Is a problem situation or opportunity requiring an individual group or organization to choose among several actions that must be evaluated as right or wrong?

– is a problem, situation, oropportunitythatrequiresanindividual,group, or organization to choose amongseveral actions that must be evaluated asright or wrong, ethical or unethical.Ethical Dilemma– is a problem, situation,or opportunity that requires an individual,group, or organization to choose amongseveralactionsthathavenegativeoutcomes; there is no right or ethical choice,

Ethical Issues and Dilemmas inBusinessSHAREHOLDER ISSUESCore valuesShareholder participation in electing directorsExecutive compensationLegal complianceLobbying and political activitiesReputation managementIntegrity in collecting and managing dataSupply chain relationships and human rights

Misuse of Company Time andResourcesUsing company computer software and internetservices for personal business is one of the mostcommonwaysemployeesmisusecompanyresources.Typical examples of using computer to abusecompany time:Sending personal emailsShoppingDownloading musicDoing personal banking

Abusive or IntimidatingBehaviorRefers to many things – physical threats,false accusations, being annoying, profanity,insults, yelling, harshness, ignoring someone,and unreasonableness – and their meaningdiffers from person to person.Bullyingisassociatedwithahostileworkplacewheresomeone(oragroup)considered a target is threatened, harasses,belittled,verballyabused,oroverlycriticized. It can cause psychological damage

Actions Associated with BulliesSpreading rumors to damage othersBlocking others’ communication in the workplaceFlaunting status or authority to take advantage ofothersDiscrediting others’ ideas and opinionsUse of e-mails to demean othersFailing to communicate or return communicationInsults, yelling, and shoutingUsing terminology to discriminate by gender, race,or ageUsing eye of body language to hurt others or theirreputations

Actions Associated with BulliesCorporate bullies target employees whoexcel at their jobs and are popular with theircoworkers.It has been found that employees who havebeen bullied are more likely to find itacceptable to bully others.

LyingLying by commissionCreating a perception or belief by wordsthat intentionally deceived the receiver ofthe message.Example: lying about being at work; expensereports; carrying out work assignmentsIt can involve complex forms, procedures,contracts, words that are spelled the samebut have different meanings, or refuting the

LyingLying by omissionIt is intentionally not informing othersof any differences, problems, safety,warnings, or negative issues relating totheproductorcompanythatsignificantly affect awareness, intention,or behavior.

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