Process of transferring data, instructions, and information from a storage medium into memory

Storage The media on which data, instructions, and information are kept, as well as the devices that record and retrieve these items
Memory A temporary holding place for data and instructions
Storage device The computer hardware that records and retrieves items to and from a storage medium
Reading Process of transferring data, instructions, and information from a storage medium into memory
Writing Process of transferring items from memory to a storage medium
Access time The amount of time it takes the device to locate an item on a disk
Floppy disk A portable,inexpensive storage medium
Density The number of bits in an area on a storage medium
Write-protect Protect floppy disks from accidentally being erased
Hard disk Consists of several inflexible, circular platters that store items electronically
Cache A portion of memory that the processor uses to store frequently accessed items
Removable hard drive A disk drive in which a plastic or metal case surrounds the hard disk so you can remove it from the drive
Internet hard drive A service on the Web that provides online storage to computer users
Compact disc A flat, round, portable, metal storage medium
Jewel box A protective case for a compact disc
Transfer rate The time it takes a drive to transmit data, instructions, and information from the drive to another device
Photo CD A compact disc that contains digital photographic images saved in the PhotoCD format
CD-ROM A silver-colored compact disc that uses the same laser technology as audio CDs for recording music
CD-R A multisession compact disc onto which you can record your own items such as text, graphics, and audio
CD-RW An erasable disc you can write on multiple times
DVD An extremely high capacity compact disc capable of storing from 4.7 GB to 17 GB
Magnetic tape A magnetically coated ribbon of plastic capable of storing large amounts of data and information at a low cost
Sequential access You must forward or rewind the tape to a specific point to access a specific piece of data
Direct access You can locate a particular data item or file immediately, without having to move consecutively through items stored in front of the desired data item or file
Volatile Loses its contents when the computer's power is turned off

Discovering Computer 2011 – Living in a Digital World
Page 387-388
Lecturer : Tri Djoko Wahjono


  1. A storage medium, also called secondary storage, is the physical material on which a computer keeps data, instructions, and information. (True)
  2. Reading is the process of transferring data, instructions, and information from memory to a storage medium. (False)
  3. Formatting is the process of dividing the disk into clusters and cylinders. (False)
  4. A cluster can hold data from many files. (False)
  5. A typical hard disk contains only one platter. (False)
  6. A removable hard disk is a separate, freestanding hard disk that connects with a cable to a port on the system unit or communicates wirelessly. (True)
  7. microSD and miniSDHC are common types of removable hard disks. (False)
  8. ExpressCard modules can be used to add memory, storage, communications, multimedia, and security capabilities to a computer. (True)
  9. The process of writing on an optical disc is called ripping. (False)
  10. HD VMDs have a capacity of 40 GB and more. (True)
  11. BD-R is an older low-capacity DVD-recordable format. (False)
  12. Rewritable drives usually can read one type of media. (False)
  13. Direct access means that the device can locate a particular data item or file immediately, without having to move consecutively through items stored in front of the desired data item or file. (False)

Multiple Choice

  1. B. Transfer rate
  2. C. Longitudinal recording
  3. D. RAID
  4. D. Save time by storing large files instantaneously, allow others to access their files, store offsite backups of data
  5. A. Optical disc
  6. C. LightScribe
  7. B. Tape library
  8. B. Magnetic stripe


  1. Capacity, h. the number of bytes (characters) a storage medium can hold
  2. Cluster, c. smallest unit of disk space that stores data and information
  3. Cylinder, a. vertical section of a track that passes through all platters
  4. Head crash, e. occurs when a read/write head touches the surface of a platter on a hard disk
  5. Backup, f. duplicate of a file, program, or disk placed on a separate storage medium that you can use in case the original is lost, damaged, or destroyed
  6. Disk cache, j. memory chips that the processor uses to store frequently accessed items
  7. Disk controller, d. special-purpose chip and electronic circuits that control the transfer of items to and from the system bus
  8. eSATA, b. external disk interface that is much faster than USB and FireWire
  9. Solid state media, i. media which consist entirely of electronic components, such as integrated circuits, and contain no moving parts
  10. Solid state drive, g. a storage device that typically uses flash memory to store data, instructions, and information

Short Answer

  1. – What is network attached storage?
    A network attached storage (NAS) device is a server connected to a network with the sole purpose of providing storage.
    – How much hard disk storage can home and small business users add to their network with a NAS device?
    Home and small business users can add up to 6 TB or more of hard disk storage space to their network with a NAS device.
  2. – What are the advantages of SAS (serial-attached SCSI)?
    The advantages of SAS (serial-attached SCSI) include thinner, longer cables; reduced interference; less expensive; support for many more connected devices at once; and faster speeds.
    – What types of devices can be connected to SAS interfaces?
    SAS interfaces support connections to optical disc drives, printers, scanners, digital cameras, and other devices.
  3. – How is a single-session disc different from a multisession disc?
    A single-session disc means manufacturers write all items on the disc at one time. rather than Multisession means you can write on part of the disc at one time and another part at a later time.
    – What is the purpose of archive discs and Picture CDs?
    The purpose of archive discs and Picture CDs is to preserve their photos.
  4. – Why do users use memory cards?
    Users use memory cards because memory cards enable mobile users easily to transport digital photos, music, or files to and from mobile devices and computers or other devices.
    – Name five types of memory cards and describe some of the characteristics of each card.
    Five types of memory cards are first, CompactFlash (CF), CF has a storage capacity of 512 MB to 100 GB. It’s use for Digital cameras, smart phones, PDAs, photo printers, portable media players, notebook computers, desktop computers. second, Secure Digital (SD), SD has a storage capacity of 512 MB to 8 GB. It’s use for Digital cameras, digital video cameras, smart phones, PDAs, photo printers, portable media players. Third, SDHC has a storage capacity of 4 to 32 GB. It’s use for Digital cameras. Fourth, microSD has a storage capacity of 1 to 2 GB. It’s use for Smart phones, portable media players, handheld game consoles, handheld navigation devices. Last is microSDHC, it has a storage capacity of 4 to 16 GB. It’s use for Smart phones, portable media players, handheld game consoles, handheld navigation devices.
  5. – What is one difference between microfilm and microfiche?
    The one difference between microfilm and microfiche is that Microfilm is a 100- to 215-foot roll of film. Microfiche is a small sheet of film, usually about 4 X 6 inches.
    – What are some uses of microfilm and microfiche?
    Microfilm and microfiche use is widespread, with many companies allowing you to search through and view microfilm images online. Libraries use these media to store back issues of newspapers, magazines, and genealogy records. Some large organizations use microfilm and microfiche to archive inactive files. Some banks use them to store transactions and canceled checks. The U.S. Army uses them to store personnel records.

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Is the process of transferring data instructions and information from memory to a storage medium?

Writing is the process of transferring data, instructions and information from memory to a storage medium. Reading is the process of transferring these items from a storage medium into memory.

What are the medium for data storage?

A storage medium may be internal to a computing device, such as a computer's SSD, or a removable device such as an external HDD or universal serial bus (USB) flash drive. There are also other types of storage media, including magnetic tape, compact discs (CDs) and non-volatile memory (NVM) cards.

What is a storage medium also called?

A storage medium, also called secondary storage, is the physical material on which a computer keeps data, instructions, and information.

Is the speed with which data instructions and information transfer to and from a device?

The speed by which devices send or receive data to or from another device is called as transfer rate. Transfer rate is the speed of data transfer among devices. The unit of transfer rate measured in Kbps (kilobit per second), Mbps (megabits per second) and Gbps (gigabits per second).