How much medial rotation of the elbow is needed to position it for AP oblique projection?

Identify each lettered bone or joint: A

Identify each lettered bone or joint: B

Identify each lettered bone or joint: C

Identify each lettered bone or joint: D

Identify each lettered bone or joint: E

Identify each lettered bone or joint: F

Identify each lettered bone or joint: G

What projection is demonstrated?

What projection is demonstrated?

On which hand surface should the hand be rested when performing the lateral projection image of the fourth or fifth digit?

How many degrees from the PA position should a finger be rotated for PA oblique projection?

All thumb images should include the ____ carpal within the collimated field

Identify each lettered bone or joint: A

Identify each lettered bone or joint: B

Identify each lettered bone or joint: C

Identify each lettered bone or joint: D

Identify each lettered bone or joint: E

Identify each lettered bone or joint: F

Which two groups of joints of the hand and digits should be demonstrated open on the image of the PA projection of the hand?

Metacarpophalangeal and Interphalangeal

Identify each lettered bone or joint: A

Identify each lettered bone or joint: B

Identify each lettered bone or joint: C

Identify each lettered bone or joint: D

Identify each lettered bone or joint: E

Identify each lettered bone or joint: F

Identify each lettered bone or joint: G

Identify each lettered bone or joint: H

Identify each lettered bone or joint: I

Identify each lettered bone or joint: J

Identify each lettered bone or joint: K

Which image best demonstrates Interphalangeal joints?

Which projection of the hand should demonstrate superimposed phalanges?

Lateral hand is best used to demonstrate:

Foreign bodies
Displacement of fractures in the metacarpals

Identify each lettered individual bone or group of bones: A

Identify each lettered individual bone or group of bones: B

Identify each lettered individual bone or group of bones: C

Identify each lettered individual bone or group of bones: D

Identify each lettered individual bone or group of bones: E

Identify each lettered individual bone or group of bones: F

Identify each lettered individual bone or group of bones: G

Identify each lettered individual bone or group of bones: H

Flexing the fingers for the PA projection of the wrist decreases ____ and increases ____

Identify each lettered carpal bone: A

Identify each lettered carpal bone: B

Identify each lettered carpal bone: C

Identify each lettered carpal bone: D

Identify each lettered carpal bone: E

Identify each lettered carpal bone: F

Identify each lettered carpal bone: G

Identify each lettered carpal bone: H

For the lateral projection of the wrist how should the elbow be positioned?

For the lateral projection of the wrist which surface of the wrist should be in contact with the IR

Identify each lettered structure: A

Identify each lettered structure: B

Identify each lettered structure: C

Identify each lettered structure: D

Identify each lettered structure: E

Identify each lettered structure: F

Identify each lettered structure: G

What other bones in addition to the metacarpals and carpals should be superimposed for the lateral wrist projection?

How much should the wrist be rotated for the PA oblique projection?

For the PA oblique projection when the scaphoid is of primary interest the scaphoid can sometimes be better demonstrated if the patient deviates the hand and wrist toward the ___

Identify each lettered structure: A

Identify each lettered structure: B

Identify each lettered structure: C

Identify each lettered structure: D

Identify each lettered structure: E

Identify each lettered structure: F

Identify each lettered structure: G

Demonstrates the ___ projection of the wrist in ___ position

Which bone is of primary interest with this projection?

To delineate a fracture line better with a PA projection of the wrist in ulnar deviation how many degrees and in which direction may the central ray be directed?

10-15 degrees proximally or distally

Demonstrates the ___ projection ( ___ method)

Which carpal bone is of primary interest with the stecher method?

How far horizontal should the IR be inclined toward the elbow?

When using a wedge to elevate the IR how should the central ray be directed toward the wrist?

If no wedge is used to angle the IR how should the central ray be directed toward the wrist?

At a 20 degree angle toward the elbow

Gaynor-Hart Method: with reference to the plane of the IR how should the long axis of the hand be positioned?

Gaynor-Hart Method: With reference to the long axis of the hand how much should the central ray be angled?

Identify each lettered structure: A

Identify each lettered structure: B

Identify each lettered structure: C

Identify each lettered structure: D

Identify each lettered structure: E

Identify each lettered structure: F

Identify each lettered structure: G

Identify each lettered structure: H

For the AP projection of the forearm how should the elbow be positioned?

If the hand is pronated for the AP projection of the forearm the image will demonstrate this:

Radius and ulna crossed over each other

Identify each lettered structure: A

Identify each lettered structure: B

Identify each lettered structure: C

Identify each lettered structure: D

Identify each lettered structure: E

Identify each lettered structure: F

Identify each lettered structure: G

Identify each lettered structure: H

Identify each lettered structure: I

For the lateral projection of the forearm how should the elbow be positioned?

T/F the hand should be pronated for the lateral projection

Identify each lettered structure: A

Identify each lettered structure: B

Identify each lettered structure: C

Identify each lettered structure: D

Identify each lettered structure: E

Identify each lettered structure: F

Identify each lettered structure: G

For the AP projection of the elbow why should the hand be positioned with the palm facing up?

To prevent rotation of the bones of the forearm

Identify each lettered structure: A

Identify each lettered structure: B

Identify each lettered structure: C

Identify each lettered structure: D

Identify each lettered structure: E

Identify each lettered structure: F

Identify each lettered structure: G

Identify each lettered structure: H

For the lateral projection of the elbow how should the hand be adjusted?

Lateral with the thumb side up

How many degrees of flexion of the elbow are necessary for the lateral projection?

How should the humeral Epicondyles appear in the image of the lateral projection of the elbow?

Identify each lettered structure: A

Identify each lettered structure: B

Identify each lettered structure: C

Identify each lettered structure: D

Identify each lettered structure: E

Identify each lettered structure: F

Identify each lettered structure: G

Identify each lettered structure: H

How much medial rotation of the elbow is needed to position it for AP oblique projection?

Which AP oblique projection positioning movement (medial rotation or lateral rotation) requires the hand to be pronated?

Identify each lettered structure: A

Identify each lettered structure: B

Identify each lettered structure: C

Identify each lettered structure: D

Which image would best demonstrate: open elbow joint

AP Oblique Elbow (lateral rotation) or AP Oblique Elbow (medial rotation)

Which image would best demonstrate: coronoid Process in profile

AP Oblique Elbow (lateral rotation) or AP Oblique Elbow (medial rotation)

Which image would best demonstrate: radial Head projected free of the ulna

AP Oblique Elbow (lateral rotation) or AP Oblique Elbow (medial rotation)

Which image would best demonstrate: elongated medial humeral Epicondyle

AP Oblique Elbow (lateral rotation) or AP Oblique Elbow (medial rotation)

Which image would best demonstrate: ulna superimposed by the radial head and neck

AP Oblique Elbow (lateral rotation) or AP Oblique Elbow (medial rotation)

Which image demonstrates an AP projection of the distal humerus?

Which image demonstrates an AP projection of the proximal forearm?

Which image demonstrates the elbow joint partially opened?

For the AP distal humerus projection (partially flexed elbow) what part of the upper limb should be parallel and in contact with the IR?

In the AP distal humerus projection (partially flexed elbow) image, what part of the upper limb will appear greatly foreshortened in the image?

Proximal radius and ulnar

For the AP proximal forearm projection (partially flexed elbow) what part of the upper limb should be parallel and in contact with the IR

In the AP proximal forearm projection (partially flexed elbow) image what part of the upper limb will appear greatly foreshortened in the image?

What position is the hand in for the axiolateral projection (coyle method) of the elbow?

Hand should be pronated for the axiolateral projection (coyle method) of the elbow

What specific anatomy is best demonstrated on the axiolateral projection (coyle method) of the elbow when the central ray is directed 45 degrees toward the shoulder?

An open elbow joint between the radial head and capitulum

What anatomy is best demonstrated?

What anatomy is best demonstrated?

The coronoid Process of the ulna

Match the projections of the elbow to the evaluation criteria: AP projection

Humeral Epicondyles should not be rotated or superimposed

In what position should the hand be for an AP medial rotation oblique elbow position?

Elbow AP Oblique Medial (Internal) Rotation Place the arm on the table with elbow straight. Ideally, the upper arm, elbow, and forearm are all resting on the table. Position of part Extend the upper limb and place elbow in the center of the image receptor, hand prone.

How much rotation of the distal humerus is required for the AP medial oblique projection of the elbow?

How much rotation of the humeral epicondyles is required for the AP medial oblique projection of the elbow: 45 degrees.

How many degrees should the elbow be angled for an AP oblique projection in medial rotation?

An AP oblique radiograph requires the elbow to be oriented 45 degrees in internal rotation. A lateral radiograph of the elbow requires the elbow to be flexed 90 degrees with the forearm and humerus laying flat on the table and the image receptor, ulnar side down on the receptor, and thumb/radial side up.

What is the proper patient position for the AP projection of the forearm?

Positioning for an AP projection of the forearm Ensure that both the wrist and elbow joints are included. Ask the patient to lean laterally until the forearm is in a true supinated position, and adjust the humeral epicondyles so they are equidistant from the cassette.