Identify advantages of combining a procedural language with a non-procedural language.

Both Procedural and Non-procedural Languages are widely used in the development of applications and other computer software. Both these types of languages have different approaches on the basis of which we can differentiate them. In this article, we will discuss the important differences between procedural and non-procedural programming languages. Let's start with some basics of procedural and nonprocedural language.

What is a Procedural Language?

Procedural languages are command-driven or statement-oriented programming languages. A program written using a procedural programming language includes a sequence of statements, and the implementation of each statement generates the interpreter to modify the value of one or more areas in its memory that enters a new state.

In procedural languages, the user would specify what has to be done and how it can be done, i.e. the step by step procedure of it. Therefore, a program written using procedural language works with the state of machine. However, the size of the program would be large. But, the overall efficiency of a procedural language program is high. The common examples procedural programming languages are BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL, C, Pascal, etc.

What is a Non-Procedural Language?

Non-procedural languages are fact-oriented programing languages. The programs written in non-procedural languages specify what is to be done and do not state exactly how a result is to be evaluated. In the non-procedural programming language, the user would specify what has to be done but doesn't get into the how it has to be done part. It is known as an applicative or functional language because it works with the help of mathematical functions.

Non-procedural languages involve developing functions based on other functions, in order to construct other complicated functionalities. The semantics of a non-procedural language are simple in comparison to procedural languages.

Non-procedural languages have the ability to return any datatype or value. The program size is also small in case of non-procedural language. The common examples of non-procedural languages are LISP, SQL, PROLOG, etc.

Difference between Procedural and Non-Procedural Languages

The following table highlights all the significant differences between procedural and non-procedural languages −

FactorProcedural LanguageNon-Procedural Language
Basic Procedural languages are command-driven or statement-oriented programming languages. Non-procedural languages are fact-oriented programing languages. The programs written in non-procedural languages specify what is to be done and do not state exactly how a result is to be evaluated.
Also known as Procedural languages are also known as command-driven languages. Non-procedural languages are also known as applicative or functional languages.
User specify The user would specify what has to be done and how it can be done, i.e., the stepbystep procedure. The users would specify "what has to be done" but they don't get into the "how it has to be done" part.
Program code The program code is written in the form of a sequence of instructions. It involves developing function based on other functions, in order to construct other complicated functionalities.
Semantics complexity Its semantics are tough in comparison to other paradigms. Its semantics are simple in comparison to procedural languages.
Working It works with the state of machine. It works with the help of mathematical functions.
Data types and values It returns restricted data types and certain allowed values only. It has the ability to return any datatype or value.
Program size The size of the program would be large. The programs are small in size.
Efficiency The overall efficiency is high. The overall efficiency of non-procedural language is low in comparison to procedural language.
Suitability It is not suited for applications where time is a critical constraint. It is well-suited for applications where time is a critical factor.
Examples Examples of procedural languages include BASIC, FORTRAN, ALGOL, C, COBOL, and Pascal. Examples of non-procedural languages include LISP, SQL, PROLOG.


The most significant difference that you should note here is that a procedural language is one in which the program code is written in the form of a sequence of instructions, whereas a non-procedural language is one in which programs are written using functions.

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Identify advantages of combining a procedural language with a non-procedural language.

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6.Identify advantages of combining a procedural language with a non-procedurallanguage.

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What is the difference between a procedural and non

The programs in procedural language specify what is to be accomplished by a program and instruct the computer on accurately how the evaluation is completed. The programs in non-procedural language specify what is to be done and do not state exactly how a result is to be evaluated.

What does it mean for a language to be non

In general, a non-procedural language (also called a declarative language) requires the programmer to specify what the program should do, rather than (as with a procedural language) providing the sequential steps indicating how the program should perform its task(s).

What is meant by procedural language?

A procedural language is a type of computer programming language that specifies a series of well-structured steps and procedures within its programming context to compose a program. It contains a systematic order of statements, functions and commands to complete a computational task or program.

What is procedural language with examples?

A procedural language is a computer programming language that follows, in order, a set of commands. Examples of computer procedural languages are BASIC, C, FORTRAN, Java, and Pascal. Procedural languages are some of the common types of programming languages used by script and software programmers.