Is the quantity of certain commodity that is offered at a certain price at a given place and time?

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Is the quantity of certain commodity that is offered at a certain price at a given place and time?

Is the quantity of certain commodity that is offered at a certain price at a given place and time?

Is the quantity of certain commodity that is offered at a certain price at a given place and time?

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Analysis and evaluation of the factors that will affect the economic success of engineering projects

Engineering economy

Products or services that are directly used by people to satisfy their wants

Consumer goods and services

Used to produce consumer goods and services or other producer goods

Producer goods and services

Those products or services that are required to support human life in somewhat the same quantity even though the price varies considerably


Products or services that are desires by humans that are purchased after the necessities have been obtained


Quantity of a certain commodity that is bought at a certain price at a given place and time


Occurs when a decrease in selling price result in a greater than proportionate increase in sales

Elastic demand

Occurs when a decrease in the selling price produces a less than proportionate increase in sales

Inelastic demand

Occurs when the mathematical product of volume and price is constant

Unitary elasticity of demand

Occurs in a situation where a commodity or service is supplied by a number of vendors and there is nothing to prevent additional vendors entering the market

Perfect competition

Opposite of perfect competition.


Exists when a unique product or service is available from a single vendor and that vendor can prevent the entry of all others into a market

Perfect monopoly

Exists when there are so few suppliers of a product or service that action by one will almost inevitably result in similar section by the others


Quantity of a certain commodity that is offered for sale at a certain price at a given place and time


Under conditions of perfect competition the price at which a given product will be supplied and purchased is the price that will result in the supply and the demand being equal

The law of supply and demand

What Is Quantity Demanded?

Quantity demanded is a term used in economics to describe the total amount of a good or service that consumers demand over a given interval of time. It depends on the price of a good or service in a marketplace, regardless of whether that market is in equilibrium.

The relationship between the quantity demanded and the price is known as the demand curve, or simply the demand. The degree to which the quantity demanded changes with respect to price is called the elasticity of demand.

Key Takeaways

  • In economics, quantity demanded refers to the total amount of a good or service that consumers demand over a given period of time.
  • Quantity demanded depends on the price of a good or service in a marketplace.
  • The price of a product and the quantity demand for that product have an inverse relationship, according to the law of demand.

Quantity Demanded

Understanding Quantity Demanded

Inverse Relationship of Price and Demand

The price of a good or service in a marketplace determines the quantity that consumers demand. Assuming that non-price factors are removed from the equation, a higher price results in a lower quantity demanded and a lower price results in higher quantity demanded. Thus, the price of a product and the quantity demanded for that product have an inverse relationship, as stated in the law of demand.

An inverse relationship means that higher prices result in lower quantity demand and lower prices result in higher quantity demand.

Change in Quantity Demanded

A change in quantity demanded refers to a change in the specific quantity of a product that buyers are willing and able to buy. This change in quantity demanded is caused by a change in the price.

Increase in Quantity Demanded

An increase in quantity demanded is caused by a decrease in the price of the product (and vice versa). A demand curve illustrates the quantity demanded and any price offered on the market. A change in quantity demanded is represented as a movement along a demand curve. The proportion that quantity demanded changes relative to a change in price is known as the elasticity of demand and is related to the slope of the demand curve.

Julie Bang / Investopedia 

An Example of Quantity Demanded

Say, for example, at the price of $5 per hot dog, consumers buy two hot dogs per day; the quantity demanded is two. If vendors decide to increase the price of a hot dog to $6, then consumers only purchase one hot dog per day. On a graph, the quantity demanded moves leftward from two to one when the price rises from $5 to $6. If, however, the price of a hot dog decreases to $4, then customers want to consume three hot dogs: the quantity demanded moves rightward from two to three when the price falls from $5 to $4. 

By graphing these combinations of price and quantity demanded, we can construct a demand curve connecting the three points.

Using a standard demand curve, each combination of price and quantity demanded is depicted as a point on the downward sloping line, with the price of hot dogs on the y-axis and the quantity of hot dogs on the x-axis. This means that as price decreases, the quantity demanded increases. Any change or movement to quantity demanded is involved as a movement of the point along the demand curve and not a shift in the demand curve itself. As long as consumers' preferences and other factors don't change, the demand curve effectively remains static.

Price changes change the quantity demanded; changes in consumer preferences change the demand curve. If, for example, environmentally conscious consumers switch from gas cars to electric cars, the demand curve for traditional cars would inherently shift.

Price Elasticity of Demand

The proportion to which the quantity demanded changes with respect to price is called elasticity of demand. A good or service that is highly elastic means the quantity demanded varies widely at different price points.

Conversely, a good or service that is inelastic is one with a quantity demanded that remains relatively static at varying price points. An example of an inelastic good is insulin. Regardless of price point, those who need insulin demand it at the same amount.

What Affects Quantity Demanded?

Quantity demanded is affected by the price of the product. If the price goes up, the demand will go down. If the price goes down, demand will go up. Price and demand are inversely related in this way.

Does Quantity Demanded Only Apply to Physical Goods?

No. Quantity demanded can apply to service products as well. For example, if a photographer offers family portrait sessions for a lower price, they should book more sessions. If they price them higher, they will book fewer sessions.

What Is the Difference Between Demand and Quantity Demanded?

Demand and quantity demanded both pertain to purchasing but in different ways. Demand is just how many of an item a consumer is willing to buy—the sheer quantity. Quantity demanded is how many things a consumer will purchase at a specific price. Quantity demanded is a more detailed metric. Graphed out, demand is the entirety of the demand curve, whereas quantity demanded is a single point.

Is the quantity of a certain commodity that is offered for sale at a certain price at a given place and time?

Definition: Quantity supplied is the quantity of a commodity that producers are willing to sell at a particular price at a particular point of time.

What is a refers to the total quantities of commodity offered for sale by all in producer?

Hence the total quantity of a commodity supplied by all the firms in the market at a given price at a given time is called the market supply of that commodity.

What refers to the reduction in the level of national income and output usually accompanied by a fall in the general price level?

Deflation is the general decline of the price level of goods and services. Deflation is usually associated with a contraction in the supply of money and credit, but prices can also fall due to increased productivity and technological improvements.

What law states when free competition exists the price of a product will be that value where supply is equal to the demand?

Law of Supply and Demand: “Under conditions of perfect competition, the price of a product will be such that the supply and demand is equal.”