Grammatical rules that dictate how words should be pronounced are referred to as


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Semantics Relationship between symbols, objects, people, and concepts, and the words have for people, either because of their definitions or their placement in a sentence
High Language More formal language
Nonverbal Communication intentionally or unintentionally signaling meaning through behavior other than words
Transactional messages are dependent on and influenced by other person
Appropriate Communication meets demands of situation and expectations of others
Feedback receiver's responses
Problem-Solving Group a group to solve a problem
Perception interpret experiences and come to unique understanding
Communication Processing gather, organize and evaluate information
Schema a tool to guide his or her perception of event
Culture Shared beliefs, values, and practices
Ethics study of morals, specifically moral choices individuals make in their relationships with others
Affiliation person leans in, make eye contact, smiling, laughing at your jokes
Mindlessness reduced cognitive activity, inaccurate recall, and uncritical evaluations
Primary Group family
Interaction Appearance Theory thoughts of a person's physical appearance change as we communicate with them
Communication use symbols and behaviors to exchange information
Fundamental Attribution Error blaming others mistakes on internal flows while our own external
Improving Perception Verify, thoughtful when seeking explanations and look beyond first impressions
Kinesics body movements
Denotative Meaning dictionanry definition of word
Selective Perceptions Distracted by mispronounced words, "um," and gestures that you miss point of communication
Cultural Myopia Failure to consider others cultural perspectives
Stereotyping fitting our perceptions of individuals into our existing schemas without adjusting that schema
Phonological Rule grammatical rules that dictate how words should be pronounced
Linear Model of Communication no feedback (only sender, receiver, decode, encode, channel)
Love affection and attachment to another with commitment, passion, and intimacy
Benefits of Productive Conflict fosters healthy debate, improve decision making, and spurs relationship growth
High-context culture subtle cues to communicate, indirect
Individualistic needs, rights, and personal identity instead of those of the group
Uncertainly Avoidance degree to which a culture adapts its behaviors in order to reduce ambiguity and risk
Monoschronic time time is finite
Undue influence allowing someone else to convince you to do something that you really dont want to do
Language system of symbols we use to think about and communicate experiences and feelings
Equivocation Words with unclear or misleading definitions to get out of an uncomfortable situation
Repeating Saying "OK" and giving the ok hand symbol
Low-context United States is more direct
Substituting Unable to use verbal communication and substitute a nonverbal gesture, replaces does not clarify or reinforce
Communication Boundary Management Not discussing certain topics in an effort to not hurt or be insensitive to another's feelings
Content Oriented Listeners Critical listening
Emblem holding up one finger to the mouth to communicate, "be quiet"
Jargon technical language that is specific to a group or person
Channel Discrepancy One set of person's behaviors say one thing and another set of behaviors says something different
Adaptor Nonverbal behaviors that arise subconsciously in an anxious situation, legs shaking, twisting hair
Chronemics time as a non-verbal
Norms patterns of behavior and thought excepted as the usual way of doing things
Interpersonal Relationship interconnections and interdependence between two people
Proximity how physical close a person is affects attraction
Regulating nonverbal behavior that coordinates verbal interaction by helping us to navigate the back and forth of communication in a constructive, appropriate manner
Loyalty maintaining relationships despite disagreementa and framing difference as positive
Storage Love love someone, but not in love with them
Hearing physiological process
Social information processing theroy intimacy takes longer to develop online because communicators need to use unique language and stylistic cues
Hyperpersonal Communication self disclosing too much, too personal, too early
Inclusion involving other in our life and being involve in theirs
Conflict A negative interaction between two or more inter depended people
Action oriented listeners focus on getting tasks completed
Slang Using words in a different way then what originally define
Matching Hypothesis Attracted to others with comparable levels of physical attraction
Provocation Incompetence, aggression, and relationship threats
Communication Climate dominate temper, attitudes, and outlook of a relationship
Defensive Climate mistrust, suspicion, and apprehension
Flaming posting of hostile and insulting messages online to provoke anger
Feeling attempting to put someone in a good mood to get what you want
Clique small subgroups of individuals who have bonded withing a larger group
Control power to influence others
Euphemism Replacing offensive words with less offensive words
Collectivist Look at whole group
Team a group that works together to carry out a project or to compete
Decoding interpreting and assigning meaning
Interdependence what you do to me affects me and what i do affects you
Informational Listeners students comprehend but do not analyze
Gender behavior and cultural traits assign to men and women and a way a particular cultural defines feminist and masculinity
Connotative meaning cognitive thought or emotion
Listening apprehension uneasiness anxiety of fear of listening
Intercultural communication communication with people from different culture with different world views
Stages of a Group Development Forming- set responsibilities and group goals Norming- choose a leader
Diverse surrounded by people from many different backgrounds
Steps in listening process selecting, attending, understanding, remembering, responding
Critical listening listen critically and judge or challenge all aspects
Paraphrasing guess, thoughts and feeling of partner and restate back to them
Selecting choose what to listen to
Unbalanced Costs and Rewards too much cost and not much reward or vice versa
Productive Conflict Conflict that is manged affectingly
Attending focus your attention on the message
Group three or more people who share a relationship are interdependent and collaborate towards a share purpose

What type of language rules deal with the pronunciation of words?

Phonological rules deal with the correct pronunciation of words.

Which term refers to the meaning that words have for people either because of their definitions or their placement in a sentence?

Semantics. the relationship among symbols, objects, people, and concepts. the meaning that words have for people, either because of their definitions or because of their placement in a sentence. Pragmatics. the ability to use culture's symbol systems appropriately.

Which term refers to a form of communication in which a communicator changes his or her regular language and slang to fit into a particular group?

code switching. a type of accommodation in which communications change their regular language and slang to fit into a particular group.

Is a system of symbols governed by grammatical rules that we use to think about and communicate experiences and feelings?

Language can be defined as a system of symbols that is used to communicate. Although language is used to communicate with others, we may also talk to ourselves and use words in our thinking. The words we use can influence the way we think about and understand our experiences.


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