suitable work history and experience level?
  • Skills: does the candidate speak the right languages, or are they proficient in the required software?

What are resume and cover letter screening?

An employer can manually screen applicant resumes and cover letters for a set of criteria, but using automated resume screening tools has become more common. For example, an Applicant Tracking Software can screen resumes for keywords or automatically compare resumes to job descriptions to identify the best matches.

What is candidate screening?

The pool of applicants narrowed down by application screening questions and resume screening still requires further evaluation. Thus, the initial candidate screening phase begins, creating a shortlist from the remaining applicants to move onto the interview process. Candidates will continue to be screened during the interview process until a final hiring selection is made.

What is a screening interview?

After shortlisting candidates, the next step is to further narrow the pool with a brief screening interview. In most cases, screening interviews are conducted by telephone and last no longer than thirty minutes. The questions asked in an initial phone screening interview aim to:

  • Verify educational background and work history.
  • Vet the strength of skills and qualifications stated on their resume.
  • Confirm start date availability.
  • Firm up salary expectations.

What is assessment screening?

Some organisations include assessment tests in their screening process. Sometimes these are part of a pre-screening process, while other times they are used to narrow down the candidate pool before or after the first or second round of interviews. The kind of assessment screening used will vary on the role. 

Skills test

Skills tests are best suited to technical roles to determine whether a candidate is objectively able to do the job or not. It is a quick way to identify which candidates possess the hard skills to meet the requirements. 

Case study 

For non-technical roles, candidates often have to complete a case study assignment to demonstrate their work approach. For example, candidates might need to create a presentation detailing and explaining the methods and means they would use to achieve an aspect of the job.

What is background screening?

In some cases, before making an offer, an employer will run a background check to verify the candidate is legally eligible for the job. If a formal background check is unnecessary, an employer might opt to check the candidate's references or screen their online presence for any red flags.

When screening job applicants the first step of the screening process is to?

Step 1: Review Resumes & Applications. One of the best applicant screening methods is reviewing each resume or application manually. There are many things to learn about a candidate from their resume.

What is the employers first step in the screening of potential employees?

Once the minimum requirements of the job are identified, employers can begin to effectively screen job candidates. The pre-screening process typically begins with the review of a candidate's employment application and resume, followed by a telephone interview.

What is screening and selection?

Screening and selection procedures are statistical methods for assigning individuals to two or more categories on the basis of certain tests or measurements that can be made upon them. Of concern usually is some desired trait or characteristic of the individuals that cannot be measured directly.

Why would one want to implement a well developed applicant screening process?

By eliminating unqualified applicants, hiring managers can save time and resources while narrowing down the pool of potential candidates. The goal of applicant screening is to ensure employers meet their high standards and find the most qualified employees.