Saying to the client, “you should find a job close to downtown so that you can get there easily” is

Micro Social Work final study questions

What are the two main practice philosophies of social work?

Individuals and families, and communities and policies

Which founding mother of social work aligned with the charity organizations and developed theories of interpersonal practice?

The primary mission of the social work profession is to

The basic assumption that drives the social work principles is that

People aspire to reach their potential

Thomas is a high school student who has decided on a career in social work and wants to get into it as soon as possible. What does Thomas need to do to accomplish this?

Which of the following is one of the phases in the "cycle of caring"?

The assessment phase of the helping process may include which of the following?

Which of the following steps in the helping process comes first?

As a plan of action is carried out:

The social worker and client carry out specific roles

The separation phase can be experienced by the client as a(n):

Which of the following social work roles can occur at the mezzo level?

Sandra is a single mother requiring financial assistance. In what role can a social worker best help Sandra?

The ultimate purpose of social work is to:

Advance the quality of life for all in society

What two aspects of social work constitute its dual focus?

enhancing individual functioning and pursuing social change

Social work values only enhance the profession if they are:

How are social work values manifested at the mezzo level?

Organizing service delivery

What can happen if a social worker's practice is not adequately grounded in professional values?

The social worker can add to the client's troubles

In what kind of situation would confidentiality requirements not apply?

When there is abuse or neglect

The client's right to self-determination many have to be limited if it:

Infringes on the rights of others

The fundamental ingredient of client empowerment is:

Social work practice has a code of ethics so that social workers can:

Deal with contemporary issues

One of the defining themes in the ethic of care is:

Which of the following steps for resolving ethical dilemmas should be done LAST?

Apply the ethical framework and reflect on its implications

Ethical dilemmas are most likely to arise when:

There are competing interests in a situation

Psychodynamic theories are traceable to the work of:

Both cognitive and behavioral therapies assume that:

Incorrect ways of thinking can be unlearned

Humanistic therapies emphasize

Postmodernist therapies reject the idea of:

Major meta-frameworks for the practice of social work theory are all informed by:

When clients grow in their ability to shape their environment, they:

Gain feelings of competence

Which of the following emphases would be incompatible with the strengths perspective of social work?

Tara is a social worker who has a solid background in ecology. This would best help Tara in her practice in:

Understanding clients in their context

Cultural competence has become increasingly important in social work in recent years because of the increased ______ of U.S. society.

The culture we are brought up in primary informs our:

Culture can be a valuable resource for social workers in identifying client:

Which of the following is an attitude related to cultural competence?

What is disadvantageous about having a "color-blind" view of the world?

It involves ignoring racial issues

A culturally aware person will experience their won culture:

In the context of other cultures

The most basic manifestation of the ethnorelative worldview is the _____ other cultures.

The most thoroughly ethnocentric people _____ other cultures.

Adaptation is best described as _____ cultural differences

Changing one's behaviors relative to

One's cultural competence can best be assessed by testing one's cultural:

What is the most important requirement for the social worker to be able to apply intersectional theory to practice?

Awareness of all relevant dimensions

Cultural skills refer to social workers':

Appropriate culture use of methodological approaches and techniques in practice

Developing culturally appropriate interviewing skills requires:

The use of both verbal and nonverbal skills and being conscious that the use of skills should always occur within the context of clients' cultural realities

The Older Americans Act provides for special _____ for older Americans and their families.

You are preparing to do an assessment of a client who has been suffering with schizophrenia. Which of the following would be an apt way to begin the assessment?

Tell the client that he or she is about to be assessed

Maintaining intermittent eye contact means:

Looking at the client periodically as a way of conveying interest

The facial expressions of the social worker should:

Reflect what the client is saying regarding his or her emotional state

Pace the interview and allow the client time to think through or to sit comfortably while considering a possible outcome

A clarification response is best used when:

The social worker wants to be sure that the client's meaning and his or her understanding matches

Open ended questions are best used to:

Open up the conversation for exploration

A social worker using a reflection-of-feeling response should:

Mirror back to the client your understanding of his or her feelings given his or her situation

When the social worker gives informational material to a client, it is important for the client to:

After offering an interpretation, a client must:

Have time to process the interpretation for consideration

When the social worker summarizes what the client has said, it should take the form of:

Synthesizing the most important points

An interpretation is best used when the client is:

Trustful and comfortable with the social worker

The best way for the social worker to confront a client is to do so with:

Tentativeness or speculation rather than absoluteness

In order to get the client back on track, the best way to do so is to:

Gently interrupt the client

Raven is married to a man who she acknowledges physically abuses abuses her "occasionally." As the social worker, you are concerned about her safety. You say to her (information giving):

I know it is hard to think about ways to protect yourself; can we talk about some ways to stay safe?

Saying to the client, "You should find a job close to downtown so that you can get there easily" is:

In which of the following ways can humor be the most helpful to a client?

In can help the client see a problem in a new light.

A social worker might be likely to change the topic of the conversation when he or she:

Is uncomfortable with the subject matter

In what kind of circumstances is a social worker mist likely to feel judgmental toward a client?

If the social worker's values differ from those of his or her client

If done inappropriately, confrontation of a client's statement or behavior is most likely to result in:

Anger and defensiveness on the part of the client.

Why is it inappropriate for the social worker to share too much information about him- or herself?

It erodes the professional nature of the relationship, causing the clients to assume a "false" closeness.

Your client admits that he is involved with a gang, and you are concerned for his well-being and safety. Which response illustrates the pitfall of offering too much information?

There are serious risks associated with being in a gang; you could get hurt or killed or end up in jail. I know a young man who is a lot like you, and he is now in prison for seven years. Think about your family, what they will do if you get hurt or die.

Attempts by the social worker to solve a problem too quickly are likely to result in:

Overlooking important information that is contributing to the problem

A client may feel that his or her needs are being minimized by the social worker if:

The social worker has not had time to develop rapport and trust

As a social worker, it can be helpful to admit when you have made a mistake because:

It may help to rebuild trust with a client

If the social worker asks irrelevant questions regarding the situation, the client is likely to feel:

In what ways is allowing silence between the client and social worker preferable to interrupting?

Allowing silence gives the client time to process what is being discussed

The most successful intake session includes the client:

Feeling understood and valued

You are starting to work with a new client. What kinds of information are most helpful to you in this early stage of the relationship?

Whether the services provided match the client's needs

Once the client has made his or her primary concerns clear, how should the social worker respond?

By validating his or her concerns

Your client Hillary has described being abandoned by her parents at a young age. You want to be sure you are conveying empathy. But you come from a loving family with parents and siblings whom you cherish. It is best to:

Imagine how you would feel if you were in Hillary's situation

Getting too emotionally invested in a client's case is counterproductive because:

The social worker must stay objective to be effective

Which of the following characteristics are held by both friendship and the professional social work relationship?

You are scheduled to visit Mary for the first time. From past experience, you know this client lives in a community that is considered dangerous. You have tried on several occasions to have Mary come to your office, but she has refused, stating that trans

Ignore your discomfort and proceed as you normally would but let your supervisor know you are going on the visit

You are about to visit the home of a client who you know to be impulsive and has a long history of physical violence. Which of the following would be the best way to protect yourself during the visit?

Have access to an exit at all times

The best way to determine if a client is committed to the helping process is to:

Reflect your perceptions back to the client

Assessment is the phase of the helping process in which:

Information is gathered and compiled

The opening question(s) in an assessment have the function of:

Gathering information about the client

A multidimensional assessment may include data on:

An assessment is best developed by the social worker:

On a continuous basis, focusing on the client's changing situation

A client comes to see a social worker:

To address specific problems

What is the main reason a social worker focuses on the strength of the client?

It helps in forming a plan regarding what can be accomplished

The person-in-environment assessment, done by a social worker, is different from other helping professions because:

It is an approach that takes into account multiple factors, including the environment

The person-in-the-environment assessment framework understands social functioning in terms of:

Factors in the physical functioning of a client include:

Marissa, your client, indicated that she is having trouble sleeping and is experiencing "weird dreams." Your best response is to:

Ask her to keep track of her sleep patterns for the nest two weeks.

One way to assess the cognitive functioning of a client includes:

Understanding how he or she makes decisions

A social worker should pay attention to the client's cognitive functioning because:

It helps the worker to adjust treatment options accordingly

For many clients, spirituality means:

Finding meaning in their lives

When assessing the spirituality and religious functioning of clients, it is best to ask:

How they use their spirituality/religion to get them through hard times

Clients typically react to emotional situations by:

Turning toward friends who are supportive and helpful

A social worker is usually able to tell how a client is feeling by:

Attending to the client's nonverbal communication

Behaviors are typically dictated by a client's:

When assessing the behavioral functioning of clients, you should:

Look for patterns in the ways they do things

In an assessment, looking at the nature of family connections and relationships can help the social worker to understand the client's:

It is important to understand the "family rules" because:

These rules are what guide all interactions

A client may be at higher risk of suicide if there is:

If the social worker suspects that his or her client is at risk of committing suicide, it is his or her responsibility to:

Contact he proper authorities, such as the crisis team, police, or hotline responders

Levels of client change will depend on:

Their motivation to change

Clues regarding where the root problem may lie can be determined by:

How the client describes the problem

When addressing many problems at the same time, it is best to:

Ask the client which is the most important to address first

Effective planning in problem solving with a client must involve:

Collaboration between social worker and client

If the client wants to work toward a goal that seems to be detrimental, the social worker can:

Gently try to dissuade the client from the goal

Which statement correctly captures a short-term goal?

Macey will talk with her parents about her desire to join the air force by April 15, 20XX.

Contracts are best used to:

Determine who will be doing what and by when

Before doing an intervention treatment on the client yourself, you should first ascertain whether:

You are qualified to do so

The selection of intervention and treatment modalities should:

Align with treatment goals set forth in the client/social worker contract

Social work agencies may vary in:

Treatment methods most importantly need to take account of the client's:

Clients are motivated if their interactions with the social worker:

Client resistance to treatment can be used advantageously:

To gain additional information about the situation

Motivational interviewing:

Accepts resistance as a part of the helping process

Interventions that involve teaching coping skills:

Should be tailored to the client's situation

When tragedies happen to clients, sometimes their former capacities:

Solution-focused brief therapy focuses on:

You have a client who keeps insisting that he cannot find a job because even if her looks for one, he will not get hired. What kind of help does your client most need?

You are trying to help a client with emotional problems by applying brief psychodynamic theory. Which of the following would this most centrally involve?

Helping her to remember past traumatic events

Baseline data on clients are generated so that:

Progress over time can be tracked

Baseline data can be acquired in all of the following ways except:

By contacting a family member or friend and asking his or her about the client

When evaluating a client, rating scales should be:

In evaluating client progress, why are rating scales individualized?

They are meant to monitor progress of a unique situation

Goal attainment scaling is a method of evaluation that:

Uses a five-point scale from unfavorable to favorable

You are working with a client with the goal of resolving difficulties in several interpersonal relationships. After a while, two of those relationships have improved, but some of them are still problematic. Using goal attainment scaling, which of the foll

Which of the following evaluation methods can be used to produce scientific data to support evidence-based practice?

In preparing to use a single-subject design (SSD) in evaluating client treatment outcomes, all of the following are important to consider when selecting a specific design except:

The client's design preference

The best way to prepare a client for termination is to:

Let the client know about termination during the early stages of the relationship

Because termination is the final phase of the helping relationship, it is essential to:

Talk about ways in which the client can sustain progress made

A client who misses or shows up late for appointments and is inattentive at meetings is:

Showing signs of disengagement from the helping relationship

When drawing up a contract with the client:

A copy of the contract should be given to the client

An interviewing technique that can be used to gauge the and pinpoint the severity, intensity, and frequency of a problem:

A series of movements that recur under a particular set of circumstances with little variation over time:

The alignment between social worker and client is referred to as:

Motivational Interviewing

The primary professional reason the social workers evaluate their practice is:

It fulfills the social worker's ethical obligation to the client

A social worker using a reflection of feeling response should:

Mirror back to the client your understanding of his/her feelings given his/her situation

A person's adaptive behaviors affecting his or her growth and health, or, conversely, his/her physical or social decline is the basis for what theory or perspective?

Sally is a social worker who believes strongly in understanding clients' problems in terms of their subjective experience. What social work theory is Sally most likely to draw her practice from?

Laurie, a 60 year old woman, most likely wants to get to know you, her middle-aged social worker, because she:

Has shared some personal information with you

Why social work is important?

Social workers help relieve people's suffering, fight for social justice, and improve lives and communities. Most people think of social workers when they think of poverty alleviation and child welfare. Many social workers do that kind of work — and we do much more.

Which of the following is one of the phases in the cycle of caring?

There are four stages of the caring cycle: empathetic attachment, active involvement, felt separation, and re-creation.

What are the philosophy of social work?

At the core of social work practice is respect for the dignity, rights and worth of individuals as they realize their potential to become fulfilled, contributing members of society.

When the social worker gives informational material to a client it is important for the client to?

When the social worker gives informational material to a client, it is important for the client to: Be able to understand it is most important that the client understands the information being presented.