Identify the training method that is used for conveying facts or comparing alternatives

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Identify The Training Method That Is Used For Conveying Facts Or Comparing Alternatives.

a. Hands-on method b. Presentation method c. Group-building method d. On-the-job training program e. Object class method


B. Presentation method

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Identify the training method that is used for conveying facts or comparing alternatives
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61.Identify the training method that is used for conveying facts or comparing alternatives.A.Hands-on methodB.Presentation methodC.Group-building methodD.On-the-job training programE.Object class method

62.Which of the following training methods uses techniques like lectures, workbooks, videoclips, podcasts, and web sites?

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63.According to Trevor, when faced with a choice between instructor-led classroom trainingand computer-based training, an organization must always choose computer-basedtraining. Which of the following, if true, weakens Trevor's claim?

An organization's planned effort to help employees acquire job related knowledge skills abilities and behaviors is known as ____

____ Refers to a process of systematically developing training to meet specified needs

The first step in the instructional design process is

Conducting a needs assessment

What is a learning management system

A software application program that automates the administration development and delivery of training programs

Which of the following defines needs assessment in the context of training?

It is the process of evaluating the organization, individual employees, and employees' tasks to determine what kinds of training are necessary

Needs assessment usually begins with____

Organization analysis looks at training needs with respect to the 

Management's support for training activities

Which of the following considers an organization's strategy and the resources available for training important before starting any training program?

Which of the following help a manager identify which employees need training?

Which of the following primary variables in a persona analysis can be affected by training?

The employee's ability and skills

Which of the following proceedings identifies the knowledge, skills, and behaviors that training should emphasize?

Which of the following is a characteristic of task analysis?

It is usually conducted along with person analysis

___ is a combination of employee characteristics and positive work environment that permit training

Employees readiness characteristics for training include basic learning skills, especially____, which includes being able to use written and spoken language, solve math problems, and use logic to solve problems

Readiness for training depends on two broad characteristics of the work environment Situational constraints and _____

___ is the limit on training's effectiveness that arises from the conditions within the organization.

____ refers to the ways an organization's people encourage training

Which of the following documents outlines the type of service needed, the type and number of references needed, and the number of employees to be trained?

When using an outside expert, a complete ____ should indicate funding for the project and the process by which the organization will determine its level of satisfaction

Whether the training is done in house or contracted out, the responsibility for coordinating the overall training program is called

Which of the following training methods is used for conveying facts or comparing alternatives

Compared to other training methods, the hands on training methods is most effective for

Which of the following training methods uses techniques like lectures, workbooks, video clips, podcasts, and websites?

Which of the following is true of audiovisual training?

It is not affected by an individual trainers goals and skills 

Which of the following is true of computer based training?

It gives a company the flexibility in scheduling training

You manage a car dealership..... This learning approach is known as a ?

Electronic performance support system

Which of the following is true of electronic performance support systems?

They provide expert advise when a problem occurs on the job

Which of the following is a work study training method that reached skills through a combination of on the job training and classroom training?

Which off the following is an example of an on the job training method?

Which of the following statements is true of apprenticeship?

Apprentices can earn income while learning a trade

Which of the following is a difference between apprenticeship and internship?

Apprenticeship is sponsored by employee union where internships are sponsored by educational institutions

Which of the following is an on the job training program that is generally sponsored by an educational institution as a component of an academic program?

Which of the following types of professions would typically have an apprenticeship?

Which of the following types of professions would typically have an internship?

____ is a training method that represents a real life situation with trainees making decisions resulting in outcomes that mirror what would happen on the job?

Which of the following statements is true of simulators used in training?

They must have elements identical to those found in the work environment

Which of the following defines an avatar used in training by simulation?

A computer depiction of employees that can be manipulated in an online role play

Using avatars for training purposes would be and example of _____

____ is a computer based technology that provides an interactive, three dimensional learning experience 

A ____ is a detailed description of a situation that trainees analyze and discuss and is designed to develop higher order thinking.

Which of the following statements is true for case studies?

Cases practice trainees in weighing and acting on uncertain outcomes after evaluating a case

___ Involves training sessions in which participants observe other people demonstrating the desired behavior, then have opportunities to practice the behavior themselves

Behavior modeling is especially useful for improving

Which of the following is an example of an experiential training method?

Stan and his work colleagues take part in a rafting course sponsored by the company

One form of experiential training, called _____ is a teamwork and leadership training program based on the use of challenging, structured outdoor activities.

Team training in which team members understand and practice each others skills so that they are prepared to step in and take another member's place is referred to as?

Which of the following is an example of the cross training method?

Mary who is a cashier, is being trained to stock shelves in chase there is a shortage of employees

____ is a team training method where teams are trained on how to share information and decisions to obtain the best team performance?

Giving teams or work groups an actual problem, having them work on solving it and commit to an action plan, and holding them accountable for carrying out the plan describes?

Marcus heads a garbage disposal firm calls the clean out company.......Which of the following types of team learning did Marcus employ here?

The difficulty level of written materials is known as?

Which of the following methods helps increase readability of training material

Add checklists and illustrations to clarify text

When should a training program be evaluated?

When the program is being developed

On the job use of knowledge, skills, and behaviors learned in training constitutes 

____ requires that employees actually learn the content of the training program and that the necessary conditions are in place for employees to apply what they learned

Information such as facts, techniques, and procedures that trainees can recall after the training, and skills that trainees can demonstrate in tests are examples of ____?

e most accurate way to evaluate the training program is to ?

Conduct pretests and train only part of the employees

The simplest approach to evaluating training is to ?

Training designed to prepare employees to preform their jobs effectively, learn about the organization, and establish work relationships is known as?

Organizations provide for orientation because 

It relieves the shock and surprise experienced when starting a new job

What is the objective of diversity training programs that focus on attitudes?

To increase participants awareness of cultural, ethic, personal, and physical differences in the workforce.

Diversity training programs that focus on behavior aim at?

Changing organizational policies and individual conduct that inhibit employees personal growth and productivity

Which of the following is a form of diversity training provided by some organizations that involves sending employees into communities where they have to interact with persons from different cultures, races, and nationalities?

Trainees are likely to respond more positively to which of the following approaches of diversity training?

Teaching employees skills for constructively handling communication barriers, conflicts, and misunderstandings that arise when different people try to work together.

Which of the following characteristics would make diversity training more effective?

It should be tied to business objectives.

What training remains the most widely used method of training?

Classroom-style training is the most traditional and popular training method for employees.

What is a training method that coordinates the performance of individuals who work together to achieve a common goal?

___ is a training method that coordinates the performance of individuals who work together to achieve a common goal. Team training in which team members understand and practice each other's skills so that they are prepared to step in and take another member's place is referred to as: a. coordination training.

Which of the following is a work study training method that teaches job skills through a combination of on the job and classroom training?

Unlike internships, apprenticeships are not networking or resume-building opportunities. They are structured programs that offer students a formal way to gain skills on the career path they wish to follow. Apprenticeships combine on the job training with classroom learning and take an average of 3-4 years to complete.

Which of the following methods will the manager use to identify individuals needs and readiness for training?

Conducting a Performance Analysis This technique is used to identify which employees need the training. Review performance appraisals.