In which order should the nurse perform the actions required to extinguish a fire using a fire extinguisher?

You must follow the R.A.C.E. fire procedure before attempting to extinguish any fire.


Rescue or remove any persons from the immediate scene


Pull the nearest alarm and call 911, then the following numbers:
CRC: 617-353-2121
BUMC: 617-414-6666


Close all doors to the hazard or fire area


Extinguish using the closest fire extinguisher if the fire impedes your evacuation. Evacuate to your designated meeting location.

NOTE: Health Science Campus employees should refer to the Campus Fire Response Procedure, # LS-08-001, for fire response protocols unique to the patient care setting. 

If you discover a fire inside a building: 

Immediately implement R.A.C.E.:

  1. Rescue -- Rescue anyone in danger from the fire if it does not jeopardize your own life.
  2. Alarm -- Sound the alarm by activating a pull station to set off the building fire alarm.
  3. Confine -- Try to confine the fire by closing all doors and windows to trap the fire and slow its progress.
  4. Extinguish or Evacuate -- Extinguish the fire if possible and if you know how to use a fire extinguisher. Evacuate the area if the fire is too big to put out.

If the fire alarm starts sounding: 

  • Feel the door or doorknob to the hallway with the back of your hand.  If it feels hot, do not open it – the fire may be on the other side of the door.
  • If the door is not hot, open it slowly.  If the hallway is clear of smoke, walk to the nearest fire exit and exit the building. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS.
  • Close doors behind you.
  • Notify arriving fire or police personnel if you suspect someone is trapped inside the building, and where they may be located.
  • Gather outside at a designated assembly area, and do not attempt to re-enter the building until instructed to do so by UT Police or the Fire Department. 

If you are trapped in a room, or otherwise unable to leave:

  • Wet and place cloth material around and under the door to prevent smoke from entering the room.
  • Close as many doors as possible between you and the fire.
  • Be prepared to signal someone outside, but DO NOT BREAK GLASS until absolutely necessary (outside smoke may be drawn into the room).

If you are caught in smoke:

  • Drop to hands and knees and crawl toward exit.
  • Stay low, as smoke will rise to ceiling level.
  • Breathe shallowly through nose and use a filter such as a shirt or towel.

If you are forced to advance through flames (which should be a last resort):

  • Hold your breath.
  • Move quickly.
  • Cover your head and hair with a blanket or large coat.
  • Keep your head down and your eyes closed as much as possible.

Using a fire extinguisher:

Building occupants are not required to fight fires.  Individuals who have been trained in the proper use of a fire extinguisher and are confident in their ability to cope with the hazards of a fire may use a portable fire extinguisher to fight small fires (no larger than a waste paper basket). 

Fire fighting efforts must be terminated within 15 seconds, or when it becomes obvious that there is risk of harm from smoke, heat or flames, which ever comes FIRST.

The P.A.S.S. method:

Pull the safety pin from handle.
Aim the extinguisher at the base of fire.
Squeeze the trigger handle.
Sweep from side to side to side at base.

University Police has the primary responsibility for managing fire emergencies with the Toledo Fire Department. Unauthorized re-entry into a building during a fire emergency is not permitted. Violators of this policy are subject to University and state fire code sanctions.

  1. Home
  2. Fire safety
  3. Home fire safety
  4. Fact sheets
  5. Safe Operating of Fire Extinguishers


Poor maintenance and incorrect usage of fire extinguishers in the home are two key reasons small house fires can spread endangering lives and causing considerable damage to property. House fires can be brought under control within the first few minutes of ignition if attended to correctly with an extinguisher that is well maintained, which can buy valuable time before the Fire Services arrive.

How to operate a fire extinguisher

There are a number of different types of portable fire extinguishers, each can be identified by the colour coding and labelling. Check that the extinguisher you intend to use is suitable for the type of fire encountered eg a water extinguisher must never be used on any fire involving electrical equipment.

There are four (4) basic steps for using modern portable fire extinguishers.

The acronym PASS is used to describe these four basic steps.

  1. Pull (Pin)
    Pull pin at the top of the extinguisher, breaking the seal. When in place, the pin keeps the handle from being pressed and accidentally operating the extinguisher. Immediately test the extinguisher. (Aiming away from the operator) This is to ensure the extinguisher works and also shows the operator how far the stream travels
  2. Aim
    Approach the fire standing at a safe distance. Aim the nozzle or outlet towards the base of the fire.
  3. Squeeze
    Squeeze the handles together to discharge the extinguishing agent inside. To stop discharge, release the handles.
  4. Sweep
    Sweep the nozzle from side to side as you approach the fire, directing the extinguishing agent at the base of the flames. After an A Class fire is extinguished, probe for smouldering hot spots that could reignite the fuel.

Extinguisher tips

  • The Australian Standard 2444 (AS 2444) Portable Fire Extinguishers and Fire Blankets selection and location will provide comprehensive information.
  • Ensure everyone in the home/office knows the location of all extinguishers and how to use them.
  • Only ever operate an extinguisher if safe to do so. If in doubt, get out.
  • Remove the safety pin by pulling it sharply (this also breaks the plastic seal). Test to ensure that the extinguisher is operable immediately after removing from the mounting bracket.
  • Always try to work in pairs for safety.
  • Carry or drag extinguisher to the scene of the fire.

In an Emergency Call Triple Zero (000)

A collaboration of Fire and Rescue NSW, NSW Rural Fire Service, ACT Fire Brigade and ACT Rural Fire Service


What is the first thing a nurse should do when there is a fire?

Right away, you need to implement the RACE protocol: rescue, alert, confine, and extinguish and evacuate. Rescue. Size up the fire scene and determine whether entering the immediate area is safe. If it is, remove everyone from the immediate fire scene.

When preparing to use a fire extinguisher What must you do first?

The acronym PASS is used to describe these four basic steps..
Pull (Pin) Pull pin at the top of the extinguisher, breaking the seal. ... .
Aim. Approach the fire standing at a safe distance. ... .
Squeeze. Squeeze the handles together to discharge the extinguishing agent inside. ... .

What should be your first action if you discover a fire aboard ship?

In case of fire, your first responsibility is to escape unharmed and sound the alarm.

When operating a portable fire extinguisher it is safest to approach the fire?

Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire and approach to a distance of about 10 feet, then squeeze the trigger to discharge the extinguisher. Approach the fire slowly, sweeping from side to side to cover the base of the fire evenly with the extinguishing agent.