Is the field of study that examines patterns of growth change and stability in behavior that occur throughout the entire lifespan?

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Terms in this set (27)

lifespan development

the field of study that examines patterns of growth, change, and stability in behavior that occur throughout the entire lifespan

physical development

development involving the body's physical makeup, including the brain, nervous system, muscles, and senses, and the need for food, drink, and sleep

cognitive development

development involving the ways hat growth and change in intellectual capabilities influence a person's behavior

personality development

development involving the ways that the enduring characteristics that differentiate one person from another change over the lifespan

social development

the way in which individuals' interactions with others and their social relationships grow, change, and remain stable over the course of life


a group of people bborn at around the same time in the same place

continuous change

gradual development in which achievements at one level build on those of previous levels

discontinuous change

development that occurs in distinct steps or stages, with each stage bringing about behavior that is assumed to be qualitatively different from behaivor at earlier stages

critical period

a specific time during development when a particular event has its greatest consequences and the presence of certain kinds of environmental stimuli are necessary for development to proceed normally

sensitive period

a point in development when organisms are particularly susveptible to vertain kinds of stimuli in their environments, but the absence of those stimuli does not always produce irreversible consequences


the predetermined unfolding of genetic information


explanations and predictions concerning phenomena of interest, providing a gramework for understaing the relationships among an organized set of facts or principle

psychodynamic perspective

the approach that states behavior is motivated by inner forces, memories, and conflicts that are generally beyondpeople's awareness and control

psychoanalytic theory

the theory proposed by Freud that suggests that unconscious forces act to determine personality and behavior

psychosexual development

according to Freud, a series of stages that childred pass through in which pleasure, or gratification, is focused on a particualr biological function and body part

psychosocial development

the approach taht encompasses changes in our interactions with and understanding of one another, as well as in our knowledge and understanding of ourselves as members of society

behavioral perspective

the approach that suggests that the keys to understanding development are observable behavior and outside stimuli in the environment

classical conditioning

a type of learning in which an organim responds in a particular way to a neutral stimulus that normally does not bring about that type of response

operant conditioning

a form of learning in which a voluntary response is strengthened or weakened by its association with positive or negative consequences

behavior modification

a formal technique for promoting the frequency of desirable behaviors and decreasing the incidence of unwanted ones

social-cognitive learning theory

learning by observing the behavior of another person, called a model

cognitive perspective

the approach that focuses on the processes that allow people to know, understand, and think about the world

information processing approach

ht model that seeks to identify the ways individuals take in, use, and store information

cognitive neuroscience approach

the approach that examines cognitive development through the lens of brain processes

humanistic perspective

the theory contending that people have a natural capacity to make decisions about their lives and control their behavior

contextual perspective

the theory that considers the relationship between individuals and their physical, cognitive, personality, and social worlds

bioecological approach

the perspective suggesting that different levels of the environment simultaneously influence individuals

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