Of the time u.s. consumers spend with all media, almost half is spent online.

We’ve compiled the latest and most valuable social media statistics to inform your social marketing strategy. Understand how social media channels perform, get detailed information on essential demographics, and gather actionable insights into how users behave on each platform.

So, hold on to your hats and buckle up tight as we give you unparalleled access to the best social media statistics for 2023.

A note on sources: We’ve collected these stats from third-party surveys, whitepapers, and reports from the platforms themselves. Interested in digging deeper? Start with Hootsuite’s Global State of Digital 2022 Report (including Simon Kemp’s overview).

Download the complete Digital 2022 report—which includes online behavior data from 220 countries—to learn where to focus your social marketing efforts and how to better target your audience.

Social media usage continues to grow

  • Over 4.62 billion people across the world use social media
  • Social media has grown at a compound annual growth rate of 12% since 2012
  • In 2021, social media usage grew at an average rate of 13.5 new users every single second
  • Nearly 75% of the world’s population aged 13+ uses social media
  • Over 93% of regular internet users log into social media
  • 72% of Americans use social media

Social media usage statistics

  • Worldwide, people spend an average of 2 hours and 27 minutes per day on social media
  • In 2021, people increased their time spent on social media by 2 minutes compared to 2020
  • Nigeria, the Philippines, and Ghana spend the most amount of time on social media
  • Japan, North Korea, and the Netherlands spend the least amount of time on social media

Of the time u.s. consumers spend with all media, almost half is spent online.

Source: Hootsuite’s Digital Trends Report 2022

  • The USA dips slightly below the average worldwide time spent on social, with an average of 2 hours 14 minutes
  • In a month, the average user will visit 7.5 social media platforms
  • Men aged 20-29 are the demographic that uses social media the most

Of the time u.s. consumers spend with all media, almost half is spent online.

Source: Hootsuite’s Digital Trends Report 2022

  • Women aged 16-24 years old use social media the most, clocking in an average of 3 hours 18 minutes per day
  • People mainly use social media for staying in touch with friends and family, filling spare time, and reading the news

  • Ad spending on social media is projected to reach over $173 million in 2022
  • In 2022, social media video ad spending will grow by 20.1% to $24.35 billion
  • Annual advertising spend on social media in 2022 will top $134 billion, an increase of over 17% YOY
  • 52% of social media users say that when a platform protects their privacy and data, it’s incredibly impactful on their decision to interact with the ads or sponsored content they see on the channel

Of the time u.s. consumers spend with all media, almost half is spent online.

Source: eMarketer

Want more social media advertising stats? We’ve got you. Check out our list of 50+ Social Media Advertising Statistics that Matter to Marketers in 2022.

Instagram statistics


  • Instagram now boasts over 1.5 billion users
  • Instagram ads reach almost 30% of internet users
  • Instagram is the fourth most popular social networking site in the world
  • The average user worldwide spends 11.2 hours per month on Instagram
    • In Turkey, Insta’ usage is the highest, with an average of 20.2 hours per month
    • South Korea totals the lowest amount of time spent per month with 5.8 hours

Of the time u.s. consumers spend with all media, almost half is spent online.

Source: Hootsuite’s Digital Trends Report 2022


  • Users aged 25-34 are the biggest cohort of Instagram users
  • Instagram is Gen-Z’s favorite social media platform
  • Men account for 51.6% of Instagram users, with women making up the other 48.4%


  • 59% of US adults use Instagram daily
  • 91% of active Instagram users say that they watch videos on the platform weekly
  • 50% of Instagram users say that they’ve clicked through to a brand’s website after viewing their Stories
  • Instagram drives conversions. 92% of users say that they’ve acted in the moment after seeing a product on Instagram.
  • Ads are most likely to reach men and women between the ages of 18-34
  • The most popular hashtag on Instagram is #Love, followed by #Instagood and #Fashion

Of the time u.s. consumers spend with all media, almost half is spent online.

Source: Hootsuite’s Digital Trends Report 2022


  • 90% of Instagram users follow a business
  • 2 in 3 people say that Instagram helps them to connect with brands
  • 50% of people are more interested in a brand after seeing an ad on Instagram

Looking for even more Instagram marketing stats? Have a peek at 35 Instagram Stats That Matter to Marketers in 2022.

Facebook statistics


  • Facebook’s MAUs are fast approaching 3 billion people, that’s 36% of the world’s population
  • 58.8% of the world’s total internet users use Facebook monthly
  • Just over 66% of Facebook users log onto the site daily


  • 56.5% of Facebook users worldwide are male, 43.5% are female
  • Almost 20% of Facebook’s worldwide users are men aged 25-34
  • Women aged 13-17 are Facebook’s lowest demographic of users across the globe
  • In America, women aged 25-34 are the most prolific users of Facebook
  • India boasts the most Facebook users, with 349 million choosing to use the channel. The US is close behind, with almost 194 million users.


  • Facebook is the most-used social media platform in the world

Of the time u.s. consumers spend with all media, almost half is spent online.

Source: Hootsuite’s Digital Trends Report 2022

  • People spend, on average, 19.6 hours per month using Facebook
  • People spend almost 20 hours per month browsing Facebook
  • Facebook is the third most popular social media channel, coming behind WhatsApp and Instagram
  • Only 0.7% of users are unique to the platform, meaning that this cohort only uses Facebook to quench their social media thirst
  • Almost 50% of Facebook users also use Twitter
  • The average US user spends 34.6 minutes per day on Facebook
  • Facebook has experienced 3% growth in site traffic, year over year (around 25.5 billion visits per month)


  • Facebook is the seventh most valuable brand worldwide

Of the time u.s. consumers spend with all media, almost half is spent online.
Source: Statistica

  • 66% of Facebook users visit a local business page at least once a week
  • In 2021, one third of Facebook’s users purchased on the platform, a number that’s expected to grow over the next few years

Of the time u.s. consumers spend with all media, almost half is spent online.

Source: Emarketer

If you want to get ahead of the social commerce game, check out our Guide to Getting Started with Social Commerce, or even more Facebook stats.

Twitter statistics


  • Users spend an average of 5.1 hours per month on Twitter
  • Twitter is more popular with millennials than Gen-Z
  • American Twitter users are more likely to be Democrats than Republicans
  • 22% of Americans use Twitter


  • 38.5% of Twitter’s users are aged 25-34
  • Only 6.6% of Twitter’s users are aged 13-17
  • Twitter’s audience is predominantly male, with 70.4% of the platform’s demographic identifying as that gender, leaving women accounting for 29.6% of Twitter’s audience
  • 33% of Americans who use Twitter have a college degree


  • People spend just over 5 hours a month browsing Twitter
  • Almost 55% of Twitter users also use TikTok
  • The number of Twitter users worldwide is expected to grow to over 340 million by 2024

Of the time u.s. consumers spend with all media, almost half is spent online.

Source: Emarketer

  • People will spend 6-minutes per day on Twitter in 2022
  • 52% of users check Twitter daily, 84% weekly, and 96% monthly


  • 16% of internet users between the ages of 16-64 use microblogs for brand research
  • 211 million of Twitter’s daily active users can be monetized through ads
  • ​​Ad revenue on Twitter in 2021 exceed $1.41 billion, an increase of 22% YOY

Follow this link for even more Twitter stats.

YouTube statistics


  • Out of all the social networking channels, people spend the most time hanging out on YouTube
  • The channel boasts an average of 23.7 hours per month spent on the video platform
  • 81% of Americans use YouTube
  • 36% of American adults say that they visit YouTube several times a day
  • 99% of YouTube users are regularly checking another platform

Of the time u.s. consumers spend with all media, almost half is spent online.

Source: Hootsuite’s Digital Trends Report 2022


  • 80% of parents say that their children (under 11) watch YouTube
  • 54% of YouTube users are male, and 46% are female
  • YouTube is most popular in India, closely followed by the US and Indonesia


  • People spend an average of 23.7 hours per month on YouTube
  • YouTube is the second most-used social media platform in the world, with over 14 billion total visits
  • Visitors spend an average of 19 minutes a day on YouTube
  • 694,000 hours of video are streamed on YouTube each minute of the day
  • Mobile users visit twice as many pages on YouTube as desktop users
  • Sports viewership on YouTube is expected to reach 90 million by 2025
  • YouTube Shorts have now been viewed over 5 trillion times


  • The most popular search term on YouTube is song, followed by DJ, dance, and TikTok
  • 70% of viewers bought from a brand after seeing it on YouTube
  • Ads targeted to users by intent (rather than demographic) earn 100% higher lift in purchase intent
  • YouTube ads have the potential to reach 2.56 billion users

Need more YouTube stats in your life? Have a look at 23 YouTube Stats That Matter to Marketers in 2022.

Pinterest statistics


  • Pinterest’s MAUs peaked at 478 million in Q1 2021 but fell to 444 million in Q3 2021 and dropped to 431 million by Q4 2021
  • 86 million people in the US use Pinterest monthly
  • 28% of Americans use Pinterest


  • Gen-Z using Pinterest has increased by 40% YOY
  • 45% of Pinterest’s US audience earn more than $100,000 in household income
  • 77.1% of Pinterest users are women, 14.8% are male, and 8.4% would rather not say

Of the time u.s. consumers spend with all media, almost half is spent online.

Source: Statistica


  • 86% of Pinterest users also use Instagram, which isn’t surprising given the visual nature of both channels
  • 97% of top searches on Pinterest are unbranded (meaning users haven’t made up their mind yet)
  • Pinterest claims 12.4% of US social media visits
  • 26% of US Pinterest users visit the site daily, 68% weekly, and 91% monthly


  • Almost 11% of Internet users between the ages of 16-64 use online pinboards for brand research
  • Pinterest recent surpassed $2 billion in revenue, growing by 52% YOY
  • 80% of weekly users have discovered a new brand or product on Pinterest
  • Pinterest predicts that emerging trends in 2022 will be jewelry, biophilic design, traditional recipes, indoor swings, and… mullets.

Have a look at more hair-raising Pinterest stats with our blog post Pinterest Statistics That Matter to Marketers.

Download the complete Digital 2022 report—which includes online behavior data from 220 countries—to learn where to focus your social marketing efforts and how to better target your audience.

LinkedIn statistics


  • Over 810 million people across the world use LinkedIn
  • As of March 2021, 25% of US adults are on LinkedIn

Of the time u.s. consumers spend with all media, almost half is spent online.

Source: Emarketer

  • Over 15.4 billion people visited LinkedIn throughout Q2 2021


  • Over 185 million Americans use LinkedIn, making the country the highest user rate in the world
  • Hungary has one of the lowest LinkedIn usage rates, with only 1 million people on the platform
  • LinkedIn is most popular with men aged 25-34 years old, and least popular among women aged 55+


  • 77 job applications are submitted every second on LinkedIn
  • Every week, 49 million people use LinkedIn to search for jobs
  • Just over 16% of LinkedIn users log in daily via the app, with 48.5% logging in monthly
  • 84% of LinkedIn users login to help grow their professional network


  • The most-followed brands on LinkedIn include Google, Amazon, TED Conferences, Forbes, Unilever, and Microsoft
  • LinkedIn boasts over 57 million companies listed on the site
  • LinkedIn ads reach just over 10% of the world’s population
  • Ads on LinkedIn reach 42.8% of women and 57.2% of men

If you’re after even more juice LinkedIn stats, you need to have a read through LinkedIn Statistics Marketers Should Know.

Snapchat statistics


  • Users spend an average of 3 hours per month on Snapchat
  • Snapchat boasts over 319 million daily active users
  • Year on year growth for DAUs has been 20% over five consecutive quarters
  • 23% of American adults use Snapchat (outpacing Twitter and TikTok)


  • Snapchat reaches 75% of millennials and Gen Z
  • The social media app is most popular with both men and women aged 18-24, and the least popular cohort is men aged 50+

Of the time u.s. consumers spend with all media, almost half is spent online.

Source: Hootsuite’s Digital Trends Report 2022


  • On average, people spend 3 hours per month on Snapchat
  • Surprisingly, Snapchat is the only channel that doesn’t hold its user base exclusively, meaning that Snapchat’s audience are also scrolling through other channels too
  • In 2022, people will spend an average of 7 minutes per day on Snapchat
  • In 2021, Snapchat launched 18 New Year’s Eve lenses that generated more than 7 billion impressions

Of the time u.s. consumers spend with all media, almost half is spent online.

Source: Emarketer


  • Snapchat’s revenue increased by 64% to 4.1 billion in 2021
  • 25 of Snapchat’s Discover Partners reached over 50 million unique Snapchatters from around the world
  • In 2021, cosmetic’s brand MAC built several AR try-on makeup lenses and launched these on the channel, resulting in 1.3 million try-ons, a 2.4x lift in brand awareness, and 17x increase in purchases
  • Snapchat’s minimum ad budget spend is $5
  • Snapchatters hold 4.4 trillion in spending power

Want more Snapchat stats in your life? Have a read of 21 Snapchat Stats That Matter to Social Media Marketers.

TikTok statistics


  • Users spend an average of 19.6 hours per month on TikTok
  • 20% of American adults use TikTok
  • TikTok downloads via the App Store grew by 6% in January 2022
  • Also, in January 2022, TikTok boasted approximately 29.7 million daily active users via iOS devices worldwide

Of the time u.s. consumers spend with all media, almost half is spent online.

Source: Statistica

  • The number of TikTok users in the US is expected to grow to just under 90 million by 2023


  • In the U.S., the vast majority of TikTok users are below 30-years-old
  • 37 million Gen-Zers use TikTok in the US
  • 61% of TikTok’s user base identify as female
  • Women aged between the ages of 10 and 19 account for 16.4% of TikTok’s users
  • American adults hold TikTik in high regard, with 36% saying that they hold a favorable opinion about the app

Of the time u.s. consumers spend with all media, almost half is spent online.

Source: Statistica


  • TikTok users spend, on average, a total of 19.6 hours a month scrolling through the app
  • The video-sharing app comes in 6th position in a list of the world’s most-used social media platforms
  • Almost 84% of TikTok’s audience also use Instagram
  • The average US user spends 32.8 minutes per day on TikTok (that’s 2nd place after Facebook)
  • 57% of TikTok’s mentions around the internet are positive

Of the time u.s. consumers spend with all media, almost half is spent online.

Source: Vox


  • The most popular TikTok account is Charli D’Amelio, who has over 132 million followers
  • The most followed brand account is TikTok’s own channel
  • 63% of TikTok ads with the highest CTR put their message upfront
  • Vertical TikTok videos shot have a 25% higher watch-through rate

Are your Toks the Tickest? Level up your TikTok knowledge with more Important TikTok Stats Marketers Need to Know.

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What percentage of total digital ad spending is accounted for by mobile?

5. Of the total digital advertising spend worldwide, 60% is on mobile. Statista reported that in 2022, the mobile advertising expenditure worldwide reached over $288B.

How much is spent on advertising annually in the US quizlet?

the United States spends more than $300 billion a year on advertising. There are many types of advertisers in the marketplace today.

What percentage of word of mouth content cascades to more than one person beyond the initial recipient?

Only four percent of online content cascades to more than one person beyond the initial recipient.

Which of the following is an example of paid media?

Paid Media Examples include Google Ads, social media ads, as well as more traditional options such as television commercials, print ads, and billboards.