In the sender message channel receiver (smcr) model, what is the content being transmitted?

While the Aristotle model of communication puts the speaker in the central position and suggests that the speaker is the one who drives the entire communication, the Berlo’s model of communication takes into account the emotional aspect of the message. Berlo’s model of communication operates on the SMCR model.

In the SMCR model

In the sender message channel receiver (smcr) model, what is the content being transmitted?

Let us now study the all the factors in detail:

S - Source

The source in other words also called the sender is the one from whom the thought originates. He is the one who transfers the information to the receiver after carefully putting his thoughts into words.

How does the source or the sender transfer his information to the recipient ?

It is done with the help of communication skills, Attitude, Knowledge, Social System and Culture.

M - Message

When an individual converts his thoughts into words, a message is created. The process is also called as Encoding.

Any message further comprises of the following elements:

C - Channel

Channel - Channel actually refers to the medium how the information flows from the sender to the receiver.

How does one know what the other person is speaking ? - Through Hearing.

How does one know whether the pasta he has ordered is made in white sauce or not ? - Through Tasting.

How does one know that there is a diversion ahead or it’s a no parking zone? - Through Seeing.

How will an individual come to know that the food is fresh or stale ? How do we find out the fragrance of a perfume ? - Through Smelling.

How will you find out whether the milk is hot or not ? - Through Touching.

All the five senses are the channels which help human beings to communicate with each other.

R - Receiver

When the message reaches the receiver, he tries to understand what the listener actually wants to convey and then responds accordingly. This is also called as decoding.

The receiver should be on the same platform as the speaker for smooth flow of information and better understanding of the message. He should possess good communication skills to understand what the speaker is trying to convey. He should have the right attitude to understand the message in a positive way. His knowledge should also be at par with the listener and must know about the subject. He should also be from the same social and cultural background just like the speaker.

There are several loopholes in the Berlo’s model of communication. According to the berlo’s model of communication, the speaker and the listener must be on a common ground for smooth conversion which is sometimes not practical in the real scenario.

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What is the SMCR model of communication? If this is something that you are searching for, then you have come to the right place.

We all know that communication is one of the most important things in the world. It is the basic instinct of human beings and is extremely necessary for survival. However, as time went on, people started taking an interest in the way we communicate.

This brought the creation of several models of communication that explained the human process of communication, which involved transmission, transaction, and interaction. One of these models is the SMCR model of communication. Keep on reading this article till the end to learn more…

What Is The SMCR Model Of Communication?

David Berlo, in the year 1960, created the SMCR model of communication. It was first published in a book that was called El Proceso de la Comunicación, which roughly translates to The Process of Communication.

In this, the SMCR stands for sender or source, message, channel, and receiver. It is the model that represents human communication in the simplest form. In this communication model, Berlo describes all the factors or components that play a major role in the communication process.

The SMCR model of communication is considered an expansion of the Shannon Weaver Model of Communication. This said mode of communication explains that a message begins or originates at a particular point. This message that contains the information is then transported to the receiver of the message.

According to David Berlo, there are several other factors that are present in the process of communication. He breaks down the different parts of the linear model of communication by Shannon and Weaver.

Components Of SMCR Model Of Communication

In the sender message channel receiver (smcr) model, what is the content being transmitted?

Now that you know what the SMCR model of communication is, it is time to understand and emphasize the basic factors that make up this model of communication.

Here are the key elements of the SMCR model of communication:

Source Or Sender

In the sender message channel receiver (smcr) model, what is the content being transmitted?

Communication starts with the Sender. This is where it all begins. The sender is the source of the message that will be transported. This is where the message originates. This is the first step of the communication process.

The sender needs to have certain skills like communication skills and knowledge, as well as a clear understanding of the social systems that might have an effect on the message. All these skills are needed to efficiently transfer the message to the receiver.


In the sender message channel receiver (smcr) model, what is the content being transmitted?

The message is one of the most important parts of the SMCR model of communication. This is the result that takes place after the sender of the information converts his thoughts to a well-defined sentence by implementing all the necessary skills.

The process of the creation of the message by the sender is also called encoding. All the messages that are passed on are made up of content, elements, treatment, code, and structure.


In the sender message channel receiver (smcr) model, what is the content being transmitted?

The C in SMCR stands for Channel. It is the medium through which the information or the message reaches the receiver. There are several modes of transmission of the message. It can either be verbal or non-verbal. It can be written, audio, video, or through voice.

There are times when the message is transmitted, even through body language or gestures. In general terms, there are five ways in which human beings communicate. They are through smelling, touching, gearing, tasting, and seeing.


In the sender message channel receiver (smcr) model, what is the content being transmitted?

The receiver in communication is the last stage of the SMCR model of communication. This is where the journey of the message that was being transported ends. When the message reaches the receiver, they try to understand the meaning and need for the message. This is the process of decoding.

After decoding the message of the sender, the receiver needs to think of all the things that are related to it. In this way, they are able to respond to the message smoothly. According to Berlo, communication can be effective when the sender and receiver are on the same page or same level. Only then can the communication be smooth.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Now that you have almost reached the end of this article, I hope that most of your queries have been answered. However, here are some of the questions that readers frequently ask regarding the SMCR model of communication. You might want to go through them to learn a bit more about the topic.

1. What is the full form of SMCR in communication?

The full form of SMCR in the model of communication is the sender-message-channel-receiver model of communication. This is the expansion of the Shannon Weaver communication model, but David Berlo created it.

2. What are the other important models of communication?

There are many models that are used in the act of communication. Here are some of the most important models of communication:

• Berlo’s SMCR model of communication
• Aristotle’s model of communication
• The linear model of communication
• Interactive model of communication
• Westley and Maclean’s model of communication.

3. What are the four elements of the SMCR model of communication?

In case you are looking for the four elements of the SMCR model of communication by BERLO, then here they are:

• Sender
• Message
• Channel
• Receiver

Wrapping It Up!

Communication is one of the most important things in the world. It is a basic necessity that is crucial for survival. Throughout history, there are several models of communication have been brought to the forefront. And one of them is the SMCR model of communication.

In case you were searching for information regarding the SMCR model of communication, I hope that you found this article to be of help. Furthermore, if there are any other queries related to the same, kindly feel free to write them down in the comment section below.

More Resources:

  • Importance Of Your Tone Of Voice In Communication
  • Importance Of Your Tone Of Voice In Communication
  • Top 15 Ways To Boost Your Upward Communication In The Workplace?

How is the message transmitted in Berlo's SMCR model?

Berlo's model could be summarized as a sender delivering a message through a platform to a recipient. Two actions are inherent in this model: Encoding happens on the sender's end, involving the way in which the message is transmitted; and. The receiver must decode the message through the channel that was used.

Which model of communication is also known as SMCR sender message channel receiver?

The Source-Message-Channel-Receiver model is a linear transmission model of communication. It is also referred to as SMCR model, Sender-Message-Channel-Receiver model, and Berlo's model. It was first published by David Berlo in his 1960 book The Process of Communication.

What is the transmission model of communication between a sender and receiver?

The transmission model of communication describes communication as a linear, one-way process in which a sender intentionally transmits a message to a receiver (Ellis & McClintock, 1990). This model focuses on the sender and message within a communication encounter.

What part of the model of communication shows how the sender conveys the message through a channel?

The linear or transmission model of communication, as shown in Figure 2.2. 1, describes communication as a linear, one-way process in which a sender intentionally transmits a message to a receiver (Ellis & McClintock, 1990). This model focuses on the sender and message within a communication encounter.