In this question, we consider some of the pros and cons of virtual-circuit and datagram networks

Virtual Circuit is the computer network providing connection-oriented service. It is a connection-oriented network. In virtual circuit resource are reserve for the time interval of data transmission between two nodes. This network is a highly reliable medium of transfer. Virtual circuits are costly to implement.

In this question, we consider some of the pros and cons of virtual-circuit anddatagram networks.a. Suppose that routers were subjected to conditions that might cause themto fail fairly often. Would this argue in favor of a VC or datagram architecture?Why?b. Suppose that a source node and a destination require that a fixed amountof capacity always be available at all routers on the path between thesource and destination node, for the exclusive use of traffic flowingbetween this source and destination node. Would this argue in favor of aVC or datagram architecture? Why?c. Suppose that the links and routers in the network never fail and that routingpaths used between all source/destination pairs remains constant. Inthis scenario, does a VC or datagram architecture have more control trafficoverhead? Why?

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Introductory Speech Outline Kendra Ford I. Introduction a. Success in life comes when you simply refuse to give up with goals so strong that obstacles and failure and loss only act as motivation - Anonymous b. Kendra c. Even though you may not have everything you need to get the job done does not mean you can’t get the job done. It may not be as easy as you hoped, but through failures and alternatives to solve problems, it will shape you into a more successful person. d. People see a confident successful individual when they look at me, but most don’t understand the reason as to how and why I have become who I am. The day my father left my household brought burdens onto me educationally, emotionally and financially. (Transition: Little did I know this is what was going to shape my drive to get where I believe I need to be in this world.) II. Being without the resources I was normally complacent to, had resulted in me having instability in education, emotions, and finances. (Transition: For instance) A. First reason 1. Educationally I would have to walk a mile or so to use wifi in order to get my work done. I never had a graphing calculator to use so I did all my work by hand. Whenever there was a math exam I would ask for a calculator. The teacher would yell at m

In this question, we consider some of the pros and cons of virtual-circuit and datagram networks.
a. Suppose that routers were subjected to conditions that might cause them to fail fairly often. Would this argue in favor of a VC or datagram architecture? Why?
b. Suppose that a source node and a destination require that a fixed amount of capacity always be available at all routers on the path between the source and destination node, for the exclusive use of traffic flowing between this source and destination node. Would this argue in favor of a VC or datagram architecture? Why?
c. Suppose that the links and routers in the network never fail and that routing paths used between all source/destination pairs remains constant. In this scenario, does a VC or datagram architecture have more control traffic overhead? Why?

a. Suppose that routers were subjected to conditions that might cause them to fail fairly often. Would this argue in favor of a VC or datagram architecture? Why?

b. Suppose that a source node and a destination require that a fixed amount of capacity always be available at all routers on the path between the source and destination node, for the exclusive use of traffic flowing between this source and destination node. Would this argue in favor of a VC or datagram architecture? Why?

c. Suppose that the links and routers in the network never fail and that rout- ing paths used between all source/destination pairs remains constant. In this scenario, does a VC or datagram architecture have more control traffic overhead? Why?

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