Meetings like those shown in the image contributed most directly to which of the following?


Madison’s concern expressed in the above quote most closely parallels the central point of contention in the political controversy of the ______________ ___________________ , in the early days of the new US.

debates over the establishment of the first bank


A major reason for the drafting of the legislation reformed in the excerpt is

Westward movement by whites and resulting in economic development.


In relation to the general subject matter of the legislation referenced in the above excerpt, the consequent actions of the northern states and southern states were different in that the northern states

invested heavily in building a transportation infrastructure, while the South continued to move their agricultural goods to market through natural waterways.


_________________________were most supportive of the ideas expressed by Hamilton.

Supreme court decisions in the early nineteenth century


__________________________most strongly contradicted the ideas expressed in Jefferson’s statement.

The federal government’s purchase of the Louisiana Territory


The tribes represented in the above map had established societies on their tribal lands by the 1830s, which can be best characterized

as economically successful farming communities.


The government removal policies in the 1830s in relation to the tribal lands shown in the above map were most directly due to

regional development in the New South for growing cash crops, particularly, short-staple cotton.


An argument offered by some Americans against removal of the tribes shown in the above map was that

some of them had adopted white american ways .


The result of many of the Supreme court decisions made under Chief Justice John Marshall between 1801 and 1835 was

the strengthening of the federal government.


The conditions described in the above account were a direct result of the


The views expressed by this worker most directly contributed to the


____________________would be most likely to support the perspective of the cartoon

Whig opponents of Andrew jackson


Though a supporter of “strict construction” of the constitution, Jackson was notable for

strengthening the presidency.


In United States history Andrew Jackson saw himself as a champion of

the democratization of American life.


The central context for the opinion expressed in this passage is

the transformation to a more participatory democracy.


Meetings like those shown in the image, contributed most directly to

the promotion of religious and social reforms, including abolition and women’s rights.


The painting most directly reflects the

emergence of evangelical Protestantism as the dominant form of Christianity in the United States.


Based on the voting patterns shown in the chart, support for federal funding for internal improvements was strongest in


The document above was created as a result of

concern for individual and states’rights


The document above was included to

appease the anti federalists.


Marshall’s opinion in Marbury vs. Madison would most directly lead to

increased power of the judicial branch because of judicial review.


Marshall’s opinion in McCulloch v. Maryland serves as evidence of

the Supreme Court’s belief in loose construction of the Constitution.


South Carolina’s ordinance of Nullification most directly challenged ___________________ on idea from McCulloch v. Maryland.

the power of judicial review


Opposition to the federal prohibition of ocean-borne commerce conducted by Americans during the years 1807 to 1809 was centered in


The political cartoon above centered on the shifting ideological views of the political parties (Democratic - Republican and Federalists) of the Jefferson period on

the growth and use of federal power.


The main trend shown in the illustration was most directly associated _______________________________________ from the southeast occurring in the us at the time.

with the process of the displacement of American indians


Within the context of Jackson’s presidency, the many headed monster most likely

represents the bank of the us.


Within the context of Jackson’s presidency, the many-headed monster most likely represents

the Bank of the United States.


The Alien and Sedition Acts were used principally to target the group of


________________________________________ represents a counter-reaction to the Alien and Sedition Acts.

The adoptions of the Ninth and Tenth Amendments


According to Calhoun, ____________ is classified as a dangerous concept.


___________________ caused Thoreau to write his famous piece of work.

The Mexican-American War caused Thoreau to write his famous piece of work.