Referential integrity states that structural relationships in relational databases must ______.



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Terms in this set (172)


A relation describes the structure, content, and access controls of a physical data store or database.​


A relational database management system stores data in tables.​


Every table in a relational database must have a foreign key.​


A foreign key is a field or set of fields stored in one table that also exists as a primary key in another table.​


Relationships in a relational database are usually represented by embedding a foreign key in each participating table.​


Classes that participate in a classification hierarchy can be represented within a relational database as a set of tables with the primary key of the general class table replicated in the other tables.​


Classes that participate in a classification relationship can only be represented within a relational database as a single table containing all the attributes in each class.​


A relational database table is in third normal form (3NF) if it is in second normal form (2NF) and if every non-key field is functionally dependent on the primary key.


A relational database table is in third normal form (3NF) if it is in second normal form (2NF) and if no non-key field is functionally dependent on any other non-key field.​


Problem domain modeling and database normalization are incompatible techniques for relational database design.​


One-to-many and many-to-many relationships are both represented by foreign keys in a relational database.​


Referential integrity is a consistent relational database state in which every foreign key value also exists as a primary key value.


Every database in a DBMS consists of two separate data stores.​


The domain data in a database is sometimes referred to as metadata.​


A local business office with a small database which is only used by two or three users would most probably implement a desktop DBMS.​


A phased database development and deployment (using iterative development) is usually the safest approach to deploying the best database solution.​


In an iterative approach to software development, it is usually best to develop the database in the first few iterations.​


To ensure that the database is designed correctly, an important member of the project team is the data administrator.​


Relationships between tables is usually indicated through the use of a foreign key.​


In a one-to-many association the primary key of the "many" class is placed as a foreign key in the "one" class.​


Including a total amount field as the sum of other fields in a table is a violation of second normal form.​


A write lock on a database allows other users to read the data, but they cannot update any data.​


A(n) ____ describes the structure, content, and access controls of a physical data store or database.​

low level process management

Which of the following is NOT a component or function of a typical database management system (DBMS)?​


In a relational database, a row can be referred to as a(n) ____.​


Data elements in a relational database are organized into ____.​

primary key

A(n) ____ is a field or set of fields used to uniquely identify each row.​


____ are a critical element of relational database design because they are the bases for representing relationships among tables.​


​One column of a table in a relational database is called a(n) ____.

foreign key

A(n) ____ is a field or set of fields stored in one table that also exists as a primary key in another table.​


Each class on an class diagram is represented by a(n) ____ in a relational database.​


All ____ in a table are guaranteed to be unique if the table's primary key is guaranteed to be unique.​

many to many

​A separate relation must be created to store the attributes of a ____ relationship among two other classes.

referential integrity

____ is a consistent relational database state in which every foreign key value also exists as a primary key value.​

database management system

Referential integrity is normally enforced by the ____.​


A relational database table is in ____ normal form if it has no repeating fields or groups of fields, and hence all rows have the same columns.​

functional dependency

___________ is where the value in one field determines the value in another field in the same record.​


A relational database table is in ____ normal form if every non-key field is functionally dependent on the primary key.​


A relational database table is in ____ normal form if no non-key field is functionally dependent on any other non-key field.​

in first normal form

What can be said about the following relational database table (key is underlined): (Choose the most correct answer.)​ CourseSectionID, StudentID, Grade, StudentName

in first and second normal form

​What can be said about the following relational database table (key is underlined): (Choose the most correct answer)
StudentID, Name, Major, CreditsCompleted, GPA, AcademicStanding

database management system

Microsoft SQL Server is an example of what?​

establish user authentication for data access

Which is not one of the responsibilities of the DA?​
provide data naming standards
keep track of who owns the data
set up standards for data validation
establish user authentication for data access

determine data confidentiality

Which is NOT one of the responsibilities of the database administrator?​
backup the database
do performance tuning
set up user authentication
determine data confidentiality


Which of the following is not a synonym of the others?​


Which of the following is not a synonym of the others?​

the primary keys of the associated tables

In a many-to-many association, the primary key of the created table consists of which of the following?

complex data type

A field in a relational table called "address" would be an example of what?​

heterogeneous distributed database

Which of the following contains both global and local schemas with distinct DBMSs?​

horizontal partitioning

In a distributed database when the data is divided so that separate rows of the same table are at distinct locations that is referred to as _________.​

write lock

A database lock that does not allow another user to update the data is called what?​


A(n) ____________________ describes the structure, content, and access controls of a physical data store or database.​


In a database a two-dimensional data structure consisting of columns and rows is called a(n) _______.​

foreign key

A(n) ____________________ is a field or set of fields stored in one table that also exist as a primary key in another table.​

referential integrity

The condition that requires that every value in a foreign key must have an equivalent value as the primary key in another table is called ________ ______.


Non-key ("bad") redundancy can be systematically identified and eliminated from a relational database by ____________________ of the database.​


A relational database table is in ____________________ normal form if it has no repeating fields or groups of fields, i.e. if it has the same number of columns for every row.​


A data type that is supported directly by computer hardware or a programming language is called a(n) _______ data type.​


A data type that is defined by extending or combining other data types is called a(n) ______ data type.​


When it is necessary to update one database copy with changes made to the other database, it is called _________.​


A _______ is an integrated collection of stored data that is centrally managed and controlled​

database management system

What does DBMS stand for?

database management system

A software system whose purpose is to manage and control the data in a database is called a(n) _______ _______ ______.​

structured query language

​What does SQL stand for?

structured query language

______ ______ ______ is a query language used to access and update the data in a relational database.​

data administrator

The person who is in charge of the structure and integrity of the data is called the _____ _____.​

database administrator

The person who is in charge of the safety and operation of the DBMS is called the _____ _____.​

relational database management system

A specific type of DBMS that organizes the data into tables is called a(n) ______ ______ _____ _____.​

database administrator

What does DBA stand for?​


​In a database table a tuple is the same thing as a(n) ______.


In a database table a column is the same thing as a(n) ______.​


An attribute or set of attributes that uniquely define the rows in a table is called a(n) ______.​

candidate key

If there is more than one field in a database table that is unique for all rows each one may be called a(n) ______ _____.​

primary key

If there is more than one field in a database table that is unique for all rows only one of those fields will be identified as the ______ ______ for the table.​

globally unique identifier

GUID stands for ______ ______ ______.​

referential integrity constraint

A constraint which is stored in the schema and which ensures that all foreign keys have associated primary keys is called a(n) ______ ______ ______.​


A formal technique for transforming a relational schema to an equivalent one that eliminates data anomalies is called _______.​

first normal form

A database table is in _____ _____ _____ if all non-key attributes are functionally dependent on the entire key.

third normal form

A database table is in _____ _____ _____ if no non-key attributes are functionally dependent on any other non-key attributes.​

decentralized database

A database that is stored at multiple locations but which does not need to be interconnected or synchronized is called a(n) ______ ______.​

homogeneous distributed database

A distributed database configuration where all databases use the same DBMS and have a global schema is called a(n) ______ ______ ______.​

heterogeneous distributed database

A distributed database configuration which contains both global and local schemas and which allows purely local data is called a(n) ______ ______ ______.​

database synchronization

In a distributed database configuration when all the tables are copied to all locations that is called _____ ______​

transaction logging

A technique for protecting the database wherein every update to the database is recorded with audit information is called ______ ______.​


​When there is a piece of work or an action that includes several steps and updates to the data and which all must complete to be valid, that piece or work is called a(n) _______.

database lock

The technique of applying exclusive control to a part of the database to one user at a time is called a(n) ______ ______.​

read lock

A lock on a portion of the database by one user, which allows other users to read the data is called a(n) ______ ______.​

write lock

A lock on a portion of the database by one user, which does not allow other users to read or access the data is called a(n) ______ ______.​

shared lock

Another name for a read lock is a(n) ______ ______.​

exclusive lock

Another name for a write lock is a(n) ______ ______.


Ease of learning and ease of use are often in conflict.


User interface design is frequently added to the system after the business rules and business logic has been designed.


A good example of an error message might be, "The account information is missing critical data. Please re-enter."​


Users need to feel that they can explore options and take actions that can be cancelled without difficulty.


Adequate feedback from a system to user data entry helps reduce errors.​


Menu design and dialog design should be done separately.​


An initial grouping of cases by actor and subsystem is a good starting point for menu design.​


Each dialog may only have one window form.​


Storyboarding should result in a detailed dialog design.


The design of a desktop system and a Web based system have similar performance issues that must be considered.


Consistency and continuity are synonyms and can be used interchangeably.​


Sometimes in user interface design it is a good practice to have controls that are hidden and not visible.​


For online reading sans-serif fonts are recommended


Use of fancy fonts always add interest and clarity to a web page and are recommended for many online systems.​


Shortcut keys are an interesting feature, but are seldom used by experienced users.


A use case description is the best place to start for the design of the forms for a user interface.


When designing the UI for a mobile device, two important considerations are limited screen size and screen brightness.​


Even though tablets and smartphones have many common properties, probably the biggest benefit of designing for a tablet is the ease of navigation.​


Using a textbox for data entry of standard values is a good example of minimizing key strokes.​


The overriding issue on the design of data entry screens is to minimize errors.​


Smartphone apps are usually designed for a particular platform.​

Business requirements drive development

Which of the following is NOT one of the principles of user-centered design?​
focus early on the users and their work
Evaluate design to ensure usability
Business requirements drive development
Use iterative development

direct manipulation metaphor

A metaphor of human-computer interaction (HCI) in which the user interacts directly with objects on the display screen, is referred to as ____.​

desktop metaphor

An approach where the visual display is organized into regions and includes an arrangement of common tool icons is called a ____.​

dialog metaphor

A metaphor of human-computer interaction (HCI) in which interacting with the computer, is much like carrying on a conversation is called ____.​

dialog metaphor

Software (such as typical tax preparation software) which in essence interviews the user is following which user interface metaphor?​

human computer interaction

The study of human interaction with machines in general is called ____.​


A metaphor of human-computer interaction, in which interaction with the computer involves browsing and entering data on electronic documents, is referred to as a ____ metaphor.


A key principle of human-computer interaction (HCI) that states that all controls should be noticeable is called ____.​


A key principle of human-computer interaction (HCI), that states that the appearance of any control should suggest its functionality, is called ____.​


Since it is not always clear that Web page objects are clickable, or when a control has recognized the click, designers should be careful to apply the principle of ____.​

design dialogs to yield closure

Each dialog within the system should be organized with a clear sequence-a beginning, middle, and end. This describes which of the rules for designing interactive interfaces?​

offer informative feedback

Operating systems deliberately include an electronic "click" sound for keyboard and mouse activities. This describes which of the eight golden rules for designing interactive interfaces?

lack of feedback

"When subsequent processing is delayed by more than a second or two, users may repeatedly press controls or re-enter information, resulting in processing errors and user frustration" is an example of what?​

easy reversal of actions

Designers should be sure to include cancel buttons on all dialog boxes which allow the user to back up. This is an example of what?​


A report that contains only information about nonstandard or out-of-bound conditions is a(n) ____ report.​


A report that is used primarily for strategic decision making is called a(n) ____ report.​

drill down

The ability to link a summary field to the supporting detail, and to dynamically view that detail on a screen, is called ____.​

can be updated dynamically

The major advantage of screen output versus printed output is that screen output ____.​

hot spot hyperlink

Electronic reports can provide a(n) ____ on the report to activate a lower-level report, which provides more detailed information.​

in graphical chart or diagram

One effective way to present large volumes of data is to summarize it and present it ____.​

bar charts and pie charts

Two of the most common graphical charting techniques are ____.​

across users

Which is not a type of consistency that is important in user interface design?​


Which of the following is not one of the standard methods to aid a user to find and utilize hidden controls or actions that are not obvious?​
visual diagrams
tool tip
grouping icons

have clear navigation path

Which of the following is not a principle of Closure?​
Definite end point of the steps of a procedure
​Protecting and saving user's input fields.
Allow the user to undo their actions.
​Have clear navigation path.

protecting the users work

When a user fills out an online form, but makes an error and the data is not immediately accepted (until the input error is corrected), if the system clears all the fields and requires the user to start over, this is an example of violating the principle of ______.​

provide undo capability

One good way to prevent errors on input forms is to _______.

providing closure

When working in an application and the user saves their work, sometimes at the bottom of the window, a progress bar will indicate show the progress of the save operation. This is an example of what?​

The brightness of the screen

Which of the following is not necessarily something to consider when designing the labels and other text on a screen?​
The age of the target audience​The main output devices that will be used
The type of font to be displayed
The brightness of the screen

​Clear the field that is in error

Which of the following is not a recommended technique for good error processing?​
Place the cursor on the error field.
Indicate which input has the error.
​Provide a solution to the error.
​Clear the field that is in error.

Group use cases by actor.

Which of the follow is the best technique to determine how many menu items are needed and how to structure the menus and sub menus.​
Group use cases by actor.
Group use cases by data requirements
Group business functions by department
Group use cases by dependency

systems sequence diagram

Which analysis model provides the best starting point for identifying screens for user interface design?​

What types of user interface controls will be required?

Which of the following is NOT one of the primary considerations when designing the user interface?​
​Is the system a custom application or a browser based app?
What kind of devices will it run on?
What operating system will it run on?
​What types of user interface controls will be required?

Dark colors should be avoided.

The primary principles of UI design of a desktop system include principles which also generally apply to other types of devices. Which of the following principles is NOT an important guideline when considering the layout and format of a particular screen.​
Each screen should have a primary purpose.
Controls on a screen should be grouped by related function
Grammar and spelling should be correct.
Dark colors should be avoided.

​Align the textboxes vertically

Which of the following is NOT one of the considerations of designing input forms for desktop systems?​
​Align the textboxes vertically
Validate all input data at the source
Automatically put the cursor in the first textbox
Use list boxes and check boxes when possible

load time and browser compatibility

Which are the two additional important issues of Web based UI design over local desktop UI design?​

limited screen size and touch screen

Which of the following are the two primary characteristics of smartphone UI design that are different than UI desktop design?​

user interface

The ____________________ is everything the end user comes into contact with while using the system-physically, perceptually, and conceptually.​

user centered design

What is the term used for design techniques that embody the view that the user interface is the entire system.​


The degree to which a system is easy to learn and to use is called _______.​


When the appearance of a specific control suggests its function, that is called _______.


When a control provides immediate feedback to a user, such as when a button shows it has been clicked, another term besides feedback that is often used is called _______.​


A technique to create a sequence of sketches of the display screen during a dialog is called _____.​

list box

A type of text box input control that only contains a set of predefined data values is called a ______.​

combo box

A type of text box that contains a set of predefined values but also allows the user to enter new values is called a ______.​

radio button

A type of input control where the user can select only one item from a group of items.​

check box

A type of input control that allows the user to select multiple items within a group of items is called _______.​

drill down

A user-interface output design technique that allows a user to select a summary field and view the supporting details is called _______.​

user experience

A broad concept that applies to all aspects of a person's interaction with a software application including actions, responces, and perceptions is called the ______ ______.​

human computer interaction

_____ _____ _____ is a field of study concerned with the effectiveness and efficiency of user interfaces considering of computer systems, input and output technologies and phsycological aspects.


When a control on a user interface screen provides a definite visual or audio response by the system in response to a user action, it is called ______.​

tool tip

Brief instructions that pop up when the mouse hovers over a control is called a(n) _____ ____.


The idea of maintaining a certain level of consistency across multiple releases over time of a software application is referred to as ______.​


A feature of the user interface that provides clues to help the users uncover hidden features is called ______.​

active discovery

When a user interface has obvious features that lead or invite users to try things so as to discover hidden features it is called ______ ______.​


Using the dialogue metaphor, it is important the each dialogue has a defined beginning and ending. This concept is referred to as ______.


A technique of displaying the sequence of pages traveres within an application to allow easy backing up to a previous page is called ________.​

mobile responsive

When a web site is designed so that it can be correctly and effectively displayed on small, mobile devices (as well as desktop devices) it is said to be ______ ______.​

action bar

On small mobile devices due to the lack of screen space, sometimes menu navigation icons are placed along one edge of the screen in a(n) ______ ______.​

exception reports

Reports that provide detailed or summary information about transactions that fall outside the normal range of values are called _____ _____.​

executive reports

Reports that are used by high-level managers to assess the overall health and performance of the organization are called ______ ______.​

fat finger

When doing data entry on a smartphone a frequent problem is touching two controls at the same time or touching the wrong control. This is an example of ______ ______ problems.

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Consider a disk with the following characteristics (these are not parameters of any particular disk unit): block size B = 512 bytes; interblock gap size G = 128 bytes; number of blocks per track = 20; number of tracks per surface = 400. A disk pack consists of 15 double-sided disks. a. What is the total capacity of a track, and what is its useful capacity (excluding interblock gaps)? b. How many cylinders are there? c. What are the total capacity and the useful capacity of a cylinder? d. What are the total capacity and the useful capacity of a disk pack? e. Suppose that the disk drive rotates the disk pack at a speed of 2,400 rpm (revolutions per minute); what are the transfer rate (tr) in bytes/msec and the block transfer time (btt) in msec? What is the average rotational delay (rd) in msec? What is the bulk transfer rate? f. Suppose that the average seek time is 30 msec. How much time does it take (on the average) in msec to locate and transfer a single block, given its block address? g. Calculate the average time it would take to transfer 20 random blocks, and compare this with the time it would take to transfer 20 consecutive blocks using double buffering to save seek time and rotational delay.

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Is a consistent relational database state in which every foreign key value also exists as a primary key value?

Referential integrity is a consistent relational database state in which every foreign key value also exists as a primary key value.

What does it mean to say that a database displays both entity integrity and referential integrity?

Entity integrity in databases is a condition where the rows in all of the tables can be uniquely identified using the primary key of its corresponding table. Referential integrity in databases is a condition in which every reference to an entity instance by another entity instance is valid.

Which of the following does every table in a database need to have?

All tables in a relational database should have a primary key. The primary key is a column, or set of columns, that allows each row in the table to be uniquely identified.

What type of integrity is enforced when a primary key is declared?

The primary key enforces entity integrity. The rules of entity integrity state that no primary key can be null and that no change can render the primary key null. These rules guarantee that every row of a table is accessible, whether you're retrieving data or modifying it.