In trying to coordinate traditional and emerging advertising and support media, ad agencies

Chapter 16: Event Sponsorship, Product Placements, and Branded EntertainmentRole of Event Sponsorship, Product Placements, and Branded Entertainment in IBPEvents, product placements, and branded entertainment offer advertiser some of mostexciting opportunities for IBPDynamic nature of events, product placement, and branded entertainment make thempotent additions to any IBP campaigndynamic nature means that rules for successhard to pin downBrand builders want to be embedded in entertainment that their target consumers enjoyConvergence of Madison & VineAdvertising, branding, and entertainment are converging at accelerating rate, andbecause of advertising-entertainment linkage, this convergence slotted under Madison& VineoRefers to 2 renown avenues representing advertising and entertainmentindustries, respectivelyImportant issue propelling this search for new ways to reach consumers is erosion ineffectiveness of traditional broadcast media“Chaos Scenario” – predicted several years ago by Advertising Age’s Bob Garfield – massexodus from traditional broadcast media was comingoAdvertisers’ dollars diverted from traditional media because fragmentation,consumers’ desire to control their information environment, and ad-avoidancehardware are undermining their valueoWith reduced funds available, networks will have less to invest in quality of theirprograms, leading to further reduction in size of their audiencescauses evenfaster advertiser defections“inexorable death spiral” for traditional mediaoPredicted brave new world where “marketing, even branding, are conductedwithout reliance on 30-sec spot or glossy spread”

There are things you can do in traditional media creatively that you just can’t do withother IBP techniquesBrand-building options most preferred by marketers with money they shift from old-school advertising are event and experiential marketingEvent SponsorshipInvolves marketer providing financial support to help fund eventIn return, marketer acquires rights to display brand name, logo, or advertising messageon-site at eventSports sponsorships draw biggest share of advertising dollars when it comes to eventsWho Uses Event Sponsorship?oEvents can be international in scope, may have distinctive local flavor – targetsmore local audiencesoProvide captive audience for sponsoroEvent sponsorship can yield face-to-face contact with real consumers and receivesimultaneous and follow-up publicityall good things for brandoEnglish professional soccer has become one of darlings of sports businessbecause of valuable marketing opportunities it supportsIn this world of big-time sports, global companies pay huge amounts tohave their names linked to top players/teamsFinding Sweet Spot for Event Sponsorshipo

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What are three main purposes of direct marketing programs?

A successful direct marketing program will: enable you to reach target individuals in an efficient way. help you to personalise and customise your messages. attract new customers and increase their value to your business over time.

What are some top guidelines for effectively using event sponsorship as a tool quizlet?

A guideline for effective event sponsorship is to look for a match or overlap between the lifestyles of the event attendees and the benefits your product can deliver.

What is the major sweet spot in event sponsorship for advertising and IBP?

The major sweet spot in event sponsorship comes when there is a significant overlap between the: event's participants and the marketer's target audience.

What is the difference between branded entertainment and product placement?

The main differentiators between the two are that product placement features a branded item whereas, in branded entertainment, the product is the feature. Branded content seamlessly weaves the product into the storyline so that audiences feel that it is an authentic part of the entertainment.